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Full Version: A Plug-In For Google Earth, Please
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Dumpshock News, Bug Reports, Feature Requests, & Discussion
Google Earth is a fantastic tool because it allows you to build Tours. A Game Master can use Google Earth to build an interactive map for their players that can cover everything from the broad overview of, say, Seattle, or a battle-map by zooming into the desired target area and applying a layer that shows a grid.

You can import Google Sketch-Up into Google Earth, so a sufficiently motivated GM can whip up a small terrain for a battle-map.

You can publish and download other peoples Tours and Overlays, so a community can work together to get a particular area or scene mapped.

If we can get some sort of plug-in, or a Dumpshock API so some of us programmer types can build, store, and run Tours for our games, Dumpshock would be the coolest gaming site anywhere.

Also, there is Google Mars, and Google Moon for our lovely space adventures.
Caine Hazen
If I were you I'd look over community projects. This is where the DSers go to do this type of thing. As for something "offically" DS; when I find a massive load of time sure... that'll be about 20 yrs down the road at this point. Hope you can hold your breath long...
I'm not sure this one idea would make it 'the coolest gaming site anywhere', but it could be useful to some people. ;D
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Jul 18 2010, 12:04 AM) *
I'm not sure this one idea would make it 'the coolest gaming site anywhere', but it could be useful to some people. ;D

Well, I was trying to really sell it. Best EVAR.

I'll go to the other thread.
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