So, X-Com UFO Defense and X-Com Terror From The Deep are both incredibly complex strategy games that are all about multiple levels of micro-management, very methodical playing, and gaming the system as much as possible (i.e. firing all the soldiers who aren't immune to mind control, which IMHO is meta-gaming).
I got a bunch of the X-Com games off Steam and decided to play a bit of X-Com: Enforcer.
What the hell? It was a medicore arcade-style third-person shooter featuring one big robot who runs around and wastes endless steams of Aliens. It's like Alien Shooter or something.
It is completely different from the first 2 X-Com games. Why the hell did the developer bother to call it X-Com? Who thought it would be a good idea to take a hardcore OCD strategy game and make it into a mediocre shooter?
It was absolutely bizarre to be playing it.