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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
I have a few questions about Missions characters.

- There is a quality that lets you purchase equipment of Availability of up to 20- does this lift the restriction of 12 for starting Missions characters?

- What is a good enough die pool for tasks? Does it vary wildly for the various concepts (e.g. a CCQ specialist needs 18 dice vs a hacker needing half a dozen)?

- Are the variant metatypes and sapients legal (e.g. Centaurs and Oni)?

- How do you select which lifestyle you begin with? Do they cost BP?

A lot of the questions are dealt with in the FAQ

As for how many dice make up a pool, it depends on how general you want to be. I have seen people rolling pools of around 15 at character creation, but they didn't do much of anything else. Last night on a mission, several times we were defaulting with only one or two dice. Missions demand a well rounded skill set, so getting too specialized might ruin things. Its your choice.
1} Each time you take restriced gear you can buy 1 item (and only 1) up to availability 20 this quality can be taken 3 times.

2} A specialist can get up to 20 or so dice however as stated your able to do one thing great the rest not so well. A good character has stats of say 3 or 4 and skills of the same level add in some mods tools equipment specializations and your gonna hit 10 15 die and be pretty good to start. You want to bump it up a bit add to attributes as each one adds to several skills where as raiseing the skill just make that one better.

3} All metavariants are legal last I knew not allowed were drakes ai spirits shapeshifters I don't think centaurs or oni are allowed either besides tracking a centaur shadowrunner seems like that would be making it too easy for the corps lol.

4} Lifestyles cost BP like everything page 86 SR4A.
QUOTE (Reg06 @ Jun 15 2010, 01:13 PM) *
- What is a good enough die pool for tasks? Does it vary wildly for the various concepts (e.g. a CCQ specialist needs 18 dice vs a hacker needing half a dozen)?

Edge can allow you to have smaller dice pools and still be effective. If you'll be playing in a con game Edge is made out of pure Win. The Edge refreshes every few hours when you start the next game. That means you can get by with a more well rounded PC and use Edge to get lots of dice (and if you use it on the front-end, using the rule of six.)

That way you can have several smaller pools and spike them as needed.
One of my friends was thinking about creating a centaur character. When he mentioned this to our group, we all burst out laughing. rollin.gif
Well, I was considering starting a cyberpixie in a drone anthroform, that's probably not much better.


Man I'd seriously love to play a Pixie street sam!
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