Jun 13 2010, 08:00 AM
If anyone in the tokyo region is running a game and looking for another player, please let me know. I'm currently running an Sr4 game, but would really like to participate as a player as well.
Twitter: @vertigo
or: jon dot swanson, courtesy of google's mail service.
Jay Mitsuru
Jun 15 2010, 01:02 PM
In a few months I will be in Misawa. As I understand it Tokyo is a few hours by train, but I think I could make a monthly game.
note that I won't even be there until like November this year.
Jun 15 2010, 04:15 PM
If you could get me a job in Tokyo I'd love to join!
Vacationed there last year and I wanna go back so bad.
I do have teaching english as a second language certification.
Too bad I don't have a bachelors as required by Japan... :/