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Full Version: [Online] GM Looking for a Rigger.
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
My group needs a rigger (drone, vehicle, or both it doesn't matter, but musn't be an adept).
We play Tuesday 7pm CST usually till about 11pm.
We use Skype and maptools for die rolls.
I'm running the SRM2 modules with small changes; the campaign is in Denver.
Standard 400BP build with the free contacts rule for a contact(s) outside the city.
We are halfway through the third run (which will finish tonight) but I calculate karma for the group rather than individuals so you'll have starting karma.

Have I missed anything? Feel free to ask qustions.
There's only one space, no extras unless for some reason we don't like you and throw you out.

Damn! My actually game has gotten moved to tuesday or else I'd be all over this! I love rigging, but alas... I am busy. Good luck though!
Aww bummer. I don't want to have to keep avoiding things from the lack of rigger, like there was supposed to be an epic car chase except they were to be chased by a helicopter with guns! They'd have been creamed though, so I had to take it out.

Still looking btw.
QUOTE (Imperator @ Jun 18 2010, 02:42 AM) *
Aww bummer. I don't want to have to keep avoiding things from the lack of rigger, like there was supposed to be an epic car chase except they were to be chased by a helicopter with guns! They'd have been creamed though, so I had to take it out.

Still looking btw.

I would love to do this, but I've had the worst trouble using Skype. I keep getting disconnected due to proxy issues. I might have a work around, but haven't been able to test it yet. If you don't mind running a few tests with me, and if I can get it working, I'd love to join up.

PM me?
Don't know why but I'm not allowed to PM you. Anyway, sure, of course I don't mind running some tests with you.
Users with under 10 posts are in a 'probationary group' to lock down spammers. You have 10 posts, otherwise I would have converted you to being a full member.
Hey. If you still need, I can have me a rigger rolled up for next week.
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