Jul 21 2010, 12:18 AM
Having just played the demos of Bayonetta and Brütal Legend, I can now say that Brütal Legend is on my must-buy list. Bayonetta, I'm more on the fence about. I like a good sexpot heroine as much as the next guy, but the game is too fast for me to get a really good handle on what's happening. I've never been good at twitch games.
Jul 21 2010, 12:33 AM
If Brütal LEgend were coming out for Computer, yes, i would buy it . .
Mr. Mage
Jul 21 2010, 08:15 PM
I have no idea what interests in a video game (or what systems you have) but I can personally attest to Brutal Legend at least. The game is pretty simple to play but still really fun, not to mention that the land pretty much looks like someone swallowed a bunch of Metal albums and puked them back out. One thing I will say is that the Stage Battles are kind of a deciding factor for many people. They're basically a short RTS battle and some people (like me) loved them while others absolutely hated them. In my experience, there haven't been too many who are in the middle ground about them, either its amazing or it ruins the game. Sadly, the Demo (unless I remember incorrectly) doesn't actually show you any of the Stage Battles so you can't decide beforehand whether you like them or not.
If you're really on the fence about getting Brutal Legend though, I'd suggest renting it or borrowing it from a friend, since the main missions make the game pretty short (though the side missions add more than a bit of time) so if you don't like it it won't have been as big a waste of money.
I can't say anything for Bayonetta, having never played either the demo or the actual game.
EDIT: after rereading your post, I find that you weren't on the fence about Brutal Legend and thus rendering my rant somewhat obsolete.
Jul 22 2010, 12:19 AM
All I know about Bayonetta is Penny Arcade (Or some similar webcomic) mentioning something about how the game boasted "That it can be played with only one hand.", followed by a snarky comment about why the developers would be so proud of the fact, and what the devs imagined people would be doing with their free hand.
BL looks kinda cool from the few things I've seen about it... not even sure what system it is on though
Jul 22 2010, 08:50 AM
dug up a bayonetta video, and my first thought was "sega cloned devil may cry?". The second was "those glasses must be surgically attached".
Jul 22 2010, 09:37 AM
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ Jul 22 2010, 10:50 AM)
dug up a bayonetta video, and my first thought was "sega cloned devil may cry?". The second was "those glasses must be surgically attached".
If my memory doesn't completdly betray me its from the same guy as devil may cry.
Jul 22 2010, 11:13 AM
well that would explain a lot. Btw, i think the game take the concept of dominatrix heels to a new level...
Jul 23 2010, 02:46 AM
The plot is aprently so confusing it's not worth trying.
Jul 23 2010, 07:43 AM
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ Jul 22 2010, 01:13 PM)
well that would explain a lot. Btw, i think the game take the concept of dominatrix heels to a new level...
Now just have to figure out how to make that work in shadowrun.
Jul 23 2010, 08:12 AM
Exotic Weapon: Gunshoes.
Aug 18 2010, 08:57 AM
X-box Bayonetta for $20 was a good buy. The really weird thing was after 15 minutes of play, the cheesecake went out of the window and you're more driven to nail an awesome combo together via Buttonmash and Stickwriggle . But the first Eros Passion brings it all back...whoa, what a way to go...
Oh and playing it on Very Easy means you sort of know what's going to happen (ie, stop drinking that cola during the cutscene) and can make the buttonmash so you progress the story.
There are a ton of "Oh, F%^K, what in hell NOW?!" moments. And some platformer elements that I hated with a burning passion. But stealing an axe from a mini-boss and using it to pound his buddies is pure joy. As is when you get a big-ass summoning right and pound the X button until your thumb bleeds to crank out the gigahurts.
Only buy the manuvers/attacks/items you use, no matter how pretty they are.
Shoot wisely in the minigame, but never buy prizes there.
Explore and smash stuff.
Normal is tough, Hard is hard. Don't even want to think about those that did it on extreme.
Aug 18 2010, 10:35 AM
The whole idea that she's covered in her own hair...is kinda disturbing in some way.
