Combat Mage
Sep 2 2010, 08:48 PM
[07:20 AM, January 2nd, 2072; A Ruined Road; Redmond]
The snake-lady was a mage. He hadn't expected that considering her cyber-arms. But after all Akecheta was an adept himself, even though he had wasted most of his potential through his extensive 'ware collection, at least that was what some spellslinger had told him once. Akecheta himself had never really thought about magic much. The whole talking to Snake deal explained the scales at least. A bit strange but who was he to judge...
"You can call me Beast. Pleasure to meet ya, Copperhead."
"The Plan?" The massive troll scratched his head under the black and crimson lion mane. "I usually just go in and shoot everything that moves. Worked so far... No idea what you can do with your mojo though, not my thing, so if you wanna do some fancy spellslinging, have at it."
Akecheta felt like he was supposed to reassure her that her friend would be fine, that they would get him or her back unscathed. But how could he, knowing too well what horrible discovery could await his new acquaintance.
Sep 2 2010, 09:41 PM
[07:20 AM, January 2nd, 2072; A Ruined Road; Redmond]
"I can see why dey call you da Beast. You are pretty scary looking.
Then her smile fades to a frown as he explains his 'plan'. "We can't just kill everyone. My Cutter's in dere. He's an ork. Most likely wearing Crush colors. So don't shoot him okay. Look, can you watch over me for a minute and I'll go take a look. Then we can kick in da door and bust heads. Just don't get any ideas while I'm gone though."
She quickly looks around for a shady spot, where she sits down and rests her head against the cold wall of a burned out building. Then she sets her spirit free.
Her astral form rises up, scales glistening. She takes a moment to examine the Beast. Indeed like her, his magic is limited by his implants. Then she turns her attention towards the warehouse, floating slowly closer as she scans for spirits and living auras.
Sep 3 2010, 10:01 PM
Akecheta and Copperhead
[07:23 AM, January 2nd, 2072; A Ruined Road; Redmond]
The adrenaline that coursed through his veins still kept that living feel pulsing through him. His body knew that he would be knee deep in corpses soon, though he was not entirely sure whose they would be. Meeting up with Copperhead out of sheer luck (*cough cough*) who just happened to need an in to the same warehouse, seemed odd but he had no fears of magic. Not with the bullet-hoses he called firearms.
He watched the shaman slip off into the astral as she went to scout the warehouse. Akecheta leaned back against the wall and attempted to look as inconspicuous as possible. The wall was barely comfortable and he could swear he heard the hiss of a devil rat from behind it; but that is not what caught his attention. A brief glint of light overhead gave away a patrol drone that seemed to be circling the property line over the warehouse about 50 feet above it.
Slipping into the astral plane was accompanied with the normal shift of transition that she often felt as she worked magic and traversed the astral plane. Her call to Snake for the assistance of a spirit went unheard though she felt a bit of a tug from the spirit itself. After she had slipped into the plane, in the astral form of the wall opposite of her she had caught sight of a pair of reptilian eyes looking at her. They closed and the wall solidified to her sight. She felt the presence, and annoyance, of Snake stronger now that she shed her physical body. The spirit would get over her quip from earlier, he was likely just being obstinate for no other reason than to do so.
In a flash she was before the warehouse. Even before she slipped inside she could feel a strange permeation from the other side. She moved inside and floated part way up into the warehouse to get a better look. She could clearly see Cutter’s aura along with three others near a pipe on the wall. Their forms all appeared to be balled on the floor. Beneath them was a strange anomaly she had not seen before. It appeared to be a black spot almost 10 feet around. The spot emitted some of the darkest, most depressing energy she had come into contact with in astral space.
Satisfied she had located Cutter, she slipped quickly around the warehouse to do a head-count of guards. It appeared as though two were watching over the prisoners, two were patrolling a cat-walk above, and a few others were moving around a large, boxy container near the doors. She could not tell if it was a truck, box car, or shipping container; there was simply not enough definition. Noting a side room, she spied an energy sitting at a console or desk. It seemed likely to her that it would have been the electronic security room.
