Cast of ShadowsDahlia Bekhit, played by AStarshipforAnts
(PvP: Off)[ Spoiler ]
Name: Dahlia Bekhit
Alias: -
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Nationality: Egyptian
Lifestyle: Middle ( 1 month paid )
Karma Spent: 0
Physical Description: A woman of Nubian Egyptian and Arabic decent, with dusky skin and jade-green eyes. Average in height and build.
Personality: Dahlia compartmentalizes herself depending on the situation she’s in. The Dahlia seen by Asim is somewhat strict and neurotic, but good-intentioned and genuinely concerned. The Dahlia known to the shadow-world is often described as a high-functioning lunatic.
Body: 2
Agility: 4 ( 7 )
Reaction: 3
Strength: 2
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 5
Logic: 5 ( 7 )
Willpower: 4
Edge: 2
Essence: 3.275
Initiative: 8/1P
College Education
Black Market Pipeline: Wares
SINner ( Standard )
Dependent 10 BP
Big Regret
Day Job ( 2500/20 )
Allergy 5 BP
Active Skills
Heavy Weapons: 2 ( Grenade Launchers +2 )
Pistols: 4 ( Heavy Pistols +2 )
Chemistry: 3
Automotive Mechanic: 1
Aeronautic Mechanic: 1
Demolitions: 4
Dodge: 2
Perception: 4
Blades: 3 ( Knives +2 )
[Group] Biotech: 3
[Group] Electronics: 2
Knowledge Skills
English: N
Latin: 1
Egyptian: 3
Toxins: 4
Street Drugs: 4
Biology: 5
Chemistry: 5
Psychology: 3
Physics: 4
Parazoology: 2
Embroidery: 1
Pathogenic Defense rt. 3
Muscle Toner rt. 3
Attention Coprocessor rt. 3
Encephalon rt. 1
Toxin Extractor rt. 3
Ultrasound Senor
Cerebral Booster rt. 2
Sleep Regulator
Form-fitting body armor full suit [ Mods: Nonconductivity 3, Chemical Protection 5, Concealed Holster ]
Street clothes ( x2 )
Vibro blade knife [ Mods: Personalized Grip ]
Injection dagger x2 [ Mods: Personalized Grip ]
Parashield dart pistol [ Mods: Additional Clip, Personalized Grip, Skinlink, Smartgun System, Ammo Skip System ]
Ares Predator IV [ Mods: Smartgun System, Silencer, Skinlink ]
Capsule rounds ( x60 )
Stick-n-Shock rounds ( x40 )
Hermes Ikon commlink [ OS: Iris Orb 6/3 ]
Programs [ Analyze 2, Browse 2, Command 3, Edit 3, Encrypt 3, Scan 3 ]
Goggles rt. 6 [ Mods: Vision Enhancement 3, Vision Magnification, Smartlink, Flare Compensation ]
Medkit rt. 6
Antidote patch ( x3 )
Stimulant patch rt. 4 ( x3 )
Tranq patch rt. 4 ( x3 )
Trauma patch ( x3 )
Dose, Naga venom ( x3 )
Dose, Narcoject ( x40 )
Dose, KE IV ( x20 )
Dose, Arsenic (x 2)
Gas mask
Gas grenade ( x12 )
Software programming suite rt. 2
Fake SIN rt. 4
Fake license rt. 3 ( x2 )
Kit ( x2 )
Shiawase Kanmushi ( x2 ) [ Encrypt 3 / Firewall 6 ] [ Chameleon Coating, Fuzzy Logic, Autoinjector ]
Doc M (Loyalty 1 Connection 2 Elf Male, 40 years old)
The ‘M’ might be for ‘Malpractice’, or even ‘Murder’. Doc M never actually said, and no one seems willing to ask. Regardless of the name, this street doc occasionally calls in Dahlia for operation assistance, and even seems to have a respectable patient survival rate. He honestly thinks that Dahlia is off her rocker. But, that doesn’t stop him from occasionally selling her drugs and medical supplies that are probably better left out of Dahlia’s hands. He operates out of a private street clinic in a rougher part of town.
“Sage” (Loyalty 3 Connection 1 ??? Male, 22 years old)
Between taking care of her younger brother, pulling a legitimate job, and moonlighting as a criminal, Dahlia doesn’t get a lot of time to herself. Without the time and energy to dedicate to a romantic relationship, Dahlia needed a logical and efficient way to take care of her own…needs. Enter Sage, one of a handful of joytoys that Dahlia occasionally hires, and her clear favorite. Dahlia intrigues Sage, and he’ll gladly sell one of his favorite regulars information, too, if that’s what she’s looking for.
“Bagman” (Loyalty 1 Connection 2 ??? ???, ??? years old)
A shady character who always wears a respirator when speaking to Dahlia. The young woman has never seen Bagman without a full hood, longcoat, and respirator or gasmask, and doesn't know anything about the Tamanous operative. Dahlia met Bagman through Doc M when the woman was charged with getting rid of a few bodies. Sometimes Dahlia needs to make a few bodies of her own disappear, now. And sometimes those bodies have some cyber that could fetch a good price. So Bagman's number is committed to memory.
Belladonna (Loyalty 3 Connection 1 Human Female, 34 years old)
A drug and toxin artist and supplier that has a loyal, regular customer in Dahlia. After a few years of business, both women shared a few drinks and learned a little bit about each other. It isn't quite enough to make them friends, especially since Belladonna seems to have a paranoid streak. But, it was enough for both of them to gain a mutual respect for one another. Although, that doesn't stop Belladonna from occasionally wondering exactly what Dahlia has planned for all of the crazy stuff she buys.
Important NPCs
Asim Bekhit (Human Male, 12 years old, student)
Dahlia’s much younger half-brother, the son of her father and an unknown woman. A lover of videogames, Urban Brawl, and attempting to perform skateboarding tricks. He’s somewhat embarrassed by the fact that his sister seems to be the hugest nerd on the face of the planet and never does anything cool. She doesn’t even work in a big lab—just at the hospital. Deep down, Asim has a gut feeling that there’s something off about his sister. But, he can’t really put words to it. A rather average kid.
Chione Bekhit (Human Female, 48 when deceased)
Dahlia’s mother, a housewife who part-timed cooking in an Egyptian restaurant on occasion.
Haji Bekhit (Human Male, 51 when deceased)
Dahlia and Asim’s father, a scientist.
Important PCs
Seti Banoub
The unfortunate sniper that Dahlia essentially bullied into introducing her to the shadow community. Like Dahlia, Seti is ethnically Egyptian; Seti is a Semitic Egyptian and Dahlia is closer to Nubian Egyptian by blood. Seti came into Dahlia’s life full of bullets, and half-conscious on a stretcher in Doc M’s clinic. Dahlia uses Seti as a connection to the greater shadow community and a role-model for her younger brother. Because Seti has shown him self very convenient in these matters, and puts up with more of Dahlia’s proclivities (mad science), Dahlia would never purposefully kill Seti. Somehow, Dahlia just forgets to tell the sniper this and continues to let Seti fear her. OH WELL.
Dahlia always had a mind like a tool laser: precise, intense, blindingly bright, but just as likely to destroy as to create. Her childhood was rather normal and average, or at least not bizarre enough to cause her parents alarm. With a father working in bioengineering, Dahlia’s leanings towards the sciences were more of a source of pride than worry in the family. And so a few…proclivities were often overlooked. And these were minor things—growing cultures of the flu virus in the refrigerator, Darwinian breeding experiments on local frog populations, etc. As long as Dahlia was brilliant, these things were barely even talked about.
Dahlia grew up, speeding through her education and along the way convincing her parents that she should get a sleep regulator once she was accepted into a university. At UC Irvine, Dahlia managed to graduate in three years with degrees in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, with minors in Parazoology and Psychology—courtesy of the fact that the young woman almost never needed to sleep. A half-dozen of Dahlia’s experiments were banned from ever being repeated—including one where she trained a flock of pigeons around campus to turn cannibalistic. Of course, these things were noted on her record. Eventually, the same laboratory that hired Dahlia’s father began courting Dahlia as well—on the strict condition that she undergo a full psychological evaluation.
The evaluation came back—and Dahlia Bekhit was declared, for all intents and purposes, just about as sane as every other mad genius. There was no official diagnosis made, since ‘Mad with Science’ is not a disorder recognized by the DSM. But, comments and notes were made. Brilliance and madness are so often hand-in-hand that the young woman’s oddities seemed almost expected.
At the age of twenty, Dahlia began working in her father’s laboratory—working on several Masters degrees in her off-time. Predictably, tragedy struck. During a routine experiment, a compound that should have been stable went volatile—causing an explosion that spared Dahlia, but took her father’s life. On the same night, Dahlia’s mother was hit by a drunk driver and died before reaching the hospital. Although no evidence ever surfaced to suggest that the lab accident was Dahlia’s fault, and she was never blamed by anyone else, Dahlia held herself completely responsible for the fiasco.
She suffered a complete and utter psychotic break, during which she was fired from her job and put on academic probation until she could prove her own emotional stability. Some weeks later, Dahlia received a call from social services. Her father had left behind a young son fourteen years Dahlia’s junior—who she had never even heard of. The boy’s mother was missing, and no family from her side of the family could be located. Dahlia was his closest family, and the boy would go up for adoption if no one would take him in.
In an overnight 180, Dahlia cleaned herself up, and started making calls. Her father had been acquainted with a few people, more than enough to get Dahlia at least a part-time job. The family house was sold, and Dahlia bought a new apartment. The young woman cleaned herself up and cut her hair. When Dahlia appeared to claim custody of her younger half-brother, the cracks in her psyche weren’t even visible. Dahlia’s brother would have everything he ever needed. He would have no worries.
And so began Dahlia’s spiral into first they greyer areas of work, and later the downright illegal. A part-time job at a local hospital could only pay so many of the bills. Eventually, Dahlia tracked down a local street doc, and began assisting in surgeries on known criminals and mercenaries. And after learning enough about the shadow world to consider it lucrative enough to risk, Dahlia wanted in. The young woman’s in to the shadow community came in the form of another ethnic Egyptian, a sniper by the name of Sethi that Dahlia helped to treat.