Aug 18 2010, 02:47 PM
I just remember one of Bayonetta's special finisher attacks involves slamming an opponent crotch-first onto a sawtoothed wedge.
Aug 18 2010, 06:22 PM
QUOTE (Voran @ Aug 18 2010, 12:35 PM)
The whole idea that she's covered in her own hair...is kinda disturbing in some way.
should be interesting for those with a furry fetish (and explains a video of the game i viewed where she seems to go suddenly nude during a finisher).
Aug 19 2010, 02:58 AM
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ Aug 18 2010, 01:22 PM)
should be interesting for those with a furry fetish (and explains a video of the game i viewed where she seems to go suddenly nude during a finisher).
I'd imagine it appeals more to those with a hair fetish than a fur one, but who knows.
Aug 19 2010, 04:21 AM
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Aug 18 2010, 09:47 AM)
I just remember one of Bayonetta's special finisher attacks involves slamming an opponent crotch-first onto a sawtoothed wedge.
Found it:
Aug 19 2010, 05:22 PM
i'm tempted to play the game for the finishers alone.
btw, the design of the lady keeps confusing me. She wears glasses, seems to enjoy fetish fuel action, and heals by eating lolipops?!
is it some kind of take on the japanese definition of a proper wife?
Aug 19 2010, 06:21 PM
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ Aug 19 2010, 12:22 PM)
i'm tempted to play the game for the finishers alone.
btw, the design of the lady keeps confusing me. She wears glasses, seems to enjoy fetish fuel action, and heals by eating lolipops?!
is it some kind of take on the japanese definition of a proper wife?
An interesting analysis of Bayonetta's character design.Don't worry, it's not a link to TVtropes.
You hope.
Aug 19 2010, 06:54 PM
interesting, tho it didnt touch on the glasses topic. basically, i cant think of any other primary game character that wears glasses. Some may start out with glasses, but will soon end up tossing them (either because they are only for reading, or the person swaps to lenses behind scene).
Aug 19 2010, 07:27 PM
Gordon Freeman, AFAIK, has never been shown without glasses. Granted, he's never been shown, period, apart from box art, but still.
Aug 19 2010, 08:02 PM
heh, point. With those FPS games its easy to forget that there is a character behind the guns.
btw, digging into the comments related to the video you linked to, i found that the character designer for the game was female:
Aug 20 2010, 06:40 AM
This game you speak of is... Weird...
Aug 20 2010, 08:26 AM
If you've finished the game, do yourself a favour and check out the character/weapon/set desgin notes they've included as unlockables.
For the mooks, there's some staggering detailing for "disposable" and one-shot characters. And it's great seeing how they've managed to make the gaits for each a unique identifier (something I notice due to very poor eyesight, I can often tell who a person is before I see their face because of it.)
Also interesting - the motion capture/movement planning of the creatures.
I'm beginning to think it must have begun after 2 bottles of vodak in a high-priced skin joint in Chiba somewhere....
..The angellic host though, you really start to enjoy curb-stomping their asses after 20 minutes into the game, oh yes.
Aug 20 2010, 12:19 PM
Huh watching that mini character review I realized, "Oh, that's the frickin Baroness." Actually, I think Baroness is hotter than Bayonetta. Even back in the day she kinda defied convention. She was dangerous (well...as much as you could be on a 30 minute long toy commercial), but she looked sexy (to my pre-teen years), and I didn't get the sense she was very submissive or asexual.
Aug 20 2010, 05:45 PM
QUOTE (Voran @ Aug 20 2010, 02:19 PM)
Huh watching that mini character review I realized, "Oh, that's the frickin Baroness." Actually, I think Baroness is hotter than Bayonetta. Even back in the day she kinda defied convention. She was dangerous (well...as much as you could be on a 30 minute long toy commercial), but she looked sexy (to my pre-teen years), and I didn't get the sense she was very submissive or asexual.
tho baroness falls into the trap of being villain, and as such are allowed to be all that (tho i wonder how many 80s kids cheered for the villains as they had all the coolest stuff).
bayonetta is supposedly the hero of the story, tho yes her powers comes from chaos (infernal, evil, got to love centuries of indoctrination).
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