OOC: Sorry about the late post. Had a bunch of stuff IRL crop up. If you guys got stuff you wanna do, take it from here. I’ll check the OOC thread later on.
Sep 5 2010, 01:04 AM
[January 5th, 2072; Summeroaks Apartments 29C, Renton]
Dahlia pulled out her comlink and set the trideo-display of her meeting with Mr. Watson back to the beginning. “The short story is that we’re retrieving some individuals for our employer. They’ve flown the coop, but they need to be returned alive, and as unharmed as we can manage. I can send you dossiers on each target,”
Combat Mage
Sep 5 2010, 08:56 AM
[07:23 AM, January 2nd, 2072; A Ruined Road; Redmond]
Damn they have drone support! For a moment Akecheta thought about shooting the thing down but that would make everybody inside realize that they were attacked. In addition he couldn't really start a fight while he had to drag snake-lady's (Her name's Copperhead, he reminded himself) body around with him.
So he just tried to meld into the shadows as much as he could (which wasn't very much) and waited impatiently for the snake shaman's return.
Sep 5 2010, 08:47 PM
[07:23 AM, January 2nd, 2072; A Ruined Road; Redmond]
While she wanted to spend more time examining the dark energy, she didn't fully trust the big troll, nor did she want to spend more time here while her body lay out in the street. With a wistful sigh, she snapped back into her meat body.
Opening her eyes, she squints at the light then gives a short hiss to Akecheta.
"Frag, dere's a whole bunch of dem in dere. I count two guarding Cutter and his boys. Dere's somefin weird dere, like black magic but I didn't see no mage. Dere's another two on catwalks up above, and den two or three more around like a truck or container, hard ta tell on da astral. An' den dere's like an office with another fella in dere. Don't suppose you got a better plan dan charge in and kick butt?"
Combat Mage
Sep 5 2010, 09:30 PM
[07:23 AM, January 2nd, 2072; A Ruined Road; Redmond]
After what seemed like an eternity for his psyched up nerves but in reality lasted only a few seconds, the snake-lady finally awoke. Akecheta couldn't help but grin when she asked him for a plan again.
"Not really. I saw a drone up in the air patrolling around the building so they'll see us coming if we go in straight. Can't you turn us invisible or something like that with your mojo? The mages on the 'trix always do stuff like that."
Sep 6 2010, 10:50 AM
[07:23 AM, January 2nd, 2072; A Ruined Road; Redmond]
"I can't make us invisible, only look like someone else."
Copperhead frowns, thinking hard. The Beast doesn't seem like he's much for planning. I can't turn us invisible...but maybe I can create a distraction so they don't see us.
"Hmm, I did see a guy in dere at a desk. Mebbe he is working da drone. If I could distract him, and maybe some of the da others, den we can get in before dey see us. Ha, maybe I been going about dis de wrong way and dat why Snake not help. I shoulda listened better to your plan. We don't need sneaky air spirit, we need ass kicking beast spirit. "
"I gonna ask Snake for spirit. If it comes, I set it on da rigger. Maybe some of da guards go to help him. You be ready?"
Sep 6 2010, 12:21 PM
QUOTE (Abschalten @ Sep 2 2010, 03:44 AM)
He-Who-Sees-Within nodded to Silk and gave her a polite smile. "Indeed. There's a sort of coffee shop turned jazz lounge not a couple of blocks from here, called Common Grounds. It has a pleasant, ah... flavor in astral space that I enjoy being around. Many young, bohemian-style hipsters and college kids go there to recite poetry on open mic night, or just chill out. It's probably my favorite place to relax. We could go there. There's a booth all the way in the back where we'd have the privacy to discuss our business arrangements. And, I'll buy of course."