Most of Dahlia’s money went into providing Asim with the illusion of a normal life, and augmenting her own body to better suit the rigors of the underworld. With the sleep regulator, Dahlia could work a ‘normal’ shift at a local hospital during the afternoon or evening, get home in time to help her younger brother with homework, tuck him in, and then take a trip into the underworld for another night and morning of biological terrorism and butchery. She’d be home just in time to pack Asim’s lunch for the next day of school.
Ultima, played by Abschalten
(PvP: Off)[ Spoiler ]
"Ultima" - Adept Demolitions/Heavy Weapons Specialist
Description + Background[ Spoiler ]
Description: Ultima stands of taller-than-average height, with a lean and sinewy build borne of trials and perserverance. Her shoulder-length blonde hair is usually combed straight back, though as the day wears on it takes on a wind-tossed appearance. Green eyes like jade stones stare at the world in a steely glare, enhanced by her stand-offish poise and blithe disgregard for the opinions of others. Old, pink burn scars cover her arms and hands in patches, and half of her pinky and ring fingers on her left hand terminate prematurely into smooth stubs. A handful of scars likewise line her otherwise smooth, oval-shaped face as horiztonal slashes. One scar in particular, a diagonal slash in the corner of her mouth across her top and bottom lips, further mars her fair complexion.
Background: Ximena Delgado was a caraqueña, a native of the autonomous city-state of Caracas, situated in South America. As a young child she was drawn towards a fascination with electrial devices and repurposing them for alternative means. Where most children grew up playing with toys, she learned to take things apart to study their insides and how they operated. The few real toys she had been given she disregarded as worthless, except to find inventive ways of destroying them.
Destruction, in fact, would become a core of her philosophy as she got older. Not in an uncontrolled and wanton, chaotic sort of way. But she saw the act of destruction as being an opportunity for rebirth, giving way to new life and new opportunities. As she advanced in her teen years, she trended towards chemistry, electronic engineering, and a fascination for explosives. She downloaded pirated teaching materials from the Matrix and gorged herself on the knowledge therein, teaching herself not only how to build explosive devices, but also how to counteract those built by otheres. Ultima had a knack for this. She could examine a complicated bomb schematic or see an actual device built by somebody else, and with just a cursory glance she could slice it down to its weaknesses and figure out how to disable them.
Her affinities caused her to be noticed by the nationalist Caracan gang, Bolivar '49. She was sympathetic to their cause and was glad to lend her support in keeping Caracas independent of the yoke of other nations, and in fighting corporate influence in the area. The gang encouraged her education, and it was by happenstance that a magician in the group discovered the source of her abilities, her awakened Talents.
Rather than being jarred by the knowledge, she doubled her efforts, seeing this advantage as a way to become the best bomb tech in the world. Not wanting to become too focused on any one thing, she also took up heavy weapons training, seeing machine guns, assault cannons, and other large weapons as natural extensions of her area of expertise. She also rounded out her skills with some basic electronic warfare techniques, in order to keep her remote devices from being backhacked or jammed when she needed them to go off.
Unfortunately, her organization was just a gang, and they were good for pushing drugs through Caracas. She had ready access to street drugs, and found herself relying on Psyche to help her concentrate on building and disabling bombs. Over time, the concentration aid became more of a crutch, and she found herself unable to concentrate or function without the drug in her system. Her withdrawal symptoms are becoming more and more severe, and the monster she becomes when she cannot find a fix is something to dread. She has also recently begun speedballing psyche with red mescaline into locos in an effort to "expand her mind" and help her reach another level of ability. Though she won't admit it to herself, she's become hooked on the red mesc as well.
She envisions herself as an agent of Change. If she destroys a building, she thinks only of the glorious structure that will eventually take its place. If she has to take a life, she imagines that the soul will be reincarnated into a new form and that the atoms and molecules of that person's corporeal form will only become parts of other things. Her beliefs were founded on traditional Roman Catholic orthodoxy, but over time as she has reevaulated her life and opened her mind up to more New Age beliefs, her current religious thoughts are almost unrecognizable. She prays to God and may quote scripture, but her deviations from church dogma are so drastic as to be a new religion all its own.
"My Father above, let Your will be done. Let this object be a measure of Your desire for Change and Rebirth, and let me be an agent thereof. Let me tear down the ugliness of this world so that You may remake it in Your true image and bring about Beauty. Let the babes find succor in Your love and glory, and let those who would work counter to Your will be stricken down and banished into the Outer Darkness. Amen."
Basic Info[ Spoiler ]
Name: Ximena Danita Jiminez-Delgado
Streetname: Ultima
Metatype: Human
Sex: Female
Age: 34
Nuyen: 500
Lifestyle: Low
Total Karma: 0
Current Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 3
Public Awareness: 1
Phys. CM: 10
Ment. CM: 10
Essence 6.00
Attributes [275 BP][ Spoiler ]
Body 4
Agility 5
Reaction 3(4)
Strength 2
Charisma 2
Intuition 4
Logic 5
Willpower 3
Initiative 7(8)
Initiative Passes 1(2)
Edge 3
Magic 6
Qualities [+25 BP][ Spoiler ]
Adept ( 5)
Analytical Mind ( 5)
Severe Addiction: Psyche (+20)
Moderate Addiction: Red Mescaline (+10)
Incompetant: Etiquette (+ 5)
Adept Powers[ Spoiler ]
Mystic Armor 2 (1.00)
Elemental Resistance: Blast (0.50)
Elemental Resistance: Fire (0.50)
Improved Ability: Demolitions 2 (0.50)
Improved Ability: Heavy Weapons 2 (1.00)
Analytics 3 (0.75)
Nimble Fingers (0.25)
Increased Reflexes I (1.50)
Active Skills [130 BP][ Spoiler ]
Demolitions 5
Heavy Weapons (Grenades) 4(+2)
Perception (Visual) 2(+2)
Pistols (Light Pistols) 4(+2)
Dodge (Ranged) 2(+2)
Throwing Weapons (Grenades) 1(+2)
Chemistry 2
Hardware 3
Computer 2
Palming 1
Electronic Warfare 2
Infiltration 2
Knowledge + Language Skills[ Spoiler ]
Professional: Electronic Engineering 5
Professional: Bomb Design 5
Professional: Controlled Demolitions 4
Academic: Explosives Chemistry 3
Interests: Street Drugs 3
Spanish: N
English: 5
Portugese: 2
Contacts [5 BP][ Spoiler ]
Abdul El-Sayed, Fixer [C:3/L:2]
Formerly a supporter of the New Islamic Jihad, Abdul El-Sayed
threw off the life of zealous self-sacrifice out of disdain
for the inevitable matyrdom expected of him. Why did he have to
be where the bombs were when they went off? Still, he retained his
excellent knowledge of explosives and heavy weapons and became
a reliable name in the shadows for getting stuff for those who need
a bit of extra oomph, no questions asked. He also gets word
occasionally on jobs that need done by clients looking for a
particular skillset. While still a deeply religious man, he has
no qualms about selling weapons for people to kill each other with.
How he justifies this with his beliefs is anybody's guess.
Resources [15 BP][ Spoiler ]
Yamaha Sakura Fubuki [4P, SA/BF, (1)RC, 10(ml)x4] 2000
+Int: Folding Stock
+Acc: Smartgun System, External (Underbarrel) 400
+Bul: 260 Ex-Explosive Rounds 2600
Ruger Super Warhawk [6P, -2AP, SS, *8(cy)] 250
+Int: Smartgun System, Integral 250
+Mod: Increased Cylinder 500
+Mod: Personalized Grip 100
+Bul: 100 Ex-Explosive Rounds 1000
ArmTech MGL-12 [Grenade, SA, 12©] 2000
+Acc: Smartgun System, External (Underbarrel) 400
+Acc: Airburst Link 500
+Gre: 24 HE Microgrenades 1080
+Gre: 24 Fragmentation Microgrenades 840
+Gre: 12 Flash-Bang Microgrenades 360
+Gre: 2 Flash-Pak Microgrenades 400
+Gre: 12 Smoke Microgrenades 360
+Gre: 12 Thermal Smoke Microgrenades 420
+Gre: 12 Tear Gas Microgrenades 480
+Gre: 12 Nausea Gas Microgrenades 540
Ingram White Knight [6P, -1AP, BF/FA, 5(6)RC, 50©/100(belt)] 2000
+Acc: Smartgun System, External (Top) 400
+Bul: 300 Ex-Explosive 3000
Gyro Stabilization Harness 3000
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit [6/6] 500
+Helmet [-/+2] 50
+R:6 Fire Resistance 600
Novatech Airware 1250
+R:5 Response Upgrade 4000
+R:5 Signal Upgrade 1000
+R:5 Firewall Upgrade 2500
+R:5 System Upgrade 2500
+R:3 Analyze 150
+R:3 Edit 150
+R:5 Encrypt 500
+R:5 Scan 500
+R:5 Stealth 5000
+R:4 Data Bomb 4000
+R:5 ECCM 5000
+R:5 Sniffer 4000
+R:5 Decrypt 5000
+Subvocal Microphone 50
+Trodes 50
Smart Area Jammer (R:4) 4000
Directional Jammer (R:2) 1000
Goggles (R:3) 300
+Low Light 150
+Thermographic 100
+Flare Compensation 50
Contact Lenses (R:3) 150
+Vision Magnification 100
+Vision Enhancement (R:3) 300
+Smartlink 500
Earbuds (R:1) 10
+Audio Enhancement (R:3) 300
Handheld Sensor [Signal 3]
+Olfactory Sensor (R:6) 3000
+Radar Signal Scanner (R:6) 150
Wire Clippers 25
Monofilament Chainsaw 300
Psyche, 10 doses 2000
Red Mescaline, 10 doses 500
Freeze Foam (R:6), 10 cannisters 240
Low Lifestyle
Silk, played by Aria
(PvP: On)[ Spoiler ]
Basic Background:
Character Sheet:
[ Spoiler ]
