Feb 26 2004, 03:47 AM
Well, another thread was almost de-railed due to this debate, and it's a debate that has come up frequently over the time since I've been around I'm curious to see which is prefered by the majority of SR fans.
So...does SEGA suck it?
Does SNES play with pansies on the weekends?
Or perhaps you prefer to just sniff barbie's panties on tuesdays instead...
Cast your vote and we'll find out.
(Please...only one vote per person.)
Feb 26 2004, 03:24 PM
You need a third option....
C. The pain...the pain!!!! The horrible memories just don't stop.
Feb 26 2004, 11:27 PM
ok now...37 views, 6 votes...what is this? The friggen presidential election!?
If you pop by to look, take the split damn second to click a radio button please.
Feb 27 2004, 12:24 AM
Personally i played neither. You want I play "pretend", and pretend i'm a south Florida retiree and just randomly pull the lever???
Feb 27 2004, 01:39 AM
Sega. Sega by far. The SNES version was mildly entertaining, and was vaguely recognizeable as Shadowrun, but the Sega version actually was, to the extent that could be achieved, Shadowrun.
Mar 1 2004, 04:59 AM
Sega was by far much better and accurate. They even had it calculate combat pool. SNES basically broke most rules and slapped a Shadowrun name on it.
[ Spoiler ]
Two problems with the SEGA version:
1. Clips - 1 clip fits all, the ratio of ammo remaining magically transforms to teh weapon.
2. Med Kits. You can go through them like candy and never run out, making you invincible because it seems every fourth security guard would drop one giving you an unlimited supply. Kind of took the danger out of corp runs, especially since you can pause the game in the middle of combat and use your medkit instantaniously, then resume combat again.
Join the Yakuza for the leet military combat armor and cyberware discounts.
BTW: The game is much better played using an emulator, since I can speed up the frame skip to make the alarms turn off faster. Although this is basically a cheat when it come to making datasteals in the matrix.
Mar 16 2004, 05:26 AM
Sega, i liked the snes version but the sega version was way better, you could buy a lot more weapons and armor, decking was a lot better, and you could actually DO SHADOWRUNS unlike in the snes version.
Mar 23 2004, 03:37 PM
i liked the SNES version, mainly because it was more story based but SEGA version IMO was more action based.
Apr 10 2004, 01:20 PM
The Sega version really made me think of Shadowrun. You had subplots, i.e. other runs, and it was just a killer game, although the tactic of running in circles at the beginning did get a bit old. It was also insanely easy to powergame; just do a lot of runs and you got a lot of karma.
OTOH, I liked having an electronics skill so high that breaking Ares' maglocks was a piece of cake.
The SNES game was okay; storyline was cool but getting karma was a problem. It was an enjoyable game, but not all that intuitive. Most of it was solo runs; I liked the idea in Sega of having a team.
Apr 12 2004, 06:25 AM
Well, lets see here....
Now that there are some votes and some posts...
QUOTE (Jpwoo) |
You need a third option....
C. The pain...the pain!!!! The horrible memories just don't stop. |
QUOTE (blakkie) |
Personally i played neither. You want I play "pretend", and pretend i'm a south Florida retiree and just randomly pull the lever??? ![biggrin.gif]( |
Man...I am WAY to perverted, cause when I read that....well.....yeah.....
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
Sega. Sega by far. The SNES version was mildly entertaining, and was vaguely recognizeable as Shadowrun |
Exactly my thought. And when did blue become a Shadowrun theme color?
QUOTE (Buzzed) |
They even had it calculate combat pool. |
Yes, and I still thank Sega for being an EASY tool to show newbies HOW the combat pool works.
QUOTE (Grifter) |
(In the Sega version) you could actually DO SHADOWRUNS... |
Oh so true, not to mention that ON TOP of that they bothered to HAVE a cybercpace that you could have missions in.
QUOTE (Dae) |
i liked the SNES version, mainly because it was more story based but SEGA version IMO was more action based. |
10...9...8...7...You all know me...6...well most of you know what's coming here...4...well...3...I can't help it...2...sorry...1
If you want a good story line and that's it, read a book. Don't play games. It can have a great stroyline all it wants, but setting it in Carebear Land atmospheres doesn't make the story a Shadowrun story. No, rather, it makes it a Carebear Story with a Shadowrun Name on the box...It's like Stargate compared with SG-1. SG-1 sucks in the presence of Stargate and has very little to do with the storyline of Stargate at all, *but*
it has the name SG-1 (Stargate 1), and everyone's running around in costumes like Stargate so it's cool right? Yeah...*l*...ok.
(sorry...hated that F***ing left scars in my eyes)
QUOTE (shadd4d) |
The Sega version really made me think of Shadowrun. You had subplots, i.e. other runs, and it was just a killer game, although the tactic of running in circles at the beginning did get a bit old. It was also insanely easy to powergame; just do a lot of runs and you got a lot of karma. |
Agreed. (about the making me think of SR)
The tactics were a bit old, yet I never seemed to get sick of the money...
The powergaming never seemed to bother me because well....SR is insanely easy to powergame.
QUOTE (re-highlight) |
The Sega version...was just a killer game |
This is the best comment on the issue. Ever.
Now with 43 votes so far we have SEGA kicking SNES's little fruity a** by 30.24%.
That's only two votes away for the SEGA version to lead by half again the amount of the SNES version.
Ah Sega...before Playstation, there was Sega. *crazy screaming banshie from comercials voice*"SEGA!"
-"Shotenlaow" (what the voice says in the bar where you met "Mr. Johnson"[Sega])
Apr 12 2004, 06:35 AM
The Game Gear rocked. Best portable so far barring a laptop. I miss Sega as a console-maker.
Apr 14 2004, 08:18 PM
Sega version was closer to the rules. The SNES version didn't even really try to do it. And the decking in the Sega version was much, much better.
One of the versions did have an interesting line: "Tee, hee yo har, let's set our hair on fire." said by a dwarf (can't remember if it was a decker or street sam)
Apr 19 2004, 06:09 PM
^That'd be the dwarf gun-shop owner in the SNES game. Crazy bastard.
Now, what I like about the SNES game, is that it really captures what it would be like to have no memory, in this strange alien world, et cetera. As much as a videogame can. I really love the ambience in SNESSR. I also like the character a lot more. However, the Genesis game does capture the actual Shadowrun better. I'd have to say it's a wash, whichever one I'm playing at the moment is my favorite (I'm in the middle of both of the moment).
Moonstone Spider
Apr 20 2004, 03:14 AM
I only played the Genesis version but it did capture the feel of Shadowrun pretty well. For instance the feel of pumping an entire clip into an Orc's chest and watching him soak every last round then KO you with two blows of his fist. . . or the way you could never ever die under any circumstances. Just like in real Shadowrun.
Apr 21 2004, 06:16 AM
QUOTE (Kakkaraun) |
it really captures what it would be like to have no memory, in this strange alien world, et cetera. As much as a videogame can |
Flash Back, for the Sega Genesis.
Best amnesia game ever.
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