[15:39 January 1st, 2072; Ravenna Park, Downtown Seattle]Silk smiled back at him, "That sounds fine, it sounds discrete enough..." whilst making polite conversation she mentally contacted
Aria again to ensure someone knew where she was going and to give her a gentle nudge on the matrix angle
<<Aria, I'm heading over to
Common Grounds with my new contact...any luck on finding some matrix backup yet? I've been stuck indoors too long, this small talk stuff is harder than I remember, but he seems interesting, and possibly interested but that's a story for another time! Will talk to you soon, fancy another hit at the Citadel again later if you're not busy? Summer could tag along too, she seemed like a nice kid!>>
Combat Mage
Sep 6 2010, 01:05 PM
[07:23 AM, January 2nd, 2072; A Ruined Road; Redmond]
Akecheta put his helmet, which he had taken off while waiting for Copperhead to return from the astral realm, back on. The last thing that could be seen from his face before the visor closed was a widening smile of anticipation.
"I'm ready. Let's rock!"
Sep 7 2010, 01:37 PM
Akecheta and Copperhead
[07:26 AM, January 2nd, 2072; A Ruined Road; Redmond]
With some knowledge of the internal layout of the warehouse, the pair had formulated a plan on how to best breach it without endangering the hostages. Copperhead’s call to Snake for assistance brought a monstrosity gliding to her on the Astral. The serpent had feathered wings and flew like a bird, barely twitching the wings to stay in place as it received its instructions.
Copperhead set it off to wreak havoc on the internal security after showing it where to move and attack.
[The Security Room]
The guard sat in his chair, monitoring the overhead drone and cameras with a sense of boredom. The late night shifts he had been pulling were draining at best since he was so used to working during the days. His masters did not care about that little detail of course.
He took a sip of his SoyKaf and leaned back in the chair, his hand brushing something soft.
“What the hell..” he muttered to himself as he turned around and came face-to-face with the materialized form of the winged serpent. He reached for his sidearm but the serpent quickly snapped its tail around the man’s waist. It lunged in and began biting his face, throat, and shoulders as it constricted him. The last words from the guard amounted to nothing more than a bloodcurdling shriek that could be heard even outside.
[A Ruined Road]
The pair of trolls moved quickly towards the fence that circled the warehouse after hearing a shriek that pierced the morning air. Akecheta led the way, being the combat monster that he was; though even he was intelligent enough to realize the fence they were approaching had a heavy current running through it to surprise would be intruders. The pair could almost smell the scent of ozone as they approached it from the amount of electricity coursing through it.
Sep 7 2010, 07:24 PM
[07:27 AM, January 2nd, 2072; A Ruined Road; Redmond]
Copperhead almost runs into the back of Beast as he pulls up short in front of the fence. She could feel a tingle of static in the air and if her arms had hairs instead of scales, they would be standing on end right now. She scans up and down the fence looking for a circuit breaker to disable or some other way through, around or over.
“You got a plan for dis, right?” she almost grins at the big troll, but the fading screams keep her expression grim.
Sep 8 2010, 09:35 PM
[January 5th, 2072; Summeroaks Apartments 29C, Renton]
Scar sat quietly, watching the information the Johnson had provided to Dahlia for the upcoming job. It didn't seem very difficult in the major scheme of things. Though these things tended to have a mind and growth of their own. He sighed and looked at his empty synthahol container. "I don't think it is in our best interest to bring these individuals together to try and capture them. If they are used to working as a team, they'll work much better together. I think it's an unnecessary risk, particularly since they'll all be using live ammunition and I'm assuming we'll be using Stick N' Shock."
Sep 10 2010, 04:20 PM
[14:11 January 11th, 2072; Lecture Theatre 7, Seattle University, Downtown Seattle]
Ember looked out across the tired faces in front of him. Just after lunch on the first Monday back was not likely to inspire a huge amount of concentration but he felt a flash of irritation at the blank looks of the undergrads sprawled in various states across the hard seats of the lecture hall.
His antiquated commlink stuttered as it interfaced with the university servers and then the AR feed began to spin out the faces of his students and identify them as present, even if their minds where still on their last fling weekend binge sessions.
He briefly allowed his gaze to enter the astral and inspect the low powered ward linked to the triskell on his desk. He smiled at his watchers, two diminutive Korrigan, one beautiful and sylph like and the other hideous and golbinoid, who cavorted along the perimeter of the room guarding against breaches. The wards weren’t designed to actually keep anyone out but might give him some warning if anything was amiss.