Basics BPs 20
Name: Susanna Waters
Street Handle: Silk
Metatype: Orc
Sex: Female
DOB: 2052
Matrix Icon: Sylph in flowing silks
Attributes BPs 190
Body 4
Agility 5
Reaction 4
Strength 3
Charisma 4
Intuition 5
Logic 4
Willpower 3
Special Attributes BPs 50
Edge 2
Magic/Res 5 (4)
Initiative 9
Essence 5.2
Skills BPs 136
Climbing 1 (+1)
Gymnastics 4
Running 1
Computer: 2 (+1)
Data Search: 2
Hardware: 2 (+1) (Maglocks +2)
Software: 2
Pistols 4
Con 1
Etiquette 2
Infiltration 6
Shadowing 2
Dodge 4
Perception 4
Computer Sciences 5
Electronic Engineering 5
Physics 3
Matrix Games 4
Matrix Rumours 3
Seattle Shadows 3
Orzet 2
Cityspeak 2
Qualities BPs 10
Human Looking
Negative Qualities BPs -35
Matrix Addiction – moderate
Day job (uni student)
Enemy 5 BP (Deep Water mercenary outfit)
Records on file (corp sponsor for uni)
Resources 70,000¥ BPs 11
Contacts BPs 15
Mr Bishop - University Librarian / Info Broker 3 / 3
Aria - Hacker 5 / 4
Adept Powers
[ Spoiler ]
Cloak 2
Eidetic Sense Memory
Flexibility 2
Freefall 2
Great Leap 2
Improved Skill 1 – Climbing
Improved Skill 1 – Hardware
Improved Skill 1 – Computer
Memory Displacement
[ Spoiler ]
Orientation System (Alpha)
Math SPU (Alpha, Sequencer 4 built in, some sort of fuse to stop a surge frying her brain)
Image Link
Cyberears 1 (Alpha) + Damper + Increased Sensitivity
Smuggling Compartment (for maglock pass key and some sort of screwdriver…)
[ Spoiler ]
Yamaha Pulsar + internal smartlink + 10 darts
Morrissey Élan + internal smartlink + 15 capsule rounds (DMSO+narcojet)
Full suit form fitting + ruthenium coating + thermal damping 3
Transys Avalon + Iris Orb + Biometric Reader + Hot sim module
FTL Matrixware Net Wizard program suit + Firewall 3 + Decrypt 4 + 2 VR games
Fake SIN 3
1 mnth low lifestyle
Glasses + Flare Compensation + Smartlink + Vision Enhancement 2
Electronics tool kit
Autopicker 6
Maglock Passkey 4
Monofilament Chainsaw
Grapple Gun + stealth rope
2 Nanopaste Disguise small
2 Toyota MK-Centipedes (wireless off, 20m fibre optic spool)
Gridlink modified Honda Spirit 5750 ¥ (assumed half vehicle cost because of age/wear etc)
2 Disposable Commlinks 600 ¥
Area Jammer [R:4] 2000 ¥
2 Armour Vests [6/4] 1200 ¥
2x AZ-150 Stun Batons 1600 ¥
2x Ares Predator IVs 700 ¥
2x Silencers 400 ¥
30x Normal Rounds 60 ¥
Ingram Smartgun 650 ¥
100x Normal Rounds 200 ¥
Sawn-off Defiance T-250 475 ¥
20x Normal Rounds 40 ¥
2x Flashbang Grenades 60 ¥
2x Thermal Smoke Grenades 70 ¥
2x 600 ¥ Certified Credsticks 1200 ¥
595¥ remaining
Character Sketch:
Here Seti, played by Suicidal Street Sam
(PvP: On)[ Spoiler ]
"Seth" - Nerdy Sniper Looking for Love
Background[ Spoiler ]
Seti "Seth" Banoub is the grandchild of Semetic Egyptian immigrants. Born in early 2043, he's watched some of the most technologically amazing progressions mankind has ever made arrive, without ever taking part. But growing up is hard for a brown-skinned elf kid, and he soon retreated into the comforts of science fiction, comic books, and tabletop wargaming. These escapes led Seti to believe he could accomplish more with his life, and so, upon finding out that his parents couldn't pay for college, Seti was inspired, in 2059, to join a unnamed militia group that purported to "fight back" against the Corps that had so devastated the planet and ground people's lives into a messy paste-like...paste.
The militia taught Seti to shoot, and how to hide, just before they themselves were liquified by parties unknown. While Seti wasn't the only survivor, he was the only one who remained in Seattle. Because some of his skills are hard to come by, he is able to get a job as a security guard for a local hospital. His initial supervisor, a dwarf, was a sullen and unlikable metahuman, and resurged a childhood-taught and racial prejudice.
After his father finally passes away from a viral infection of the heart in 2068, Seti feels free to be himself, and starts visiting nightclubs of all manner, looking for love. It is at one of these nightclubs that he bumps into a besuited man, who seems to know too much about Seti, and who offers him a week's pay to watch some trideo-like action through the scope of a rifle. Who could pass that up?
Several runs later, Seti is caught in some crossfire as the team he is working with is decimated. He staggers towards the hospital where he works, looking for a doctor, but is found by Dahlia Bekhit, instead. The fellow Egyptian patches him up, and yanks him into her life, using him as a role-model for her younger brother, Asim, and as an entrance into the world of shadows.
Since meeting Dahlia, and seeing her at work, Seti has grown increasingly paranoid that someday--without warning--Dahlia will decide to infect him with some strange venom, or something, just to see what happens. He likes Asim, generally, and thinks that Dahlia is pretty, but lives in a near-constant state of terror at what should could--accidentally--do to him.
Basic Info[ Spoiler ]
Name: Seti Banoub
Streetname: Seth
Metatype: Elf
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Nuyen: 635 :nuyen:
Lifestyle: Middle
Total Karma: 0
Current Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Essence: 6.00
Attributes[ Spoiler ]
Body: 3
Agility: 6
Reaction: 5 (7)
Strength: 3
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 4
Logic: 4
Willpower: 3
Intiative: 9
Init Passes: 1
Edge: 1
Special Atts: 0
Qualities[ Spoiler ]
Black Market Pipeline - Weapons (10)
Blandness (10)
Lightning Reflexes (15)
Paranoid - Infected by Dahlia (+5)
Day Job (2500 :nuyen:/20hrs) - Hospital Security Guard (+10)
SINner - Standard (+5)
Prejudiced (Specific, Outspoken: Dwarves) (+10)
Active Skills[ Spoiler ]
Pistols: 4
Longarms: 4 ( Sniper Rifles +2 )
Automatics: 4
Stealth Group: 4
Athletics Group: 3
Outdoors Group: 2
Dodge: 2
Perception: 4
Knowledge and Language Skills[ Spoiler ]
Procedure (Security): 3
Design (Firearms): 3
Law: 2
Sniper Perches: 4
Navigation (Hospital Routes): 2
Nightclubs: 2
Gay Nightclubs: 2
Comic Books: 2
Tabletop Wargaming: 1
Scrimshaw: 1
English: N
Egyptian: 1
Arabic: 1
Contacts[ Spoiler ]
Afareen Javaherian - Armorer [L:1 C:2]
An Iranian-American woman on the lowest rung of the family-business ladder, Afareen only escapes constantly disappointing her father because she continuously supplies a few very loyal customers.
"Jeremy" - Club Owner [L:1 C:1]
The owner of a semi-popular nightclub, The Standing Domino, Jeremy puts off decidedly ambiguous vibes. While always willing to compliment a new suit, or flirt playfully, he never seems serious about what he's saying. He and Seti bonded over a slow night at the club, when they found themselves at the same table, drinking champagne until long after the club was supposed to close.
Resources[ Spoiler ]
Yamaha Growler
+Run Flat Tires
Ranger Arms SM-4 [8P, SA, 1RC, 15©]
+Imaging Scope
+Rigid Stock
+3 Mags Regular Ammo (45)
+1 Mag EX-Explosive Ammo (15)
+1 Mag Hollow-Point Ammo (15)
+Body Armor Bag [6/2]
Ceska Black Scorpion [4P, SA/BF, 1RC, 35©]
+Integral Folding Stock
+1 Mag Regular Ammo (35)
Street Clothes [0/0]
Leather Jacket [2/2]
Form-Fitting Body Armor Shirt [3/0]
Chameleon Suit [6/4]
Applies a -4 dice pool modifier to Perception Tests to see the wearer.
Survival Kit
Combat Load Vest
Smart Canteen (1L)
Ration Pouch (3 days)
Barometric Sensor
***B&E Gear***
Autopicker (R3)
Long Haul (10 doses)
Rhodes Rashburne, played by Red_Cap
(PvP: Off)[ Spoiler ]
[ Spoiler ]
Rhodes Rashburne is the oldest of seventeen children, having just turned 22 years old; his next oldest sibling, Alexander, is only 14. Both is parents -- both orks -- are still alive and kicking, trying to make a life in the rough and tumble Loveland neighborhood of Puyallup. Rhodes was pulled into the local gang life early (he was taken into the ork-dominated Ragers gang at the tender age of 12), and has fought his way up through the ranks with fearless, stubbornness, and brute force. His best friend Angron is now the gang's leader, and Roadie sits at his right hand.
Roadie, however, isn't your quintessential ganger. Though he is loyal to his brothers and sisters, he sees the gang as more of an extended family or group of friends rather than truly buying into their revenge-for-the-Night-of-Rage party line. He uses the gang violence of this lifestyle to accrue money and physical goods which he passes off to his family to keep his parents and the kids in food and clothes. Both of his parents are solid Roman Catholics so his mother refuses Rhodes' gifts if they are stolen; his father, though, is rather more pragmatic. They tried to raise him to avoid violence and all the other sins of the world, but the only thing that really stuck with Roadie is an aversion to drugs (though he's all about knocking back a beer whenever the opportunity presents itself).
After he started stocking up on cyberware, he got in touch with a low-level fixer and is trying to set himself up as a shadowrunner. He wants to make enough money to dig his parents out of their shit-hole lifestyle in one of the worst parts of town, and anything left over is just gravy for himself.
Rhodes is a big slab of muscle, standing seven feet tall and weighing in well over two hundred pounds -- closer to two-fifty -- and none of it is fat. He dresses in ripped-up, dirty blue jeans and various tee-shirts and wife-beaters, usually with his black armored jacket on, proudly displaying the fist-and-flame icon of the Ragers, topped off with a black bandana drawn tight around his shaved head. His lack of charisma is really more due to his uncaring attitude and violence-first demeanor, though his ork-ness is unmistakable -- he's lantern-jawed with prominent tusks.
