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Full Version: Did Richard Garriot know a guy in Texas named Iolo?
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Wounded Ronin
I recently learned that there's a guy in Texas who calls himself "Iolo" who is known for making high quality medieval replica crossbows.

I learned a long time ago that with the older Ultima games Richard Garriot modeled all the characters after people he knew. He was also into elaborate fantasy and role playing for a really long time.

Did Richard Garriot know this Texan Iolo, and was that person the basis for Iolo from Ultima? Does anyone know?
Well I don't have any real confirmation for you, but Garriot was raised in Texas, so it's certainly a possibility.
Given my memory of the Ultima games, I'd say that's a downright certainty.
It was also a name used in the myth series of books for a legendary crossbow maker... wonder if one or the other was nod there
Visit him (either of them) and ask. biggrin.gif

Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (Thanee @ Jul 11 2010, 05:17 PM) *
Visit him (either of them) and ask. biggrin.gif


How do contact Lord British?
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Jul 11 2010, 06:44 PM) *
How do contact Lord British?

British telecom
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Jul 12 2010, 01:44 AM) *
How do contact Lord British?

Well, back in the day, when Tabula Rasa was still online, I would actually kow how, because he would pop into the game every now and then. smile.gif

But now... no idea. smile.gif

Iolo might be easier to contact since he'll probably have a public contact for people interested in buying one of his crossbows.
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