Feb 29 2004, 01:40 AM
Anyone playing this MMORPG? I downloaded the free 7 day trial from File planet and I have been playing it a lot. It would be cool if some DSF'ers were on. I play on the Spirit shard, names are as follows, Kelvaris and Kelkimhr. Look me up!
Mar 1 2004, 11:21 PM
I got accepted to the beta testing for it, but they never sent me the damn CD.
The Burning One
Mar 2 2004, 12:10 PM
Aye myself and a number of my associates hang around on Twilight. Just look for the Legends guild and you're bound to stumble across one of us.
You can usually find me on as Kussac between 05:00pm and 07:00pm EST.
Mar 8 2004, 04:05 AM
I bought that game, but only played for a month. There's no fricking PvP, and it doesn't have the 15 races that it was supposed to have. I had wanted to play a bandit, but now I can't because there's no damn PvP. They say they will add "consensual" PvP in the future, as if thats any good. What's with the wussification of MMORPGs? You should be able to fight any other player any time you want, except maybe in tiny newbie zones that people only spend a couple hours in. Instead of physically preventing players from PKing, how about instituting some kind of punishment sustem so that players can PK all they want, but then have to hide from the law and vengeful players? That would be more realistic and more fun. Plus, I found out Dragons can't drop anvils on people from the sky, which was the main reason I wanted to play that game. I guess I'll have to wait until Battlefield Vietnam comes out for my anvil dropping fun.
Mar 8 2004, 04:59 AM
I don't play online games in general because I know I'd never see the light of day and instead spend my life huddled around a computer screen with an IV in one arm and a waste bag in the other but and I apologize for asking this...
When...the frag...did the Viet Cong ever drop anvils from airplanes?
Mar 8 2004, 06:52 AM
In BFVN you can airlift vehicles with helicopters, and even drop the vehicles on people from the air. So I'm going to get someone to code an anvil into the game. The anvil could be done by making it a "vehicle" with one passenger and no driver. It would have no use except for dropping on people, dropping to block roads or canyons, and perhaps being used as cover. Alternatively, instead of dropping it, you could fly a chopper low to the ground and swing it like a wrecking ball.
Mar 8 2004, 08:38 PM
I wouldn't play Horizons if it had your version of PKing, Panzer. What happens is that the servers all the sudden become CRAWLING with a bunch of 13 year old idiots who have no interest in playing the game--they just want to screw with the ones who DO...
The reason the punishment system generally doesn't work is because a large number of PKers don't play regularly... or at least, not with their "PK characters". They just get on occasionally to wreak some havoc. Usually when they're in a bad mood.. girl dumped them (on the off OFF chance they had one in the first place), their 60 level Cleric on EQ died, whatever..
I wouldn't mind if they instituted a PK specific server. I just wouldn't play there.
Incidentally, they have alot of playable races out there, you just have to "unlock" them. Ever played Gauntlet on N64? Same deal.
(ps.. Siege.. LOL)
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