He has a tendency to crack his knuckles when he's bored or ready to fight, and can do so repeatedly just by flexing his fists. He has a thing for vintage Wild West flats and trids, especially Clint Eastwood; his favorite is Tombstone. As an homage to these past heroes, he wears his six-gun (actually an eight-gun, but who's counting?) low on his leg, in easy reach should he need to start blasting.
[ Spoiler ]
Metatype: Ork
Body: 5 (8)
Agility: 4 (6)
Reaction: 3 (5)
Strength: 6 (8)
Charisma: 2
Intuition: 4
Logic: 2
Willpower: 4
Edge: 2
Essence: 2.9
High Pain Tolerance 2
Mild Addition to Alcohol
Simsense Vertigo
Close Combat Group 3
Automotive Mechanic 2
Dodge 3
Intimidation 4
Perception 3
Pilot Ground Craft 2 (Bikes +2)
Running 2
Survival 2 (Urban +2)
Automatics 2
Longarms 2
Pistols 3 (Revolvers +2)
Seattle Gangs 3
Wild West Trids 3
Seattle Street Docs 2
Thrash Metal 3
Combat Biker Stats 2
English: N
Or'zet 3
Spanish 2
[ Spoiler ]
Muscle Replacement 2
Reaction Enhancers 2
Plastic Bone Lacing
Harley-Davidson Scorpion
Cavalier Deputy with:
- Increased Cylinder
- Underbarrel Laser Sight
- Personalized Grip
- Custom Look 2
- Quick Draw Holster
- 40x rounds of Hollow Point ammo in speed loaders
HK MP-5 TX with:
- 100x Explosive rounds in five clips
Sony Emperor Commlink with:
- Red Cap Nix OS
- Browse 2
- Edit 2
- Headphones
Fake SIN (Rating 3)
Fake Driver's License (Rating 4)
Fake Firearm License (Cavalier Deputy, Rating 4)
Squatter Lifestyle, 6 months
[ Spoiler ]
Gang Leader -- Roadie is a member of the Ragers, and a close friend and lieutenant of the gang's leader, Angron. He's just as big an ork as Roadie is and is quite a bit angrier, to boot.
[/b]Joy Girl[/b] -- The ork street-walker who goes by Tatiana isn't exactly a friend of Roadie's, but he's been a decent client in the past and seems willing to look out for her when business gets thin. Hey, money is money.
Street Doc -- Marcus Derringer might be a human, but he's at least a decent sort, and even gave Roadie a first-timer's discount when he installed the ork's strength enhancers. The DocWagon tattoo on his arm is kind of hard to miss, but living in that pig sty in Puyallup means that's he's not corporate anymore.
Fixer -- Mr. Green isn't even a middle-sized name in a pond as big as Seattle, but he has a reputation for picking up down-and-out-ers and setting newcomers on the path to riches and ruin. He doesn't seem to give a shit about his runners, though, so word on the street is to watch your step.
Silver, played by Combat Mage
(PvP: Off)[ Spoiler ]
Description:[ Spoiler ]
Silver is a good-looking elf of about 1,90m height. His long snow-white hair and violet eyes give him the air of the exotic and his sharply defined face with high cheekbones and an accented chin displays intelligence and a strong will.
He is of slender build and always dresses fashionably, preferring the Vashion Island Steampunk Line of clothing. On the run he often wears a stylish Urban Explorer Jumpsuit in black and red.
Around his neck is a silver necklace with a picture of Aurora and a lock of her raven-black hair inside. He never takes it off, it is both a reminder of his quest and a magical focus to stengthen his powers.
Background:[ Spoiler ]
Silver, or Jack Leyton as his real name is, was born in London as the son of middle-class parents. His childhood was nothing outside the ordinary, he went to school, played with friends and did all the things that little boys do.
When he was 7 he awakened, displaying considerable magical potential when assensed at school as part of a routine test. He soon was offered a scholarship in a special boarding school aimed at cultivating awakened talents. His parents accepted and so Jack spent the next 2 years away from home, being taught to use the power he had developed. Officially the school was run by the english government, but in reality the whole thing was financed and controlled by EVO. They were trying to instill loyalty to their corporation from a young age on in the students so that the future mages and adepts could be recruited into EVO’s ranks.
Jack had problems with the hard discipline and the many rules present at the boarding school, and soon he had a reputation as rowdy and troublemaker. In addition he couldn’t make much sense of the way of magic his hermetic teachers showed him which led to him getting bad grades and being classified as weak in magical talent. In combination these factors finally led to EVO deciding that teaching him was a waste of money and expelling him from the school.
His parents decided to try a different path with his magical education and asked an old family friend, a mage of the Wiccan tradition, to take over as the child’s mentor. The friend, an old irishman by the name of Seamus O’Callaghan, saw that the boy wasn’t cut out for the hermetic patch and worked with him to explore all kinds of different ways to focus his talents.
Jack spent his teenage years under Seamus’ guidance and he developed a close connection to the old man, adopting his Wiccan beliefs and focusing his magic through the worship of The God, the masculine half of the duality of forces in the universe. For Jack The God was represented by the sun, which became his mentor spirit.
When Haley’s Comet passed, Jack’s hair suddenly turned white over night and his eyes took on a deep glowing violet color. At first the teenager was shocked but he soon realized the new look made him seem alluring and mysterious to the girls and after a short time he was even thankful for the change, especially since it also seemed to have heightened his acuity of thought.
As he got older Jack became a good-looking and well-like young man. He had meet a girl in his second year of college. Her name was Aurora and he immediately fell for the delicate elven beauty with the raven black hair and the sparkling green eyes. She reciprocated the feeling and they spent every minute of the following summer together. For the first time in his life, Jack felt true love and he knew he had found his soulmate, the missing feminine half of his soul as the Wiccan said. Everything was perfect and Jack though things couldn’t get any better.
Then Aurora vanished from the earth. One minute they were together at the zoo, holding hands and enjoying a sunny afternoon, the next minute she was lost in the crowd. He searched for her the whole day but he couldn’t find her, or reach her on her commlink. He wasn’t too worried at first, thinking that she may just have gotten lost and went home or mybe she was playing a prank on him.
But two days later, he still hadn’t heard anything from her and was getting really anxious, he got a scrambled voice message on his commlink, telling him to stop looking for Aurora and to accept that she was gone from his life and that he would never see her again. Stunned he asked a friend well versed in all things matrix to take a look at the message and see what he could find out. But the only thing his friend could tell him was that the message had been sent from Seattle.
To make things worse his mentor, the old Seamus O’Callaghan, had died a week ago and Jack still wasn’t over the loss. But the irishman had left him a little money in his will and Jack ade a drastic decision. He would find Aurora and save her, no matter what it took. He used a part of his inheritance to get some bioware implanted because he knew he would likely have to visit dangerous places and do dangerous things to save her. The rest of the money was spent on a one-way flight to Seattle.
He rented a small apartment and started his quest to find his love. He knew he would need money and connections in the criminal world to get any results and so he started to involve himself in the shadows both as a way to get to know people who could help him on his search and to finance it. He took on the name of “Silver” and became a shadowrunner, counting on his value as one of the rare awakened to offset his lack of experience.
He is still pretty new in Seattle and in the shadows, having been there for a month and only done a couple of low-impact jobs but he won’t rest until he holds Aurora in his arms again.
Character Sheet[ Spoiler ]
Name: “Silver”
Race: Elf (30 BP)
Age: 22Attributes: 200 BPBody: 5
Agility: 3
Reaction: 5 (7)
Strength: 2
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 6
Logic: 3
Willpower: 5
Special Attributes: 40 BPMagic: (5) -> 4
Edge: 1
Essence: 5
Initiative: 13
Positive Qualities: 30 BPMagician (15 BP)
Mentor Spirit: The God (5 BP) (Rules as Sun: +2 Combat Spells, +2 Fire Spirits)
Class II SURGE (10 BP)
- Surge Positive Qualities (20 BP free):
---> Metagenetic Improvement: Intuition (20 BP)
- Surge Negative Qualities (10 BP free):
---> Unusual Hair (white hair) (5 BP)
---> Extravagant Eyes (violet eyes) (5 BP)
Negative Qualities: +35 BPDistinctive Style I: white hair, violet eyes (+5 BP)
Lost Love One (His girlfriend, Aurora) (+5 BP)
SINer (England, “Jack Leyton”) (+5 BP)
Records on File (EVO) (+10 BP)
Mild Allergy (Gold) (+5 BP)
Sensitive Neural Structure (+5 BP)
Active Skills: 56 BPSpellcasting : 6 (24 BP)
Summoning : 4 (16 BP)
Counterspelling: 1 (4 BP)
Assensing: 1 (4 BP)
Perception : 1 (4 BP)
Dodge: 1 (4 BP)
Knowledge Skills (27 Free):Magic Theory: 6
Paranormal Critters: 4
Magical Security Procedures: 4
Zoology: 2
New Age Philosophy: 2
English: N
Spanish: 3
Sperethiel: 3
Japanese: 3
Spells: 24 BPStunbolt
Lightning Bolt (Limited Spell)
Improved Invisibility
Connections: 4 BPIlyna, Talismonger and Wiccan Coven Leader (Loyalty 1 / Connection 3)
[ Spoiler ]
Ilyna is lively young african dwarf who has a talismonger shop and is also the leader of a small coven of Wiccans. Since Silver arrived in Seattle he has been trying to find someone that can supply him with magical materials. Purely by luck he met Ilyna in a club one evening and they discovered that they shared the same basic beliefs of Wiccan, even though their specific lineages are different. Since then they have met a few times but so far the relationship is still on a business level in terms of trust.
Ilyna is an open-minded and friendly character. Very outgoing and outspoken she takes pride in only selling the best quality of magical equipment she can get.
Marcus Patterson, Bartender (Loyalty 1 / Connection 2)
[ Spoiler ]
Marcus is the night shift bartender at Club Penumbra on weekdays. He owes Silver a debt of gratitude when one of his assistants caught a stray bullet during a shootout between two organized crime syndicates and the mage saved the boy's life with a healing spell. Working at the counter of one of the most popular shadowrunner haunts in the Seattle, Marcus is privy to the latest street gossip about what's going down in the Emerald City.
