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Anyone know of existing games in the Lansing / Ann Arbor / Detroit area, or interested in starting a campaign? It's been a good many years since I've rolled the dice, but I'm looking to get back into it.
Until recently we were running a game in Fenton on Thursdays. I may be picking that up here within a week or two. Send an email to my handle and I'll keep you updated if you're interested.
My group runs games all week at a game/print shop called Guild of Blades in madison on 12 mile and John R. We've got 2 shadowrun games, a Fallout3 tabletop game using SR4 rules 2 Star Wars games, a D&D 3.5 game, a D&D4.0 game and a dresden files game. SO Pretty much anything your looking for really.
I'm looking for a Shadowrun game, and I'm in Lansing. If you are looking for one more, drop me a line please.
I'd like to inform any michigan gamers that I'm running a game on tuesdays at a local game store in madison heights, near warren. Aka, metro detroit if any are interested. I only have three players and I'd be happy to have as many as five. Shoot me a PM and I can give you campaign info and the location of the store.
I want to play, but I cant do Tuesdays. Im looking for a weekend game. Anybody out there doing any weekend games?
QUOTE (Belvidere @ Jun 26 2010, 08:56 PM) *
I'd like to inform any michigan gamers that I'm running a game on tuesdays at a local game store in madison heights, near warren. Aka, metro detroit if any are interested. I only have three players and I'd be happy to have as many as five. Shoot me a PM and I can give you campaign info and the location of the store.

What hours do you run on Tuesdays?

QUOTE (inazuma @ Jun 28 2010, 08:38 PM) *
What hours do you run on Tuesdays?


Usually between 4-8pm
I would love to, been looking for a Shadowrun or Cyberpunk game for a while, but could not make it there before 5:30/6pm. 2 hours ain't enough time.

QUOTE (inazuma @ Jun 28 2010, 09:02 PM) *
I would love to, been looking for a Shadowrun or Cyberpunk game for a while, but could not make it there before 5:30/6pm. 2 hours ain't enough time.


That is sad. The store we play at closes at 8:30 so, thats the latest we go. I can see what interest I can dig up for a weekend game if there are any who'd be interested here.
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