The students themselves were mostly mundane and, judging by their auras, as apathetic as they appeared to his natural sight. None of them would appear to match the criteria that the Stillwater Circle had set out for his other role as a recruiter. In the back corner, however, he noted that one of them was watching him as he spied on the class, the aura showing amusement and intelligence, perhaps there was something here after all…
Reluctantly he released his hold on the astral and, mentally shaking the cobwebs away, checked the AR feed to get the student’s identity…hmmm, this could be interesting…
“Ok, let us begin…”
Sep 10 2010, 05:50 PM
Copperhead and Akecheta
[07:30 AM, January 2nd, 2072; A Ruined Road; Redmond]
The sharp sounds of gunshots emanated from inside of the warehouse as the pair of trolls hunted for something to help defeat the fence. A metal point stuck out of a pile of bricks that formed the corner of one of the adjacent buildings. He could hear scrabbling inside as he threw some of the bricks off and hefted the piece metal out.
The pillar of metal appeared to be the remains of a drive-shaft from some sort of heavy duty vehicle. Where the rest of the vehicle was or how it got buried into the side of the building was anyone’s guess. Still would not have been the strangest thing either of the trolls had come across in the Barrens.
Sep 10 2010, 05:50 PM
Copperhead and Akecheta
[07:30 AM, January 2nd, 2072; A Ruined Road; Redmond]
The sharp sounds of gunshots emanated from inside of the warehouse as the pair of trolls hunted for something to help defeat the fence. A metal point stuck out of a pile of bricks that formed the corner of one of the adjacent buildings. He could hear scrabbling inside as he threw some of the bricks off and hefted the piece metal out.
The pillar of metal appeared to be the remains of a drive-shaft from some sort of heavy duty vehicle. Where the rest of the vehicle was or how it got buried into the side of the building was anyone’s guess. Still would not have been the strangest thing either of the trolls had come across in the Barrens.
Sep 10 2010, 10:02 PM
Copperhead and Akecheta
[07:30 AM, January 2nd, 2072; A Ruined Road; Redmond]
The pair of trolls heave the driveshaft from the rubble and get it into a manageable position near the fence. Working together, the pair throw the driveshaft into the fence that has already been weakened by time, vagrants, and the flow of electricity through it. The tip of the shaft pierces the links and rips a hole through it, taking a chunk out of the fence.
The end of the driveshaft bounces into the ground into a large puddle of.. Something puddlish. The instant short between the fence and the puddle causes a quick burst of sparks and a surge of electricity as the fence shorts out and the exterior lights of the warehouse go dark.
Combat Mage
Sep 10 2010, 10:12 PM
[07:30 AM, January 2nd, 2072; A Ruined Road; Redmond]
Akecheta laughed as he saw the sparks flying. To him they seemed like little fireworks that heralded the carnage he was about to cause inside that building. Without wasting a second he sped up and just barrelled straight into the fence at the same spot where their improvised projectile had already ripped a hole into it, trying to crash through it and enlargen the opening for his partner.
Sep 11 2010, 05:37 PM
Copperhead and Akecheta
[07:31 AM, January 2nd, 2072; A Ruined Road; Redmond]
The Beast led with his shoulder and rocketed himself into the fence. It barely seemed like paper as he tore a larger hole through it to give Copperhead access. The pair could again hear the bark of gunfire from inside of the building coupled with another blood-curdling shriek, followed by a dull thud.
The outside of the building was relatively clear. This side of the wall featured no entrances or exits on it. To the left was the main gate and entry while the right led to the rear of the warehouse.