Focus Bonding: 2 BPBinding the Power Focus: 2 BP
Gear: 49 BP[ Spoiler ]
49 BP = 245000 Nuyen
Bioware: 160000
Synaptic Booster Rating 2 (160000)
Armor: 8550
- Urban Explorer Jumpsuit + Fire Resistance 6 + Chemical Protection 3 (1850)
- Vashion Island Steampunk-Line Outfit: Overcoat, Vest, Slacks, Shirt + Fire Resistance 6 + Chemical Protection 3 (3600)
- Form Fitting Body Armor (Half Body) + Nonconductivity 6 (2100)
- SecureTech PPP Systems: Vitals Protector (200), Leg and Arm Casings (350), Forearm Guards (200), Shin Guards (150), Helmet (100)
SIN + Licenses: 4400
Fake SIN Rating 4 (4000) “Desmond White”
Fake License Rating 4: Combat Spells (400)
Perception Enhancements: 3025
-Contact Lenses Rating 3 with Image Link, Vision Enhancement 3, Vision Magnification and Skinlink (505)
-Glasses Rating 3 with Image Link, Ultrasound, Flare Compensation and Skinlink (1200)
-Earbuds Rating 2 with Audio Enhancement 3, Select Sound Filter 3 and Skinlink (970)
-Optical Binoculars (50)
-Periscope (50)
-Endoscope (250)
Magical Equipment: 53000
Magical Lodge Rating 6 (3000)
Power Focus Rating 2 (50000) (Necklace with Aurora’s picture and a lock of her hair in it)
Fetish (Combat Spells) (200) (A chain with a small rock crystal at the end)
Commlink: 2500
Novatech Airware + Iris Orb + Browse 3 + Skinlink + Subvocal Microphone (2500)
Vehicle: 6500
Yamaha Suzuki Mirage (6500)
Lifestyle: 5000
Middle (1 Month) (5000)
Misc Equipment: 800
Gas Mask (200)
Medkit Rating 6 (600)
Total: 243975 / 245000 // 1025 left = + 10 on starting money roll
"Doc" John Martell, played by Solon
(PvP: Off)[ Spoiler ]
"Doc" John Martell (Knife Nut Nurse) formerly HM1(SS)
Physical Description
[ Spoiler ]
Race: Caucasian
Sex: Male
Metatype: Human
Age: 30 Height: 180cm Weight: 80kg
Tanned and lean (some of his weight is due to hidden cyber), he has hazel eyes and keeps his red-brown hair cropped close in a crew cut. His clean shaven face has neither scars nor age lines. His left hand is an obvious cyberhand with a bronze finish. He stands very straight, displaying unusually good posture and tends to whistle quietly to himself when not otherwise occupied. Upon closer inspection the edge of a wide puckered scar is visible on the right side of his neck and extends down below his collar. His right arm has the Caduceus symbol of the Hospital Corpsman on the top of the forearm and the eagle, anchor and ship of the Navy on the inside of his forearm. His left forearm has the eagle, globe and anchor of the Marines on the back and on the inside of his forearm is the symbol of the "First of the First", 1st Battalion 1st Marines complete with motto: Ready to Fight. When his shirt is off the scar at his neck is revealed to extend down along his collarbone and crosses his entire chest ending below his heart. On his left shoulder is the seal of the USS Steven Decatur, a burning wooden ship, with the motto: Semper Audax.
Tends to dress in loose casual clothing, mainly earth tones. Will be in scrubs when just off a shift at the hospital.
[ Spoiler ]
John was born in Denver to Robert and Myra Martel (née Standish) in 2042. He grew up in the UCAS zone, his father a government employee at DLA. (Defense Logistics Administration) He had a sharp mind and always excelled at school, especially in the sciences, but he also has a wild streak that kept him busy with visits to the principal's office. Concerned about his lack of discipline, his parents were delighted when he decided to join the UCAS Navy after highschool. He became a Hospital Corpsman, training at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Puyallup.
His first assignment in Chicago would teach John many valuable lessons, especially regarding staying focused and following orders: his recklessness cost him three squadmates and his hand to bug spirits during a patrol. After that John was all business on patrols and would never again have problems with discipline. He served four years in Chicago before transferring to the fleet and becoming the “Doc” on SSN-1021 the USS Steven Decatur an aging fast attack submarine. This new duty station had challenges all its own. He was the only medical personnel on the crew and had to handle any and all medical emergencies himself. As it turned out this included an emergency appendectomy and two heart attacks and a broken neck during his four year tour.
In 2070 at his ten year point he decided he would rather take his chances in the corporate world than in the military. A dull rotation to a military hospital didn't appeal to him. During his time in he had taken college courses online to complete a nursing degree and immediately pursued employment with DocWagon back home in Denver. It was a good paying job, but it lacked the excitement of his military life, and John's restlessness got the best of him. After a year on the job he started moonlighting as a shadowrunner locally. He was out of his element at first and placed a little too much trust in his fixer. He had good contacts made from his job with DocWagon, but he didn't do his legwork and six months ago it caught up with him.
It was supposed to be a routine hijacking of a cargo truck. It had decent security and a high value cargo that would pay nicely. It paid well enough that John was willing to hire on with a group he was unfamiliar with and trusted them to do the research on the job. Unfortunately the truck was carrying biotech and cloned organs owned by DocWagon and guarded by some of the same security forces they used on the HTR teams John worked on. Believing himself compromised during the mission, John hired a hacker to clean up his data trails and set him up with some fake documents then left town without a word to anyone. He arrived in Seattle after a week of drifting westward and northward. When he arrived he discovered, upon checking, that DocWagon had no idea who has been in on the hijacking and didn't suspect him of anything. They were, however, curious why he hadn't called or been to work in a week. He quit for “personal reasons” rather than explain why he had left Denver and decided to make the best of a bad situation. He found a part time job at a mainly elven hospital in Puyallup and a low rent fixer to try to pay the bills. As luck would have it an old friend, the “Chop” (supply officer) from the Decatur was now working
DRMO out of the Everett Naval Yard. John was able to begin getting himself a kit together for running the shadows and started taking jobs from his fixer contact. So far they have mostly been inspecting organ shipments and other medical supplies while providing physical security. He is trying to convince himself that he isn't working for some Tamanous middleman while hoping to make better contacts and get away from needing his current, and very shady, fixer. His conscience is helped a little by his part-time job as a surgical nurse at Deireadh an Tuartheil.
Seattle has changed since he trained here nine years ago and so he is still getting his bearings, starting with the somewhat familiar Puyallup. He maintains a small apartment on the edge of the district and commutes to work on public transit. In his free time he reads history and listens to blues music, even taking a live show when he can. Always having had a knack for languages he is also considering taking some courses in Spanish or Japanese, though he decided he can't quite afford it until he get a better fixer.
[ Spoiler ]
Body: 3 (+2 on Damage resist tests, 2 Impact Armor)
Agility: 4 (6)
Reaction: 4 (5)
Strength: 3 (4)
Cha: 3
Int: 3
Log: 5 (7)
Wil: 3
Initiative: 7 (8) (2 Passes)
Edge: 3
Essence: 2.03
[ Spoiler ]
Day Job (Part Time Surgical Nurse) 10BP
Records on File (DocWagon and their parent corp) 10BP
Linguist 5BP
Martial Arts (Wildcat) 10BP( +1DV unarmed, +1 to Subdue)
Active Skills
[ Spoiler ]
Automatics: 4 (Assault Rifles +2)
Blades: 4 (Knives +2)
Chemistry: 3
Cybertechnology: 2
Dodge: 2
Etiquette: 1
First Aid: 5 (Combat Wounds)
Medicine: 4 (Trauma Surgery)
Pilot: Groundcraft: 1
Pistols: 3
Swimming: 2
Thrown Weapons: 2 (Knives +2)
Unarmed Combat: 4 (Subduing +2) +1 to Subdue from Wildcat, +1DV from Wildcat
(Final Unarmed damage: 5P)
Knowledge Skills
[ Spoiler ]
Biology: 4 (Anatomy +2)
UCAS Military: 2
Blues Musicians: 2
History: 2 (Classical +2)
Street Docs: 2
[ Spoiler ]
English(n): Military Jargon
Sprethial: 2 (+2 Linguist)
Or'Zet: 2 (+2 Linguist)
German: 2 (+2 Linguist)
[ Spoiler ]
“Skuzz” Low-rent Fixer Connection: 3 Loyalty: 1
LT(SS) Roger “Chop” Warfield Connection: 2 Loyalty: 4 ("Chop" is the standard nickname of a submarine supply officer, just as every Hospital Corpsman is called "Doc")
Siobhán Dal Raida (Chief Resident) Connection: 2 Loyalty: 2
[ Spoiler ]
Alphaware Cybereyes (Rating 3)
Image link, video recording, flare compensation, low light vision,
Smartlink, Microscopic Vision
Ceramic Bone Lacing 4P (Unarmed Damage)
Alphaware Wired Reflexes (Rating 1)
Obvious Cyberhand: Str:4 Bod:4 Agi:5
Shock Hand 6S(e), 10 charges, -half AP
[ Spoiler ]
Muscle Augmentation (Rating 1)
Muscle Toner (Rating 2)
Cerebral Booster (Rating 2)
Platelet Factories
[ Spoiler ]
2 Combat Knives: 3P
Cermaic Knife: 3P
Cougar Flineblade Long Knife: 4P -1AP
Vibroknife: 4P -2 AP
10 Throwing Knives: 3P
Defiance EX Shocker (Taser): 8S(e)-half AP 4 prongs 20m range
Colt America L36 (Light Pistol) legally obtained under actual SIN: 4P SA 11r/mag
3 spare magazines
200 rounds regular ammo
Fichetti Security 600 (Light Pistol): 4P SA 30r/mag
detachable folding stock (RC1), laser sight, smartlink
Concealable Holster
3 spare magazines
300 rounds regular ammo
Colt M23 (Assault Rifle): 6P -1AP SA/BF/FA 40r/mag
smartlink, low light flashlight, shockpad, forward grip,
sling (2 points recoil comp)
5 spare magazines
500 rounds regular ammo
200 rounds Stick n Shock ammo 6S(e) -half AP
10 Flash Grenades
10 Flashbangs (6S -3AP, 10m)
Smart Pouch System:
Combat Load Vest
4 Ammo pouches
Butt Pack
Armor Vest 6/4
Commlink: Novatech Airwave running Iris Orb OS w Basic Plus Software Suite (Analyze 3, Browse 3, Command 1, Edit 3), Sim Module (cold sim), Trodes, Skinlink
Response: 3 Signal: 3 Firewall: 3 System: 3
Earbuds (Rating 1)
Subvocal mic
Spanish Linguasoft (rating 3)
Chinese Linguasoft (rating 3)
Japanese Linguasoft (rating 3)
Fake (UCAS) SIN: Rating 4
Fake (Horizon) SIN: Rating 4
Fake gun license: Rating 4
Tag Eraser
Goggles (Rating 2): Thermographic imaging, Vision Magnification
50 Plastic restraints
Medkit (Rating 6)
5 medkit refills
Respirator (Rating 4)
10 Rating 4 Antidote Patches
10 Rating 4 Stim Patches
10 rating 5 Tranq Patches
10 Trauma Patches
Basic DocWagon Contract (1 year)
Lifestyle: Low (paid for 6 months)
Starting Nuyen: 850
here is my roll, I had a little over 1000 Nuyen left overEdit: As far as legal licenses are concerned I'd imagine Doc is a licensed Paramedic and now Nurse. He has veteran status so he would probably also have some VA benefits, he might be able to go to a VA hospital for routine maintenance and have access to software patches for his hand as well as basic medical care, even if the lines are long. (As a veteran myself I know just how long you can end up waiting at those places) He also legally obtained his Colt America L36 and carries it to and from work for protection.
