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Full Version: Top 6 RPG Snacks OF ALL TIME!
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Ok, have at is.

1 - Red Rose Iced Tea
2 - Ling Ling's
3 - Red Ropes
4 - Top Ramen
5 - Peanut Butter and a Hersheys
6 - Chocolate Pebbies
I don't think I've ever had any of those at a game session, except maybe Red Ropes. I'd also argue that beverages should be a seperate category than snacks, and that Ramen does not count as a snack, even if it's not that filling. THat's a bit more of a meal, though not much of one.

For me, snacks are, well, snacks. Candy, chips, and other munchies that you nosh on.

My Top 5 would be:

1. Gummi Worms (Or really any Gummi candy)
2. Doritos
3. Reeces Pieces
4. M&M's
5. Frito's Scoops with Lays Mild Chedder dip.

Also, beverages: Mt Dew. I can fill a Top 5 list with Mt Dew flavors. smile.gif

Food: Pizza, Chinese (Sweet & Sour CHicen for me), or Hot Subs (Usually a Turkey & Swiss).
Kanada Ten
    6. Pitas and Hummus
    5. Combos
    4. Junior Mints
    3. Coffee
    2. Rolaids
    1. Benadryl
- 1 Chips
- 2 Peanut Flips
- 3 Chocolate
- 4 Chips
- 5 Peanut Flips
- 6 Chocolate
Bob Lord of Evil
Top Snacks
Reeses peanut buttercups
Dwarven Tide me Overs (artery cloggin goodness from Dragonlance's "Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home")
Chips and Salsa
Chocolate chip cookies
Reeces Pieces

Top Beverages
Iced Tea
MGD in bottles
Glenlevit (neat...i.e. no ice)
7up and Spearmint Schnapps
Crown Royal (so you could get the purple velvet bag to hold all of your dice)
Prime Mover
No booze for us at the table anymore. That got banned years ago when the X-men showed up in a dungeon.
Dorito's, Coca-Cola and Chili Cheese Dog's were always the stand by.
Recently its been Diet pop, coffee with occasional meal, chips or pizza.
Bob Lord of Evil
As with all things...moderation is always advised. biggrin.gif
Well with my one D&D group it's usually:

Gummie Candy
Veggies and Dip

We usually drink Coke or Pepsi and generally have a beer or two or glass of wine over the course of a session.

Dinner is a rotating thing. Each week the group member who's turn it is cooks, except for one of us who literally cannot cook, he orders pizza.

The Shadowrun group... Can't say we have anything regular. We'll eat chips or whatever is lurking in the back of my pantry and appears vaguely snack like, and we'll order in either pizza, Thai, or Chinese food.

As an interesting aside. One of these groups consists of 6 guys, the other 3 guys, 3 girls...
Top Foods:

1. Andy Capp's Hot Fries
2. White Castle
3. Red Vines
4. Popcorn
5. Sour Patch Kids

Top Drinks:

1. Mountain Dew
2. Amp Energy Drinks
3. Coffee
4. Coke
5. NOS Energy Drinks

I will have to try the 7up and Spearmint sounds awesome!
QUOTE (Bob Lord of Evil @ May 21 2010, 09:55 AM) *
Crown Royal (so you could get the purple velvet bag to hold all of your dice)
I use my Corsair PSU bag. biggrin.gif
Top Drinks:
Vodka mixed with any of the above

Corn Chips+Salsa or melted dark chocolate
Granola Bar, usually chocolate chip
Tim's potato chips (I'm spoiled on these and refuse to eat lesser potato chips)
Peanut M&Ms
QUOTE (Kanada Ten @ May 21 2010, 09:39 AM) *
    6. Pitas and Hummus
    5. Combos
    4. Junior Mints
    3. Coffee
    2. Rolaids
    1. Benadryl

Heh. Rolaids!

Tuns is definately a post-game snack for me smile.gif

Red Bull/any energy drink really
Juice(of many fruits)

1. Doritos
Trying to rank the rest at our table would be messy
Chips 'n' Salsa; sliced fruits, vegetables, cheese and dips; crackers and summer sausage; Whiskey with mixers, and Red Bull. We rotate through assorted menus. But this generally what we gravitate towards.
popcorn, candy, frozen pizza, and take-out from SONIC is the norm at our table. i guess soda pop and flavored water rounds out to six, but those arent really snacks are they??
I like frozen Kinder chocolate bars (kinda like ice). grinbig.gif

