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Full Version: Any Play by Post Games out there?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
Mr. Mage
Browsing the forums, most of the online games I've come across are real time using Skype or some sort of online RPG software. I was hoping maybe to find a newly started or not yet started play by post game.

I am familiar with SR4 and tend to play Mages of some sort though I can easily play a different kind of character.

I would be fine with anything from posting once a day to once a week.

Send me a PM or just post here if you have a game or are interested in one, maybe we can get enough people interested enough to start our own.

I'm kind of interested in this. I would recommend Google Wave - as it accomodates both real-time and play by post, plus the GM can go back and edit postings, add in drawings & maps, etc...
I am very tentatively interested in playing in a PbP game. I recently played some SR4 with friends, and caught the bug again. I think I would have to like the setting before I completely committed to a game. Posting daily/weekly sounds about my speed at this point.
You could always post a recruiting thread in the Welcome to the Shadows sub-forum, if one of you is willing to GM. If not, you could always solicit a GM in the same manner, but in my experience such posts have a very low success rate. There are just way more people looking to play then there are GM's willing to run games. Good Luck!!
Mr. Mage
Ain't that the truth...
Mr. Mage
Going to restart this thread in the "Welcome to the Shadows" section. Hopefully there will be some people browsing there that will step as a GM or more players.
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