Mask, played by Karoline
(PvP: Off)[ Spoiler ]
Female Dryad 45
Bod:1 0 Str:1 0 Log:6 40 Edge:1 0
Agi:6 40 Cha:7 40 Wil:1 0 Ess:6
Rea:1 0 Int:5 40 Ini:2 Resonace:6 65
Qualities: -10
Low Light Vision
Analytical Mind 5
Paragon (Allas) 5
Technomancer (Singularity) 5
Metagenic Improvement (Logic) (20)
Extravagant Eyes (Pure White) (-5)
Unusual Hair (White) (-5)
Blind -10
Pacifist -5
SINner -5
Impaired Strength -5
Bad Luck -20
Combat Paralysis -20
Skills: 64
Cracking 2 20
Electronics 2 20
Perception 6 24
Knowledge Skills: 33 free
English N
Delta (Free Sprite) L2/C1
Complex Forms:72
Analyze 6 6
Browse 6 6
Blackout 6 6
Edit 6 6
Spoof 6 6
Scan 6 6
Shield 6 6
Attack 6 6
Stealth 6 6
Exploit 6 6
ECCM 6 6
Decrypt 6 6
Living Persona:
System: 6
Response: 6
Signal: 3
Firewall: 1
BioFeedback Filter: 6
Current Sprites:
Skills - Computer, Data Search, Hacking
CF - Analyze, Encrypt, Stealth, Track, Transfer
Powers - Cookie, Hash
Optional CFs - Browse, Command, Decrypt, Exploit, Scan
Skills - Cybercombat, Electronic Warfare, Hacking
CF - Analyze, Exploit, Stealth
Powers - Suppression
Optional CFs - Decrypt, Defuse, Edit, Scan, Spoof
Skills - Computer, Data Search, Decrypt
CF - Browse, Edit, Transfer
Powers - Stenography, Watermark
Optional CFs - Defuse, Encrypt, Sniffer, Stealth, any Linguasoft
Skills - Computer, Hardware, Instruction, Software
CF - Analyze, Browse, Skillsoft
Powers - Proficiency, Stability
Optional CFs - Command, Edit, Skillsoft
Skills - Cybercombat
CF - Attack (AP -2), Attack (Rust), Blackout, Nuke
Powers - Assault
Optional CFs - Armor, Black Hammer, Cascading, Medic, Shield
Shock Gloves 200
Telesopic Staff 100
Armored Jacket 200
Novatech Airware 1250
Iris Orb 1000
FTL Matrixware Net Wizard 480
Subvocal Mic 50
Sunglasses 1 25
Earbuds 3 30
Audio Enhancement 3 300
Spatial Recognizer 100
Tooth Storage Compartment 200 (Contains Data Chip)
Certified Credstick with 1040 1065
Street 0
Akecheta, played by Combat Mage
(PvP: Off)[ Spoiler ]
Akecheta the Beast, Troll Combat Adept
[ Spoiler ]
Of native American descent, Akecheta the Beast is a giant of a troll. Even among other trolls his enormous size of almost 9' 8" stands out and massive muscles move under his reddish-brown skin. His hair is a wild long lion-like mane of black and crimson and his eyes glow in a bright red color. His face is covered with nanotattoos which most often display tribal patterns reminiscent of native american war paint.
At the young age of 21 Akecheta already bears the scars of a harsh life. He has sharply andefined facial features with a prominent chin and high cheekbones. His horns are spiraled like those of a ram.
Most of the time he is clad in black leather, with combat boots and reinforced black gloves.
[ Spoiler ]
Akecheta was born as a human in Cheyenne, capital of the Sioux Nation. He was the son of a prostitute who was a member of a street gang, the "Tribe of Blood". His mother tried to raise him as best as she could but she wasn't exactly cut out for parenthood and Akecheta grew up among the rough criminals of the Tribe of Blood. Early on he experienced violence and he quickly learnt to fight to survive. Early in his teenage years he goblinized to a troll, which shocked him at first, but he quickly adapted and learned to value his new body. He had been no weakling before but now he was strong even for a troll. Unknown to him he also awakened and manifested powers as a physical adept.
The Tribe of Blood had strong ties to the Lakota Mafia, the strongest criminal syndicate in the Sioux Nation. As Akecheta grew stronger and became a feared fighter on the streets they recruited him into their ranks, teaching him a bit about his magical talent and training him further in the ways of combat. With their support he agumented his magic with some carefully chosen bioware. After only two years the troll was one of the syndicate's most feared enforcers on the streets. When Haley's comet passed Akecheta changed again, his hair growing into a lion-like mane of black and crimson. his eyes took on a bright red glowing color. This transformation earned him the nickname "The Beast".
Akecheta didn't mind his violent work, he had had a harsh childhood and he learned that everybody had to look out for himself. The strong persevere and the weak die. The young troll would have continued on his path if he hadn't met Lilly.
Lilly, a beuatiful young ork woman, was a waitress at an italian pizza joint, that, unknown to her, served as a front for a small group of irish mafioso from Seattle who wanted to get a foothold in the Sioux Nation. Together with other enforcers, Akechte was sent to kill everyone working there to send a clear message that the Lakota Mafia would not suffer any intrusion into their territory.
He didn't know why but the moment Akecheta laid eyes on Lilly he knew that there was a connection between them. He saved her from the ensuing firefight between the Lakota enforcers and the Irish and they got to know each other. They quickly fell in love and she convinced him to retire from his life of violence. Akecheta was stunned that anyone could love someone, something, that looked so wild and dangerous, so inhuman as he did and he listened to her request. He distanced himself more and more from the Lakota Mafia and tried to get out.
Of course his bosses did not like that development. After several stern talks and threats that did not bring results the syndicate leadership decided to take more drastic measures. A high-ranking lieutenant, a big ork called "Rattlesnake", was ordered to take his men and kill Lilly and, if he resisted, Akecheta too.
When Akecheta arrived at his apartment that evening, Lilly was already dead. Her body was pinned against the wall with a machete and Rattlesnake and his men stood around it, waiting for the troll to give him an ultimatum: "Forget she ever existed and come back into the syndicate or die next to her."
Akecheta had never felt so much pain and anger as he did in this moment. He screamed out a blood-chilling howl of pure rage and ripped of the closest enforcer's head with his pure hands. The other men died shortly after, except for Rattlesnake. Lilly's murderer took a long time to die and at the end he was begging to be killed.
Akecheta buried his girlfriend's body outside the city in the woods. He knew he had to leave because the syndicate would not let the killing of one of their lieutenants go unpunished. He got confirmation on that very soon when he heard of the 20.000 Nuyen bounty that the Lakota Mafia had put out for his capture.
Lilly's death has disenchanted the troll. He sees no sense in being "good" any more now that she is dead. He relishes in the adrenaline and thrill of combat and other dangerous situations to forget about what he once had and lost so horribly.
Two hours ago he arrived in Seattle after having used the majority of his remaining money to pay a smuggler to get him across the border. What he will do now...he doesn't even know himself .