When I'm feeling up to it I'll make a meat and cheese dip known collectively by my group as "the crack!" Start by caramelizing some onions, brown a pound of burger, add garlic and cilantro. Then add cheese, salsa and if your guts can handle it jalapeño's, and if you want variety sliced red, orange and/or yellow bell peppers. Add a side of tortilla chips, and maybe maybe sliced fresh tomatoes, onions and lime wedges....and well that's a snack.
QUOTE (Paul @ May 23 2010, 07:03 AM) *
When I'm feeling up to it I'll make a meat and cheese dip known collectively by my group as "the crack!" Start by caramelizing some onions, brown a pound of burger, add garlic and cilantro. Then add cheese, salsa and if your guts can handle it jalapeño's, and if you want variety sliced red, orange and/or yellow bell peppers. Add a side of tortilla chips, and maybe maybe sliced fresh tomatoes, onions and lime wedges....and well that's a snack.

May I join your group!?
My gaming group keeps our local thai place in business, so we usually all wind up with some form of curry (green curry is a fav) with egg rolls as our meal.

Snacks for me tend to be:
Walmart brand Cajun Trail Mix
Ritz Snack Mix
Cheetos (classic!)

At the table (provided by the host's GF) is also at least one of the following:
various bags of chocolate candy
non cheese cheetos covered in white chocolate (i didn't even know they made just the puffs)
bugles or pringles

Drinks are usually Mtn Dew, Coffee, Dr Pepper or sweet / green tea. One in a blue moon somebody brings a bottle of mango rum that gets passed around.

My Top 6 foods
1. Reese Penut butter cups
2. Peppridge farm cookies (any flavor of chocolate)
3. Dorritos
4. Cheetos
5. Peking Duck
6. M&Ms

My Top 6 drinks
1. Guiness
2. Sam Adams Oktoberfest
3. Coke
4. Mountain Dew
5. Jack Daniels (single barrel)
6. Sam Adams Lager
QUOTE (pbangarth @ May 25 2010, 08:00 PM) *
May I join your group!?

You're paying your own relocation fees.
Top 6 snack/foods (in no particular order);
Chinese Take-Out Roast-Pork Fried Rice (a meal in of itself)
Chinese Take-Out Shrimp Eggroll (handy, inexpensive & good for a quick snack)
Chex Mix (regular/Traditional) either store-bought or home-made.
Chinese Take-Out Scalion Pancake (got turned on to Scalion Pancake from a friend who couldn't finish hers--great when dipped in soy-sauce, but potentially messy)
Rice Krispie Treats (store or home-made), a little sticky, but still good.

And ALWAYS have handi-wipes at the ready for a quick clean-up. Greasy fingers are NOT conducive to dice nor books.

Top 6 drinks (NO DIET!), as long as it's cold;
Mountain Dew. Unleader fuel for the gamer.
Vault. Hi-Octane rocket fuel. To be used ONLY IN EMERGENCIES.
Cherry Coke. Love the bite.
A&W Root Beer. Smooth.

Always use bottles. Open cans can be accidentally knocked over & spill their contents. Tap it, then re-cap it. (When empty, all money-making recycleables are automatically the propery of the site's Host & therefore part of the use-of-site-fee as a courtesy.)
1. Chips
2. Order-in Pizza
3. Sandwiches

1. Coke
2. Mountain Dew ( so rare in Germany)
3. Sparkling water
1 - Beef Jerky
2 - Reese Peanut butter cups (Minis)
3 - Twizzlers
4 - Taquitos
5 - Cheese Bunnies (that's for you Mory!)
6 - Mountain Dew
Doc Chase
Top snacks:

1. Chips & Salsa
2. Bissinger's Chocolates
3. Garlic Cheese Bread
4. Assorted fruit, usually pineapple & strawberries
5. Chocolate Nachos (cinnamon tortilla chips and Nutella)
6. Meal du Jour (whatever we decide to cook up for the meal that day)

Top drinks:

1. Water (too many kidney stones to have it second)
2. Diet sodas
3. Kungaloosh (Dole pineapple/mango/banana juice & Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum)
4. Mike's Hard Lemonade & other derivatives
5. Woodchuck Cider (omnomnomnom)
6. Milk
1. Jerky (usually homemade deer or elk)
2. Shortbread Sandies
3. Hot Pockets
4. Nuts
5. Pizza
6. Grilled steaks (or marinated chicken breast), salad, twice-baked potatoes, cheesy broccoli, rolls, and whatever pie or cake I made. (everyone loves gaming at my house.)

