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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Community Projects
This thread ties in with my OS X/Unix developers thread. I was basically wanting to see if people could throw up some links to open source or source available applications for handling and managing stuff for SR Players and GMs.

Basically, I hate reinventing the wheel and if anything you guys have already done will help us get something going that much quicker I'm all for building upon the tools already out there.

I'm going to start digging through the various threads around here because I know some of you have posted in the past, but if you haven't yet or if you'd like to make your code available to such a project let me know.

The Shop

There is already a project in the works to update it from Rigger 2 to Rigger 3, but its kinda stalled right now cause I haven't had a lot of time to work on the DAT files.
Thanks for the quick reply.
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