Character Sheet:
[ Spoiler ]
Troll: 45 BPAttributes: 200 BPBody: 9
Agility: 5 (7)
Reaction: 5 (7)
Strength: 9 (11)
Charisma: 2
Intuition: 2
Logic: 2
Willpower: 3
Special Attributes: 40 BPMagic: (5) -> 1
Edge: 1
Essence: 2.61
Initiative: 9 (3 IPs)
Positive Qualities: 35 BPAdept
Surge II
+ Metagenetic Improvement (Agility)
- Unusual Hair (Black and crimson striped lion-like mane)
- Extravagant Eyes (Bright red glowing eyes)
Biocompatability: Bioware
Martial Arts: Muay Thai II (+2 DV on Unarmed Combat Attacks)
Negative Qualities: -35 BPDistinctive Style 2 (Mane, Eyes, Tattoos)
Combat Monster
Thrill Seeker
Wanted (Lakota Mafia put out 20.000 Nuyen for his capture)
Active Skills: 64 BPUnarmed Combat: 4
Automatics: 6
Pistols: 2
Longarms: 2
Heavy Weapons:1
Perception: 1
Knowledge Skills: 12 FreeLakota Mafia: 4
Firearms Design: 2
Martial Arts: 2
English: N
Sioux (Lakota Dialect): 4
Adept Powers: 1 Power PointsCritical Strike 1 (0.25)
Penetrating Strike 1 (0.25)
Improved Ability: Automatics 1 (0.5)
Focus Binding: 1 BP-Binding the Weapon Focus
Gear: 50 BP[ Spoiler ]
50 BP= 250000 Nuyen
Bioware: 130000
Bone Density Augmentation 4
Muscle Toner 2
Muscle Augmentation 2
Reflex Recorder: Automatics
Reflex Recorder: Unarmed
Cyberware: 64000
Wired Reflexes 2 (Alpha)
Weapons: 28435
-Weapon Focus Rating 1: Hardliner Gloves
Mods: Personalized Grip, Tracker
-FN 5-7C
Mods: Metahuman Customization, Personalized Grip, Gas Vent 3, Improved Range Finder, Skinlink, Tracker
Accessories: Quick-Draw Holster, Top-mounted External Smartlink System
Ammunition: 5 clips regular, 5 clips Stick-N-Shock, 3 clips Ex-Ex
-FN P93 Praetor with integrated Electronic Firing and Low-Light Flashlight
Mods: Metahuman Customization, Gas Vent 3, Foregrip, Improved Range Finder, Skinlink, Sling, Tracker
Accessories: Top-mounted external Smartlink System, Sound Supressor
Ammunition: 5 clips regular, 5 clips Ex-Ex, 5 clips Stick-N-Shock
ArmTech MGL-6
Mods: Metahuman Customization, Personalized Grip, Extended Clip, Improved Range Finder, Skinlink, Lanyard, Tracker
Accessories: Concealable Holster, Top-mounted External Smartlink System, Airburst Link
Ammunition: 2 clips HE Grenades , 2 clips Smoke Grenades, 2 clips Flash Grenades
Armor: 10250
-Armor Jacket + Fire Resistance 6 + Chemical Protection 6
-FFBA (Fully Body) + Non-Conductivity 6 + Insulation 3
-Secure-Tech PPP Systems: Leg and Arm Casings, Vitals Protector, Forearm Guards, Shin Guards
Perception Equipment: 2570
-Contact Lenses Rating 3 with Image Link, Smartlink, Vision Magnification
-Glasses Rating 4 with Image Link, Low-Light Vision, Vision Enhancement 3, Flare Compensation
Earbuds Rating 2 with Audio Enhancement 3, Select Soundfilters 3
Vehicle: 8200
Yamaha Suzuki Mirage + Metahuman Adjustment (Troll) + Anti-Theft System
Lifestyle: 2000
Low (1 Month)
ID: 5600
Fake SIN Rating 4 (4000)
4x Fake License Rating 4 (1600) [Muscle Toner, Muscle Augmentation, FN 5-7C, Weapon Focus]
Commlink: 400
Meta Link + Vector Xim + Skinlink + Subvocal Microphone
Total: 249955// 250000
Starting money is now only 350 Nuyen.
Scar, played by Grimm
(PvP: Off)[ Spoiler ]
Scar - Troll Go-GangerCharacter Background and Description[ Spoiler ]
The mechanical sound of the ratchet echoed in the troll's ears as he tightened down a bolt on the bike. Outside of the garage he could hear the sounds of the desolate slum that he and his associates called home. The Rust Ring, as it was affectionately dubbed; was a section of neighborhood west of I-5 that had all but been forgotten by the normals of the world. The Spikes took the Rust Ring and vacated some nobody gang from the area. Further to the west lay the Tacoma docks and the primary home of the Ragers. The Rust Ring set made no particular claim to the docks nor did they really want it. Making war on their neighbors would suit no one, particularly with the simmering animosity that still stirred between the Spikes and the Ancients. Forays into the local area by Humanis supremecists was often a problem as well. A problem the Spikes, Ragers, and local meta-humans had to counter to preserve their own area.
The troll slid out from under the motorcycle that rested on its respective lift. He set his tool down and fetched a warming can of beer that sat on a workbench. Outside he met the owner of the bike who was sitting at a bench.
“Look man,” the mechanic said, “I can fix your bike for you but the parts are going to run you about a hundred nuyen. I got the parts at the moment but I'll have to replace 'em for the next dipshit that runs his bike for three years on the same fucking lubricant and chews part of her ass off on the interstate.”
The other troll half-grinned at him, “Yeah, sorry about that Scar.”
“Don't fucking apologize to me. Apologize to that poor girl I got up on the rack at the moment.” The mechanic internally checked as an indicator flashed that funds had been received. “Alright man, give me about an hour and I'll have that shit replaced for you. And fucking remember, you can abuse your bitch and brothers but pamper your bike.”
This brought a laugh from the other troll who Scar stared at completely dead-pan. The mechanic simply shook his head and ducked back into the garage.
It wasn't a bad place by any stretch of the imagination. Particularly considering that none of them actually owned any of the property in the Rust Ring. This entire neighborhood was just one large communal squatting area they had claimed as their home territory. Scar had commandeered this garage so he would better be able to service the bikes of his brothers in the Spikes. Most of the tools and equipment were stolen or bought off the black market. Except for a small personal toolkit, the troll owned none of it and all were free to use it. It was one of the few places where items did not often walk away. Not having the right tools for the job for a go-gang was not exactly an option. Scar didn't even bother to lock the place. If someone had the balls to come into the Ring to break into this garage and steal shit; they deserved to have it. Provided they could make it out of the Rust Ring with it.
Scar did not carry himself like a typical ganger. The thirst for violence and excitement was always there, but he did not go out of his way to look for it. He had watched quite a few of his friends die for making such foolish decisions. He was not exactly thrilled to hear about the demise of Lord Torgo in prison. Though he did appreciate the approach of the gang's new leader. Handle problems, make money, bust heads when need be. That's exactly what he wanted to do. Scar could give less of a fuck about the Ancients provided they weren't crossing any lines that were drawn. They had bigger problems.
The troll liked the relative area though. He had already crossed paths with some Ragers when some Humanis shits were trying to start trouble at the Crying Wall. That was also the same night he met his first fixer. Scar had worked for and earned the beginnings of respect of this fixer with the handling of a couple small local jobs. He prefered to bang with the other Spikes and Ragers, but Scar knew a meal-ticket when he saw it. That began his career as a shadowrunner. Now he strives to stay low and unnoticed, as much as a troll can be anyways.
A chain-hoist was spun into position over the bike and used to pick it up from the rack where it rested. Scar slowly lowered it until it's wheels touched pavement and he pushed it out of the chains. The bike roared to life under him as he wheeled it out of the building. The troll collapsed his beer can in his hand and bounced it off one of his customer's horns.
“Hey! Going for a test drive. Don't drink my fucking beer!”
The biker did not pause for an answer he cut the wheel and accelerated down the street. Another turn took him out of the Rust Ring and into that other world. Scar let his mind wander as he blasted down the street. What had brought him here? How did he get to this point in his life? More importantly, did any of it really matter to a troll go-ganger fledgling shadowrunner?
“Not a mother fucking bit of it,” he muttered to himself as he pulled into a hairpin turn, shooting down the road back to his home in the Rust Ring. He lived in the here and now. That was what was important to him.
Basic Info[ Spoiler ]
Name: Scar
Street Name: Scar
Meta Type: Troll
Sex: M
Age: 23
Notes: Low-level member of the Spikes
Nuyen: 30
Lifestyle: Squatter
Total Karma: 0
Current Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Phys. CM: 12
Ment. CM: 9
Essence: 2.3
Qualities[ Spoiler ]
In Progress
Attributes[ Spoiler ]
Body: 9
Agility: 4
Reaction: 5
Strength: 5
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 4
Logic: 4
Willpower: 2
Init. Passes:
Edge: 3
Magic: 0
Skills (Active/Knowledge/Languages)[ Spoiler ]
Active Skills
5 - Automatics (Spec: Ceska Scorpion Pistol)
3 - Unarmed Combat
3 - Perception
3 - Survival (Spec: Urban)
2 - Etiquette (Spec: Street)
2 - Leadership
4 - Automotive Mechanic
5 - Pilot Ground Craft (Spec: Motorcycles)
4 - Seattle Street Gangs
4 - Street Drugs
4 - Urban Brawl Trivia
4 - North American Motorcycles
N - English
4 - Cityspeak
4 - Trog
Contacts[ Spoiler ]
Loyalty 1 / Connection 2
Lounging against the back of a ground van sprawled a rather grubby human. He looked and smelled as though he had not groomed himself in quite some time. The roar of engines drew his attention to a far intersection several blocks down the road. The pack of trolls rolled their Harleys up around the van and stopped. He popped the back gate of the van and opened it exposing the neatly stacked weapon and ammo crates.
"I got your hardware boys. And there is plenty more from where that came from," the human grinned a mouth full of yellow teeth at them. "Just yell at me anytime."
Loyalty 2 / Connection 3
The quiet reverie of the meta's paying homage to the fallen was disrupted by the chants of the marching humans. The Humanis Policlub had organized yet another disruption of the tribute to the fallen in the Night of Rage. It did not take long before the entire area erupted into a full-scale riot. Since the Spikes were in the area and bored anyways, they joined the fray to help the Ragers and other metas.
Scar watched the scene unfold as he grinned and worked his way through the crowd. His fists were starting to throb in that way he loved. A peculiar situation towards the edge of the melee caught his eye though. A dwarf ducking down an alley with a few humans following. The troll worked his way out of the group and ducked down the alley behind them in time to catch them closing on the dwarf. A few solid punches later and Scar was escorting the dwarf out of the other end of the alley. He offered over his contact information and promised to repay the favor. Thus began Scar's working relationship with Brenwald.
Resources and Equipment[ Spoiler ]
*Harley Scorpion
*Ceska Black Scorpion (x3)
**Scorpion 1 is in a mount near the work area in the shop in the Rust Ring.
**Scorpion 2 is in Scar's chopper's saddlebag.
**Scorpion 3 is kept in a holster on the small of Scar's back.
*Ingram Smartgun X (x2)
**Ingrams are kept wrapped up in the Lined Coat and stashed in a compartment in the floor of the Rust Ring garage. Scar keeps a bunch of debris on the cover.