Sep 11 2010, 10:36 PM
[15:39 January 1st, 2072; Ravenna Park, Downtown Seattle]
Aria replies almost immediately to Silk's nudging:
<<I was just about to message you! I was looking across a few networks, and there's this person called "Red" who's looking for work at the moment. I haven't contacted them, but I did get contact information in case you're interested. Seems there's a pretty good rep on this one. Reliable, far as I can tell.>> Silk sees the contact information scrolling across the bottom of her augmented reality view as it's sent to her. <<Give them a call, and if it doesn't work out then I'll keep looking. How's that?>>
Sep 12 2010, 03:50 PM
[16:15 January 1st, 2072; Common Ground, Downtown Seattle]
Silk watched as He-Who-Sees waited for their drinks at the counter and settled back in to the comfortable booth at the back of the lounge, with a clear view of the other patrons and the doors. She took the moment of peace to respond to Aria and message Red.
<<Thanks Aria, you're a star...will chase you about the Citadel later, biz for now...>>
<<Red, my name is Silk, a friend of mine passed on your contact details and said you were after work. I've got a job lined up that might suit your talents. I'm meeting with a mage at Common Grounds at the moment, you'd be welcome to join us if you can make it over here...otherwise we could meet somewhere this evening or tomorrow morning.>>
She tagged her message with their location...hopefully she'd be able to get this run off the ground shortly...and if Red could dig some intel on the target she'd know if this job was going to be suitable for the three of them or whether she needed to stretch her budget to get some muscle on board.
Sep 12 2010, 06:55 PM
[07:31 AM, January 2nd, 2072; A Ruined Road; Redmond]
Copperhead follows the Beast quickly through the ruined fence, just in case the power comes back on. Although from the sounds coming from within the warehouse, it sounds like her spirit is wreaking havoc. Thank you Snake for giving me the services of this spirit to protect my kin.
Looking left and right she sees on immediate way in. Hmm, front or back? Front would normally be guarded, but the spirit's distration might be enough to get us in unnoticed. Back might have a fire escape or some other entrance, but that's a big 'might have'.
"If we stick to your plan, den I guess we go in da front?" she whispers to the big troll, this time unable to suppress the grin that steals across her face. Without waiting for a repy, she heads off to the left.
Atomic Communist
Sep 12 2010, 07:22 PM
[16:15 January 1st, 2072; Haddleton Apartments, 13M, Renton]
<<Silk, sounds good. I'll be by fairly soon, give me a few minutes. If traffic isn't too bad, that is.>>
Red snapped out of VR and came back to reality. She clapped her hands and the walls went blank, the AR overlay turned off. She grabbed the keys to her bike and a few more odds and ends on her way out the door, locking it behind her. Taking the stairs two at a time, Red exited the apartment building and put her helmet on over her eyes. She started her bike and opened up the GridGuide AR. She studied it for a moment before choosing a path that would skip around the heavier bits of traffic and take a few more of the less driven routes. Downtown Seattle wasn't too far, thankfully.
Sep 13 2010, 05:55 PM
[16:18 January 1st, 2072; Common Ground, Downtown Seattle]
Excellent, with luck Silk would be able to get this thing off the ground in the next couple of days. Her profit margin wouldn't be that high unless they managed to snag some paydata not associated with the run, but that wasn't why she was doing this. She needed her edge back again, it'd been too long...
...and here's He-Who-Sees-Within with the coffees, she needed something that was less of a mouthful if she was going to have to refer to him as something other than 'oi you,' but as soon as the run started she'd insist on coded communications anyway so they could sort it then. She was looking forward to getting to know this suave shaman, even if his role in this caper was likely to be limited by her budget.
"Ah you're back. I hope you don't mind but I've asked a hacker to join us to discuss the details of this run, but perhaps you would like to join me for something to eat afterwards...?"
Sep 13 2010, 06:17 PM
[January 5th, 2072; Summeroaks Apartments 29C, Renton]
The Doctor considered the job and the comments about taking all of those rogue operators at the same time.
"I also think it would be dangerous to take down all of them at the same time. What do we know about their habits? Is there any way for us to coordinate take-downs that snap them up one-by-one. It would be great if we could even use their check-ins as a trap."
