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Bob Lord of Evil
So I was thinking about putting together a SR website for poops and giggles.

Now, I would really like to include a navigation menu that is located upper left corner that will scroll down with the vistor, so they can always be able to navigate without having to scroll back up. However, it looks like that can only be accomplished with Flash...and that would mean the people with Netscape would not be able to see/use that correct?

Not a big html guy here, but Dreamweaver is making me bolder and I am certainly willing to learn. It would be fair to say that I know just enough about html and CSS to be really dangerous. cool.gif
Demonseed Elite
Netscape (I'm guessing you're referring to Firefox here) can use Flash. But I'm not sure I'd recommend Flash for this.

The same effect should be do-able with a CSS position:fixed div for the navigation bar. You can find some information and a demo of it here. If the navigation bar's position is fixed with CSS, it will stay in the same place relative to the browser regardless of the page scrolling down.

EDIT: You'll just have to be careful, but Internet Explorer has patchy support of fixed positioning. It can be done, though.
Demonseed Elite
Here's a nice helpful page about it. And I just did some checking and it looks like the more recent versions of IE will support it, it's just IE6 and older that might have a problem. And if someone is still using IE6, they really should upgrade for other reasons.
Bob Lord of Evil
Thank you! I really appreciate the help! biggrin.gif
If you have access to the server, then why not install and run something like Joomla! or Wordpress ??

Just load the theme you want, and install any plugins...
...Navigation usually stays in one place and the content scrolls independently.
QUOTE (Synner667 @ Jun 9 2010, 01:02 AM) *
If you have access to the server, then why not install and run something like Joomla! or Wordpress ??

Just load the theme you want, and install any plugins...
...Navigation usually stays in one place and the content scrolls independently.

I'd also suggest Drupal. It's a huge community, so if someone hasn't already asked your question, you can almost always get an answer. Fixed nav plug-ins:
Having any luck with the website? I tried to create one forever but having no real skill with website design ended up using a prefab site. Would still prefer to create my own but no real idea how. Any suggestions?
Two sites that always helped me when I first got started with website construction:

Lots of tutorials. Start with very basic HTML ideas and go from there. View the source of pages you like or want to emulate, and try to understand how they did what. Learning by doing is always best.
QUOTE (Stormdrake @ Jun 17 2010, 05:47 PM) *
Having any luck with the website? I tried to create one forever but having no real skill with website design ended up using a prefab site. Would still prefer to create my own but no real idea how. Any suggestions?

Why do you want to handcode a website, when you don't have to - and you don't know how to do it ??

If you want to create a website because you have content to share, there's no reason [beyond some misplaced handcoding snobbery] that you can't use an existing service - google has one, Wordpress has one...
...Free and simple to set up.
Handcoding snobbery is one way to look at it. Having clean, concise code is another. Too often I see website builders create a site and do them with so much frivolous junk code that it stupidly bloats the file sizes of your website.

Prime example, a friend of mine recently used a program to make a site for themselves. The index page was over 38k. That's 38 thousand characters. That page had less actual text than the homepage of the Ancient Files.

After I removed all the extra and unnecessary code (it looked the exact same afterwards, mind you), it went down to less than 2k.

Doing it by hand has its advantages. On the flip side, it's not for everyone.
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