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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Community Projects
Alright. So, some friends of mine say I should go on FaceBook more often. I never really saw a point, so I made a shadowrun group. There's another one or two on there, but those're for the console game. I wanted one for the RPG. Just thought I'd put the link here and see if anyone wanted to join. It's just a fun little thing, and may make for easier way to get in contact with other potential players/GMs, but that's a second-tier benefit, not a primary goal.!/gr...137805596233844
Mr. Mage
I think I'm in a group for SR4a at least. But sure, I'll join yours too, why not?
Hi Adrian,

There's a page on Facebook administered by Catalysts Game Labs. It almost has 6500 'friends'.
Thanks for this link - had missed that one somehow.

Sure, I'll join it. Why not?
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