Mr. Mage
Jun 16 2010, 08:13 PM
Browsing the forums, most of the online games I've come across are real time using Skype or some sort of online RPG software. I was hoping maybe to find a newly started or not yet started play by post game.
I am familiar with SR4 and tend to play Mages of some sort though I can easily play a different kind of character.
I would be fine with anything from posting once a day to once a week.
Send me a PM or just post here if you have a game or are interested in one, maybe we can get enough people interested enough to start our own.
Jun 17 2010, 12:42 AM
I'm kind of interested in this. I would recommend Google Wave - as it accomodates both real-time and play by post, plus the GM can go back and edit postings, add in drawings & maps, etc...
Jun 17 2010, 12:59 AM
I am very tentatively interested in playing in a PbP game. I recently played some SR4 with friends, and caught the bug again. I think I would have to like the setting before I completely committed to a game. Posting daily/weekly sounds about my speed at this point.
Jun 17 2010, 02:50 PM
You could always post a recruiting thread in the Welcome to the Shadows sub-forum, if one of you is willing to GM. If not, you could always solicit a GM in the same manner, but in my experience such posts have a very low success rate. There are just way more people looking to play then there are GM's willing to run games. Good Luck!!
Mr. Mage
Jun 17 2010, 02:54 PM
Ain't that the truth...
Mr. Mage
Jun 17 2010, 08:24 PM
Going to restart this thread in the "Welcome to the Shadows" section. Hopefully there will be some people browsing there that will step as a GM or more players.
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