Feb 19 2004, 08:46 PM
Is anybody here who lives around Toronto going to the Pandemonium con? There's a bit of Shadowrun there, but it's mostly just D&D, Hackmaster, Cthulhu, LARP, and CCG stuff. It's a fun con, though, and I attended last year.
Just curious.
Feb 19 2004, 10:27 PM
I've been thinking about it; some of the other GOO staffers will be there, running a demo for our upcoming RPG based on The Authority.
Ancient History
Feb 19 2004, 11:29 PM
The Authority? COuld be interesting. Do you know anything about the system on that 'un Adam?
Feb 19 2004, 11:45 PM
Tri-Stat and d20; both systems in the core book.
Ancient History
Feb 19 2004, 11:57 PM
Damn. I was rather hoping for a modified d20 along Mutants & Masterminds lines. Oh dwell.
Feb 20 2004, 01:38 AM
QUOTE (Adam) |
I've been thinking about it; some of the other GOO staffers will be there, running a demo for our upcoming RPG based on The Authority. |
As much faith as I have in you, Adam, you screw that up and it's stabbity time.
Please ignore pretty much everything after Earth Inferno, please. That stuff was a disgrace.
Feb 20 2004, 06:56 AM
AH: The d20 stuff will be a system very similar to GoO's Silver Age Sentinels d20 system, with some mods to make it more Authority-centric. It will be more or less classless, in that all characters will be built from one open-ended class.
moosegod: I'm not working on the book; at most I'll be proofreading and giving it a light edit. I'm not sure off-hand exactly which story arcs the core book and supplements will be covering.
Feb 20 2004, 10:43 PM
Well, I decided against going to Pandemonium, as I have a metric ton of work to do.
The Burning One
Feb 27 2004, 08:07 PM
Darnit Adam, I can honestly say your presence was missed. Overall a good con but it lacked sufficient variety in the genre of games presented.
A few friends and I are getting together to remedy that situation for next year. We're in the process of writing up some SR tournament modules for 3-6 players that we plan on running next Pandemonium. Hopefully it'll be a good showing and get some exposure for the game we all so greatly adore.
Feb 27 2004, 09:25 PM
Anyone going to the
Great Canadian Baycon in April/May? I'll likely be there - working, but there.
hrmm. Maybe we could get some Shadowrun Missions stuff going in the GTA area. . .
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