*AK-97 Carbine (x1)
**AK-97 is stashed in a hole in the wall of the garage.
Equipment (Total):
*Armor Vest
*Armor Jacket (x2)
**Jacket 1 has the sleeves torn off, is brown and has the symbol of the Spikes on the back.
**Jacket 2 is plain in appearance, worn when Scar does not want to call attention to himself.
*Lined Coat
**Plain in appearance.
*Automotive Toolkit (Personal)
*Automotive Toolkit (Shop - Rust Ring location)
*Fake SIN (Rating: 4) (x2)
Cyberware[ Spoiler ]
*Wired Reflexes 2
**Novatech Airware (Res 3/ Sig 3)
**Novatech Navi Firewall (Fire 3/ Sys 4)
*Cybernetic Eye Replacement Type 3 (Capacity: 12/12)
**Image Link/Recorder
**Vision Enhancement Type 2
**Vision Magnification
**Thermographic Vision
**Low-Light Vision
**Flare Compensation
Copperhead, played by Notsoevildm
(PvP: On)[ Spoiler ]
Profile (40 BP)Name: Charlotte 'Charlie' Manson
Alias: Copperhead
Metatype: Troll
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Nationality: UCAS
Lifestyle: Low
Karma Spent: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Attributes (150 BP + 65 BP magic + 10 BP edge)Body: 6
Agility: 3
Reaction: 3
Strength: 5
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 3
Logic: 3
Willpower: 5
Edge: 2
Magic: 3
Essence: 3.20
Initiative: 6
Initiative Passes: 1
Phys. CM: 11
Ment. CM: 11
Qualities (-10 BP)Magician
Distinctive style: scaled cyberarms and torso
Moderate Allergy: Sunlight
Geas: Gesture
Mentor spirit: Snake: +2 detection, +2 binding, -1 combat
Thermographic vision [troll]
Dermal armor [troll]
Active Skills (106 BP)Summoning: 3
Binding: 1
Banishing: 1
Spellcasting: 3 (Detection+2)
Ritual Spellcasting: 1
Counterspelling: 3
Perception: 1
Assensing: 1
Infiltration: 2
Dodge: 2
Etiquette: 1 (Street+2)
Longarms: 1 (Shotgun+2)
Unarmed Cbt: 2 (Cyber Implant+2)
Clubs: (Staff+2)
Knowledge Skills (0 BP)Corporate: Ares Macrotechnology: 2
Procedure: Corporate: 2
Criminal: Seattle Gangs: 3
Astral Research: 2
Design: Spell: 2
Magic Theory: 2
Magic Knowledge: 3
Language: English: N
Spells (18 BP)Detection: Combat Sense: [F/2]+2, Active, Psychic, Limited
Detection: Detect Enemies: [F/2]+1, Active, Limited
Health: Heal: DmgDV-2
Health: Increase Reflexes: [F/2]+2, Limited
Illusion: Physical Mask: [F/2]+1, Realistic, Multi
Combat: Death Touch: [F/2]-2, Direct
Resources and Gear (15 BP + 1 BP focus)2 obvious full cyberarms: casemod [scales], Body 6, Agility 3, Strength 5, Armor 2, retractable razors [4P]
Dermal armor [R:2] : +2/+2 armor
Defiant T-250 shotgun [7P, -1AP, SA, 5(m)]
+Bul: 30 Regular Rounds
Telescoping staff [5P]
Lined coat, sleeveless [6/4]
Cyberpirate tube top [1/0]
Cyberpirate hotpants [1/0]
Meta Link [Response 1, Signal 2]
+Vector Xim OS [Firewall 1, System 1]
Contact lenses [R:3]
+Flare Compensation
+Image link
Sustaining focus: detection [F:1]
Health spell fetish
Detection spell fetish
10 plastic restraints
Survival kit
Fake SIN [R:4]
Contacts (5 BP)Cutter, Ork street samurai [C:1/L:2]
Cutter came up through the ranks of the Redmond go-gangs, making a name for himself as a close combat specialist . He is one of the few who made the successful transition from ganger to runner, although he still has some contacts in the Crimson Crush. He literally ran into Copperhead when a run on her corp went bad. She helped him escape and he let her come along when she asked. He helped her get set up and the two became lovers.
Lenny, human rat shaman/talismonger [C:1/L:1]
Lenny is a disgusting little runt of a human. But he knows his magic and has a knack for finding the right magical gear just when you need it. Lenny helped Copperhead learn about magic, for a price of course.
Physical Description[ Spoiler ]
Copperhead is neither as tall or as broad as most trolls. Apart from the pair of horns curving back from either side of her head, she looks more like a tall ork. Her long copper hair is usually tied back in a pony tail or single braid. Her eyes are actually blue but are hidden behind emerald green, snake-eye contacts. However, her most obvious feature is the pair of scaled cyberarms. The scales run from dark brown to ivory where they meet her pale skin, what little of it can still be seen under the similarly scaled dermal armor that covers her torso and legs and runs up her neck. She proudly displays her cyberware with a sultry swagger that can be a bit disconcerting. Even when standing still, she sways as if to invisible music.
Background[ Spoiler ]
Charlotte was born to Human parents who worked for Ares Macrotechnology. She took her looks from her father, his pale complexion, blue eyes and red hair. Her father called her his little princess and would sometimes take her along on with him when visiting suppliers. On one such visit to a local laboratory, she was caught in an explosion that killed her father and badly burned her arms and torso. Rather than save her arms, Ares took the opportunity to fit her with a pair cyberarms and test out some new dermal plating technology. Her mother, already shocked at the death of her husband was horrified at what the corp had done to her daughter.
While Charlie grew to accept her new arms, her mother only became more and more repulsed. Guilt-wracked and broken-hearted, her mother attempted suicide, but Charlie found her in a bath of her own blood. Her magic surged and she healed her mother’s slashed wrists. However, the magic surge was also enough to trigger her recessive troll genes and she changed. While her mother survived, she was going to need a lot of psychiatric treatment. So, Charlie was placed into care until she was 16 then assigned to a menial cleaning job.
Stuck in a job she hated and surrounded by corp drones who thought she was a freak, she was literally swept off her feet one night by Cutter. The ork street sam was in the middle of a run and trying to evade a security team. Intrigued by who he was and what he was doing, she helped him escape, fleeing with him to a new life in the shadows.
Red, played by Atomic Communist
(PvP: Off)[ Spoiler ]
Name: Katherine "Red" Cattleby
Alias: Red
Metatype: Human
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Nationality: Caucasian
Lifestyle: Low
Nuyen: 750
Karma Spent: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness:
Attributes (260 BP)
Body: 2
Agility: 3
Reaction: 3
Strength: 2
Charisma: 4
Intuition: 5
Logic: 5
Willpower: 4
Edge: 3
Resonance: 5
Essence: 6
Initiative: 6 (11)
Initiative Passes: 1
Phys. CM: 10
Ment. CM: 10
Qualities (5 BP)
Technomancer 5 BP
Technoshaman Free: (Fading Cha + Res, Sprites: Crack, Data, Machine, Paladin, Sleuth)
Paragon (Pulse) 5 BP: (+2 to Matrix Init, -2 Hacking Tests when not hacking on the fly)
Analytical Mind 5 BP (+2 to DataSearch and Software Tests)
CodeSlinger 10 BP (+2 to Hacking on the Fly)
Reality Impaired +5 BP: (-1 to RL Social Tests)
Distinctive Style +10 BP (Circuit board tattoo covering most of body, except for face/head)
Braggart +5 BP
Wanted +10 BP (Wanted by Ares Macrotechnology for the hacking and trashing of one of their corp nodes)
Active Skills (114 BP)
Computer: 5
Hacking: 5
Pistols: 3 (Semi-Autos +1)
Perception: 3 (Matrix Percep +1)
Software: 2
Bike: 2
Resonance skill Group (30 BP)
Registering: 3
Compiling: 3
Decompiling: 3
Knowledge Skills (0 BP)
Data Havens 4
Black Market Dealers 3
Matrix Rumors 4
Street Rumors 2
Street Drugs 2
Technomancer Complex Forms (28 BP)
Edit 4
Browse 5
Exploit 5
Stealth 5
Spoof 5
Attack 5
Resources and Gear (2 BP)
Wireless Adapter (150)
Ares Viper Silvergun (8P(F), +2 AP, SA/BF, 30 © Ammo, 500 Nuyen)
Fletchette Ammo (x4) (400 Nuyen)
Armor Jacket (8/6 900 Nuyen)
Goggles (Thermo/Low-Light/Flare Comp) (400)
Respirator (Rtg 6, 250)
Medkit RTG 5 (500)
Suzuki Mirage (+2 Handling, 20/50, 200 Speed, P 1, B 6, A 4, S 1, 6500)
Petrov (Black Market Dealer, 1/4)
A rather shady Russian immigrant who has gotten his greedy hands into a lot of pies in Seattle.
Luckily, he's on relatively good terms with Red. Always good for the odd fence.
Jammah (Data Broker, 2/3)
A relative newcommer to the Seattle Scene, Jammah set up shop on the Matrix as a data broker. Red uses him to fence
her ill-gotten information on the internet, as well as using him to find out about people that she meets.
Physical Description
[ Spoiler ]
A rather attractive girl who's looks disguise her true age. She looks much younger than she really is, as if she was still in high school.
Her hair is deep, dark red and in very tight braids that hang down past her shoulders. Her body is dominated by a series of interconnecting
circuit board tattoos, all of them in different shades of red. She wears a black leather mini-skirt over black and red
stockings. A leather jacket hangs down to just above the edge of her skirt and it's covered in pins, stickers, badges,
and red drawings done in paint. Her nose is pierced, as well as her ears and one eyebrow. A pair of expensive looking goggles
are strapped to her forehead, the lenses of which are, of course, rose tinted.
[ Spoiler ]
An outcast from an early age, Red was never one for polite society. Her parents were the average middle class sheep of Seattle.
Her parents argued incessantly and Red grew sick of it. Then the crash happened. On top of the fighting, the loneliness,
and the disregard of her peers, she now experienced severe hallucinations and delusions. It took months of hiding it to
realize that she wasn't the only one experiencing it. Not only that, they weren't hallucinations. Somehow she could commune
directly to her one escape in life: The Matrix. It was a godsend. Red was convinced that the spirits of the Matrix had
taken pity upon her and given her a new life amongst those like her. Another technoshaman was born. She made a name for herself
in the Matrix by doing damn good background checks on various people. She was sought after by Johnsons, runners, corporations,
anyone who needed information on another person, and she was still only 18! Four years later she makes a living as a runner herself,
having decided that the best information, and the best way to serve the spirits of the net, was inside the nodes of the corps.