Large Mike
Feb 27 2004, 11:46 AM
I'm running on a slightly screwed up machine, and even when I wasn't I found this to be a bit of a problem.
I run two games, soon to be a third, over in Welcome to the Shadows, and oft times, wading through the damn board to find my thread sucks. It sucks even more now that my computer has decided it doesn't want to accuratly tell me if there's fresh posts. I could subscribe to it, and get notification in my email, but my email sucks almost as hard as the rest of my computer, and I could not get it for days.
But when I get a PM, it pops up like clockwork morning wood. That's a tenacious little window, right there. Is there any ways I can get PMed every time there's fresh posts on a thread? Cause that would be awesome.
Anywho. Nice job on the boardness. I'mma go back to my 'extorts-his-friends-to-interact-with-technology-for-him' corner.
Feb 27 2004, 06:10 PM
Interesting idea, but "My Controls -> View Topics" provides the required info, doesn't it?
Simply bookmark that page and be sure to check it regularly.
Feb 27 2004, 06:23 PM
That allows you to subscribe to a forum, but what about being able to subscribe to a single thread?
Feb 27 2004, 06:30 PM
"My Controls -> View Topics" shows you single threads; "My Controls -> View Forums" shows you forums. You can subscribe to any thread with the "Track this Topic" link near the top.
Feb 27 2004, 06:36 PM
Ahh... near the top. I've always only looked at the bottom of the page.
Mar 1 2004, 12:06 AM
Hey Adam,
Back when the new board was under design (you know...back when Stumpshock was still up and running), PaoloM had asked me about some suggestions/ideas and one of them was a section in your assistant that held a link to your games threads in two parts.
One part was threads in which you were a player and the other part were threads in which you were the GM.
The point in seperating these threads from eachother and from other non-gamming threads was because it would make it easier and faster for the user to get to their games.
I'm sure PaoloM had his reasons for not adding the section (or he just forgot *cough*
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