Suicidal Street Sam
Sep 13 2010, 09:20 PM
[January 5th, 2072; Summeroaks Apartments 29C, Renton]
Seti shook his head at The Doctor. "We don't even know where they've taken to ground right now. Unless we're all willing to put in the legwork it'll take to search all the dives in the greater Seattle area--which could take weeks--we won't even know where to hit. We'll get one, maybe two, tops." He pulled up a map of Seattle on the AR screen. "What's more, if they're in different districts, it could take an hour or more to get from one to the next. By the time we arrive at number three, they may have missed their check-ins, and the others will scatter. In order to coordinate attacks, we would, A) have to know where they are, B) have to take them on one-on-one, and C) need them all to be vulnerable within the same time-frame. One-on-one means no flanking, no crossfire, no backup."
He paused a moment, to let that sink in. "Rhodes, I know you can handle yourself against a bunch of yakuza...but what about a full street sammy, chromed by a corp itself to participate in the ShadowWars? Doctor, could you take on a Corp-trained combat mage, full to the brim with foci? Dahlia, what're you going to do if the hacker turns your drones against you?" Seti shook his head. "What we really need to do is work as a team on this. You guys are right, that having all of them together is a bad idea, but we need to hit them all of us together, and we need to be able to hit them one right after another. Ideas?"
Sep 13 2010, 10:25 PM
[January 5th, 2072; Summeroaks Apartments 29C, Renton]
"Point taken," the Doctor conceded, "Let's take a different tack. One of them is bound to make a mistake or already made one. Which one of them is the least intelligent? That's who we target first. If we work on that one, it gets us closer to the others. If they're in regular contact, we can hack that one's comlink. Use him to flush out the others."
Sep 13 2010, 10:49 PM
[16:18 January 1st, 2072; Common Ground, Downtown Seattle]
Upon hearing news that a third party was entering into the equation, He-Who-Sees-Within looked for the briefest of instants a bit crestfallen. Though at the mention of getting something to eat afterwards, he immediately perked up and said, "Why yes, I think that would be terrific."
As he sat and placed the coffees down on the table in front of them, He-Who-Sees-Within asked casually, "So this hacker... what do you know about him?" He did a most admirable job of masking his jealousy, apparently busying himself with stirring some sugar into his own cup and keeping his eyes averted.
Atomic Communist
Sep 14 2010, 05:18 AM
[16:30 January 1st, 2072; Common Ground, Downtown Seattle]
Red stopped her bike outside of the cafe. Well, this is a first. Don't think I've met for a job at a coffee shop before.. She parked in between two larger vehicles and waved her hand at the parking meter, her payment info automatically entering in. Stepping through the door of the place, she looked around, trying to spot her would be associates. She wore an old black band t-shirt, someone from the mid 50's, and baggy black jeans, with plenty of holes in them. Her long, red dreads were pulled back in a ponytail and a pair of rose sunglasses covered her eyes. A red eyebrow raised above them as she took in the decor.
Sep 14 2010, 04:08 PM
[January 5th, 2072; Summeroaks Apartments 29C, Renton]
Scar leaned forward in his chair and drummed his fingertips on his knees as he thought. "We find the fucker that has a hard time keeping hidden. Get someone with some Matrix skills to monitor his transmissions. See what time they check in with each other, like if it's 2 P.M. every day that'll make it much easier for us. I don't think we'd need too much specialization for that, would we? Going in one-on-one would be probably be suicide against veteran runners. And while I'm sure the Johnson doesn't give a shit either way, I'd prefer to not walk into a death trap."
The troll scratched at his legs as he contemplated the situation at hand.
Sep 14 2010, 04:15 PM
Akecheta and Copperhead
[07:33 AM, January 2nd, 2072; An Unmarked Warehouse; Redmond]
With all the subtlety and grace of a bull elephant, Akecheta rushed towards the front of the warehouse to attempt to gain access. The thought of a rear entrance in the form of a fire exit seemed likely if this was a legitimate establishment; but due to the nature of his contract that was highly unlikely. It seemed more likely the rear door would be welded shut or even bricked over to prevent unauthorized access. He poked his head around the corner and noted a garage door that was closed next to a normal steel security door. Both appeared to be shut tight and likely locked.
