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It's a free to play mmo, not the best game graphics wise but still a fun game (if laggy but I blame my wireless a bit on that)

Links are handy when posting something like this.

Never heard of it or anything, and if I wasn't currently hooked on Alpha Protocol and Fallen Earth I'd check it out.

i think i checked out the wizard for one of the fractions, but never really got into the spirit of things unlike with runes of magic.
QUOTE (Karoline @ Jul 6 2010, 01:05 PM) *
Links are handy when posting something like this.

Never heard of it or anything, and if I wasn't currently hooked on Alpha Protocol and Fallen Earth I'd check it out.

Gah, actually half my post got deleted when IE threw up..previewed fine.. hit post after making some changes.. and IE crashed. Saw the topic was there..didn't open till someone posted.
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ Jul 6 2010, 03:49 PM) *

i think i checked out the wizard for one of the fractions, but never really got into the spirit of things unlike with runes of magic.

It is a slow game for sure, starts out fine... then becomes a grind fest after a certain point. and you have to use the trainers for TP to boost your skills which sucks, but hey.. leave the chars in while at work/school
Hmm, oh, wow, I think I remember seeing this ages ago, like when it first came out or maybe was still in development. Had meant to check it out, but never got around to it.

Seems like it has a cool idea, but don't know how the execution is.
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