1. MONSTER- Mean Bean coffee-energy drink
2. Pepsi
3. Unsweetened Iced Tea
4. Fat Tire
5. Fat Tire- Mothership Wit
6. Bacardi 151 and Pepsi [During a marathon gaming session you can drink yourself sober in time for breakfast at Denny's, if you do it right. Meaning, roughly 1 liter of 151 for every two people (unless you are me or my buddy Steve, in which case you need your own liter), making it last 12-15 hours, and having regular meals. Start at noon, by 6am you're sober and hungry.]
At our table, top 6 snacks are:
1) Nutty Bars
2) Oatmeal Creme Pies
3) Star Crunch (yes, Little Debbie gets a lot of our money)
4) Doritos
5) Peanut M&Ms
6) Pop Ice

Top 6 drinks:
1) Mtn Dew
2) Pepsi
3) Sunkist
4) Water
5) Mtn Dew
6) Mtn Dew

Two things that have been banned at our table:
1) Yoohoo frozen pops (seriously, do not eat these, they are the most horrible tasting treats imaginable...seriously)
2) Generic Walmart Gummi Worms (the actually taste like gelatinous dish soap...yes, I know what dish soap tastes like)
Probably shows my age and geography here but...

At our table, top 6 snacks are:

1) Pizza
2) Peanut M&Ms
3) Tortilla Chips & Queso
4) Tortilla Chips & Salsa
5) Popcorn (stove made, not microwave)
6) Pretzels (rods are great props for cigars)

Top 6 drinks:
1) Bourbon
2) Coffee (the GM makes a good cup o Joe)
3) Ale 8-1
4) Mtn Dew (traditions must be upheld, after all)
5) Diet Coke
6) Jolt

Personally, my diet has greatly improved over the past years, but I still indulge in pizza when I can.

White Castle. That stuff is not allowed in my house.
food: what ever I can get (usually samwichs, tv dinners, pizza, sometimes stirfry from the cheap place... )

Drinks: sodas, tea (sweet iced... I'm southern don't ya know)

Snacks: usually something like hard candy or something easy to swallow... (I hate having to finish up a moutful before I can speak... good manners ya know)
1: my home made salsa
2: hungry howie's pizza (the crust is often dipped in remnants of said salsa)
3: kabobs
4: Pringles multi-grain creamy ranch
5: Coke Zero
6: ice cream

7: Random cooking, we sometimes make chili, sometimes I slow cook ribs in my home made sauces, sometimes I make cereal bars with special k red berry and caramel, one time we had pancakes and I made a multi-berry topping flavored lightly with brown sugar....
As for myself :
1. Gummy worms
2. Jalapino chips
3. Sour peaches
4. Chocolate bar (halloween size)
5. Anything brought by my players biggrin.gif

It's rather bland compared to some of you. Jerky? Never thought of that as gaming food!
I find the low occurrence of Pizza in lists (count 2, atm) disturbing wink.gif

BBQ Chips of some sort
sweet tarts (tend to be low maintenance enough that you don't need to actually touch them with your fingers to eat them, thus not getting food residue on stuff)
Stuff that can also come with pizza (chicken wings, pasta dishes, strippers)
granola/peanut butter bars, etc
soft drinks

Also, in a way, I'm actually glad during my college years we didn't have red bull and energy drinks. That stuff is dangerous.
QUOTE (Voran @ Jul 25 2010, 12:25 AM) *
I find the low occurrence of Pizza in lists (count 2, atm) disturbing wink.gif

I think most people consider Pizza to be Food, not Snack. Snacks are not a meal (or at least, they shouldn't be one). Pizza is. ork.gif

And not sure if you counted me in that total, but I did list Pizza as "food" under my list smile.gif
JM Hardy
Cookie dough. All else pales.

Jason H.
Doc Chase
Depends on the dough. I have a pair of recipes I'll make if the mood is right - either butter cookie dough or straight up chocolate-chip cookie dough. Refrigerate either (or both, if I'm that gluttonous), and either set to bake or CONSUME.

The last batch was chocolate chip. Made about five dozen cookies.
JM Hardy
QUOTE (Doc Chase @ Jul 27 2010, 11:56 AM) *
Depends on the dough. I have a pair of recipes I'll make if the mood is right - either butter cookie dough or straight up chocolate-chip cookie dough. Refrigerate either (or both, if I'm that gluttonous), and either set to bake or CONSUME.

The last batch was chocolate chip. Made about five dozen cookies.

Both sound good! I'm partial to sugar cookie dough, but I'm fine with chocolate chip cookie dough, too.

