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James Taima
Anyone going?
I'll be there, running and playing all the Shadowrun your little hearts can handle.
I'll be there GMing way too much.
I'll be there, playing and GMing Shadowrun from start until Saturday evening.
Black Jack Rackham
Mostly I'll be elsewhere, but I am in three games over the course of the weekend.

Mr. Mage
Couldn't really find any prices on the website except for the day passes. And I realize it is probably too late for this year but maybe for next year...

About how much would it cost? As in for each individual event, badge, etc.

Excuse for my ignorance, I've never been to any kind of convention before other than the one at my University...and it isn't exactly on par with what I assume something like Origins to be....
Early-bird registration is done, so the badges are $30 for a day or $70 for the weekend, unless you're in a discounted group (e.g., military). It looks like you can download the event catalog from the Origins site, but you can't see current openings until you've bought a badge. The Missions are $4 per 4-hour event.

Glancing at the schedule, here's what I see for available Missions tickets:
- I see only one open Missions ticket on Wednesday (5pm, SRM03-12).
- 1 ticket at 1pm Friday (MP01-02)
- A few for 6pm Friday (1 for MP01-03, 3 for SRM03-11)
- 3 tickets for 8am Saturday (MP01-01)
- A few for 1pm Saturday (1 for MP01-02, 3 for MP01-04).
- One of the 6pm Saturday slots (MP01-02) is wide open.
- There are two tickets left for 10am Sunday (MP01-04).

So there seem to be a few Missions openings, mostly later in the show.
Mr. Mage
Ok...I wasn't planning on going this year...just curious about pricing and such since I could't find it online...maybe I will go next year though...maybe

One nice thing that origins does that other cons do not if you find someone else that's going and they register during the early bird period they can actually get you a free badge for your first year at the con.
Mr. Mage
Well that's pretty nifty! I'll have to remember that for next year then...
I'll be there GMing some One Shots and Missions. I think I'll actually get some generic tickets and play some myself!
I'll be working at Booth 451 with Tiger Eyes if anyone wants to come by. We'll also have Matthew Grau (co-creator of CthulhuTech) and Rob Boyle (of Shadowrun and Eclipse Phase fame) there.
Any action reports from Origins? Specifically the SR and EP tables?
Having a great time running Missions and One Shots so far for SR! Exhausted, but isn't that what a con is all about?
I'm still new to cons, only having been to wintercon here in michigan which is small compared to most. For hotels/parking, what would most people recommend? I don't really want to shell out a ton of cash for a really close hotel. How is the drive coming into town with all the commotion?
Tiger Eyes
Well, some great news for Eclipse Phase - they won the RPG of the Year award at Origins! Woot!!!
So I heard! I understand they were also running some games there. Any word on how those were?
Tiger Eyes
Our Sandstorm/Eclipse Phase/CthulhuTech recap for Origins...

Needless to say, Origins was a blast and it was great getting to chat with all of you who came by the booth. See you at GenCon and/or PAX!!!
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