From within the building they caught the shrill death-cry of someone. The chattering of submachine gun fire could still be heard echoing inside as the security guards attempted to quell the rampaging spirit.
OOC: It’s been a few days so I’m just going to continue to push the game until Akecheta gets back or otherwise.
Combat Mage
Sep 14 2010, 04:32 PM
[07:33 AM, January 2nd, 2072; An Unmarked Warehouse; Redmond]
Akecheta just took a quick glance at the two locked doors before he pulled out something that seemed like a large pistol with an oversized clip out of a holster. With a smile on his face he switched out the MGL-6 miniature grenade launcher's magazine for one containing high-explosive mini-grenades and gave Copperhead a handsign to stay back a bit.
"Your friend isn't near the garage door right? I'm gonna blow this thing open unless you got a better idea."
OOC: Sorry somehow I didn't realize it was on me to post.
Sep 14 2010, 04:33 PM
[16:19 January 1st, 2072; Common Ground, Downtown Seattle]
Silk smiled at his obvious interest, “Well, he’s a she as far as I can tell, and we’ve never met. A friend of mine suggested she had a solid rep and was looking for work…”
She allowed the small talk to continue, nudging He to reveal a bit more than his rapsheet, whilst she accessed the matrix and began the handshake protocols to dig up an old Balefire stash. She had a feeling that, although they were originally supposed to have been for a rainy day, she would be needing some capital in order to keep these two on side.
Several minutes later Silk looked up at a newcomer entering the coffee shop.
“I could be wrong but I think this is her now…”
<<Red, we’re at the back of the coffee shop. It’s an eclectic crowd in here but I’m guessing you’ve just walked in…>>
Atomic Communist
Sep 14 2010, 05:28 PM
[16:19 January 1st, 2072; Common Ground, Downtown Seattle]
<<Yeah, I'm here.>>
Red heads to the back of the coffee shop and lays her eyes on Silk and He-Who-Sees-Within and nods to the two of them. "Silk, I presume?" She raises a maroon eyebrow at the two before going ahead and taking a seat next to Silk. "A pleasure to meet you. And your friend here." She adds, with a glance to him. "So what sorts of fun brings us together on this fine, Seattle day?"
The red head pops a green mint into her mouth, its spearmint smell emitting from her strongly.
Sep 14 2010, 08:48 PM
[07:33 AM, January 2nd, 2072; An Unmarked Warehouse; Redmond]
Copperhead's eyes go wide at the sight of the grenade launcher. Compared to her ancient Defiance shotgun, the Beast seems a bit too well-equiped to be a random ganger. He's a real shadowrunner, she realises as she backs away to the corner of the building.
"No. He's way in da back. Only da truck and a few guards were near da door."
She grips the shotgun tightly, her mouth dry and heart pounding as she readies herself to follow him in.
Combat Mage
Sep 14 2010, 09:34 PM
[07:33 AM, January 2nd, 2072; An Unmarked Warehouse; Redmond]
Right. The truck. Wouldn't be too smart to blow up my target. But the blast will be weakened considerably by the door if it even makes it inside and shouldn't damage a truck much.
The Beast pointed the MGL-6 at the garage door, reticles locking on in his contact lenses. He pulled the weapon's trigger twice in quick succession and with a sharp hissing sound two small objects were fired towards the obstacle.
Adrenaline was flooding through his veins and making his whole body quiver with anticipation as he waited for the impact.
Sep 15 2010, 11:22 AM
Akecheta and Copperhead
[07:34 AM, January 2nd, 2072; An Unmarked Warehouse; Redmond]
The Beast’s inner beast came out to play as his adrenaline continued to surge him higher. It would have been easily seen in the troll’s eyes and smile had they not been obscured by the helmet he wore. He raised the MGL and loosed two HE grenades towards the door. The first impacted the door solidly and ripped a sharp, concussive shockwave through the air as it went off. The door and part of the wall was shredded in place. The second grenade landed a bit off target, sailing through the door and detonating on just the other side. This caused the door to blow completely out of the door jamb and dropped it flat onto the ground.