Jason H.
Mmmm... Cookie Sushi. SO good, and yet so bad... smile.gif
1. AmberGel
Why has no one mentioned Igor bars?
QUOTE (Aaron @ Jul 28 2010, 11:07 AM) *
Why has no one mentioned Igor bars?
What are they?
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Jul 28 2010, 12:32 PM) *
What are they?

Igor bars? Try here. =i)
More proof that one mans treasure is another mans trash. That sounds disgusting to me-but if it makes you happy then have at it.
That's a little bit much. I think a very small bit of one my be tasty, but I certainly wouldn;t be able to snack ona tray full of those. I'm getting a little ill just thinking about that. Too much sugar and chocolate...

I have yet to make any but then if I did right now t would be for just me to eat and that's obsessive. If I get a group of like minded sugar freaks then we'll see.

5: Flavoured Broad Beans.
4: Opulent Potato Bake (more bacon than the baconator)
3: Chocolate & sweets, many varied forms. Often Lindt cooking buds, various MARS products, Toblerone. Also Castle Rock Crack. That stuff is evil.
2: Glazed quail with stuffed squash, chocolate elcairs.
1: Charcoal Chicken.

5: Pepsi Max
4: Water
3: Whatever sick thing I can force upon unsuspecting players.
2: Tea
1: "XXX's Go-Go juice." Yes, you can see through time.

Banned from table:

Jerky, dried fruits, wine, many cheese-powder and dried garlic coated products - all due to Sulphites (allergy)
Aloe Juice (see Drink 3)
Fermented milk drinks (see Drink 3)
Southern Comfort (See Drink 3)
Extra-a Energy mini shot energy drinks (see Drink 3)
Wasabi-soaked seaweed (You went astral after eating it)
Garlic Pizza
Fortune cookies. (Ever played a campaign where the oracle has to eat a cookie and make the message apply to the situation at hand? It was totally awesome and worth the dice-showers, especially when the players started to eat the cookies and play their character decisions according to what was inside.)
The powder base for "XXX's Go-Go Juice". The poor boy was awake for 2 days on a single can of coke. It's now known as "Powergrind 4000 - level-up powder power ". (I like Novacoke as a working name, but meh.)
Cats. Even if they bring their own dice.

For our group if there is snack it's chips and what ever for drink, though usually only wine once the youngins are all abed if there is going to be any alcohol. Coffee is generally a must for the missus and one of our friends.

Now full-on cooking is what we usually do instead. I figure if my friends are driving almost half an hour I can make dinner, and it usually depends on my mood or what's beeing played. Sometimes it's breakfast for dinner, with farm fresh eggs no less. I do this wicked thing with chops that involves a wet batter of hummus and milk (some times heavy creme) and Italian bread crumbs, then pan fried in olive oil.

Before I put our 7th Sea game on break I did "regional" dishes depending on the country (Middle Eastern for the Crescent Empire, pub fare for Avalon). Which reminds me of doing a sort of bangers and mash, steaming the cabbage with Guinness, brown some onions, whip the potatoes with heavy creme, add parsley, butter, green onions, garlic, and maybe boil/steam the sausage in a red wine or more Guinness.
almost normal
My top 6 snacks.

A six pack of beer.

QUOTE (almost normal @ Aug 25 2010, 09:26 PM) *
My top 6 snacks.

A six pack of beer.

Psshh. Lightweight. smile.gif
almost normal
I said snacks.

Ive drunk a gallon of hard booze before. Course... that was once. Blacked out half the night of gaming, apparantley screamed at the top of my lungs how much I loved the game we were playing, went to bed at 3 am, puked into a blanket, wrapped it in a ball and threw the puke blanket into the corner. Then had nightmares, so awoke thinking i had killed my cat and wrapped it up in said puke blanket. So I checked. nope, still puke.
Doc Chase
QUOTE (Voran @ Aug 26 2010, 05:39 PM) *
Psshh. Lightweight. smile.gif

What if it was a six-pack of Sink the Bismarck?
QUOTE (almost normal @ Aug 26 2010, 04:41 PM) *
I said snacks.

Ive drunk a gallon of hard booze before. Course... that was once. Blacked out half the night of gaming, apparantley screamed at the top of my lungs how much I loved the game we were playing, went to bed at 3 am, puked into a blanket, wrapped it in a ball and threw the puke blanket into the corner. Then had nightmares, so awoke thinking i had killed my cat and wrapped it up in said puke blanket. So I checked. nope, still puke.

Was it a cat in the morning?
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