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Hoi Chummers,

So I thought I was going to finally get some friends into Shadowrun, but it looks like a bust.
I know it's a long long LONG shot that I can find a group playing Shadowrun locally (Thunder Bay, Ontario), but I would even be willing to play online. I'm fairly flexible with my schedule at the minute, and I'm not picky about how we play... except I would prefer it to be live, and not Play-by-Post or email. I've got a webcam and mike, and I'm willing to use them. Just don't expect me to strip down to my skivvies in the first session! (errr, unless I get a really bad hand of poker when playing against the Troll Pornomancer)

If anyone has any room and would be willing to take a chance on me, I'd appreciate it.
I consider myself a fairly mature player (read: I dislike drama and don't have temper tantrums), and I'm open to a wide variety of play styles.
I've been called a Storyteller, Actor, and Power Gamer in equal measure... and I adapt well to those around me.

Well, I was going to give you a huge spiel about going to ( but I do believe you are currently already signed up on that game.

You'll probably see that it isn't very active at the moment. Presently, the reason why I'm not frequenting the game is because I am deployed and am unable to connect through telnet to get on. Personally, I feel the reason why there is little activity is because well, there are so few active players interested in that setting! Anyhow, I hope you end up (possibly) bringing in other players to that game!
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