Akecheta could see the tell-tale signs of what appeared to be the hamburgered remains of some unfortunate soul caught on the other side of the door when the second blast went off. This brought a small laugh out of him.
The pair of trolls advanced on the hole that once used to be the door of the warehouse. Copperhead leaned partway over and took a glimpse inside before slipping in and behind a series of crates to the right. Akecheta walked in and took partial cover behind a crate that was on the left.
A GMC Bulldog armored van sat facing the garage door just off to the pair’s left. Deeper into the warehouse they could both see flashes of light and hear the report of submachine guns. Copperhead looked up at the catwalks in time to watch the spirit spin sharply in mid-air and swat a guard over the railing with its tail. A shrill cry preceded a dull thud as the guard’s meat-body made contact with the duracrete floor. Her prior surveillance had told her the prisoners would be towards the middle of the warehouse on the left of their current position.
Sep 15 2010, 05:22 PM
[07:34 AM, January 2nd, 2072; An Unmarked Warehouse; Redmond]
Copperhad tried not to look at the hamburgered remains of what she prayed was one of the guards. She swallowed hard as her stomach twisted, willing herself to keep her breakfast down.
Taking cover behind a series of crates to the right, she gestured with her gun towards where she has seen the prisoners. The flashes of light and report of submachine guns worried her. She hoped they were shooting at the spirit floating above her.
Mighty spirit, she called out with her mind. Are there any more auras still above us?
Combat Mage
Sep 15 2010, 07:09 PM
[07:34 AM, January 2nd, 2072; An Unmarked Warehouse; Redmond]
Akecheta chuckled and gave a thumps-up to Copperhead when he saw the guard falling from the catwalk. "Your spirit thing is pretty effective!", he said with glee in his voice. "Let's go and get your boyfriend and the other hostages!"
He put the MGL-6 back in it's holster and took up the Praetor again. Then he jumped out of his makeshift cover and started running towards the middle of the warehouse where their targets were supposed to be. All the action and fun seemed to be there too which was a definite plus in the eyes of The Beast.
No thinking! Just killing!
Sep 16 2010, 12:23 AM
[January 5th, 2072; Summeroaks Apartments 29C, Renton]
Dahlia shrugged. "Let's do that, then. We'll find the loud one first and use him to find the others. I'll do what I can with his comlink when we get a hold of it. But, I promise nothing. I was planning on making some gas grenades filled with allergens specific to each target to incapacitate them when the time came to snatch them up. So, that may take me some time," she tapped her index finger against her chin, already stating out time blocks for this project, by the look of it. "We could start looking for the first target as soon as tonight. We should still keep our eyes open for some matrix suppor--"
At that moment, the livingroom door swung inward, revealing a dusky-skinned human boy of about twelve years old. Aside from the unruly mop of black hair, half of which hung in his face and covered most of his eyes, the family resemblance between him and Dahlia was obvious. An old-fashioned skateboard festooned with AR stickers hung under one arm, and emototoy and Bust-a-Move under the other arm. Dahlia adopted an expression of surprise for perhaps a second or two.
"Asim, you're home from the arcade early," she commented. Asim shrugged, making a bee-line for the kitchen and refrigerator.
"Someone hacked some of the games and they kicked everyone out early--oh, wiz, there's food in here," the boy muttered, words muddled as he practically ducked into the refrigerator and shoved aside the bee venom. He re-emerged with a soda and sandwich in hand only moments later, chewing as he made a slow circuit of the living room--peering at the gathered miscreants through a sloppy mop of hair.
"Are you guys here for a study?" the boy asked.
Suicidal Street Sam
Sep 16 2010, 12:35 AM
[January 5th, 2072; Summeroaks Apartments 29C, Renton]
Seti struggled to swallow during the awkward pause. "Er, yes, Asim, but it's supposed to be one of those anonymous ones. That's why we waited until you were gone. um...So, if you could, like, go into your room, and turn the music up real loud, and forget you ever saw any of these gentlemen, that would make my job a heck'f'a lot easier...."
Asim took another slow glance around the room, finishing his sandwich. "Yeah, alright." He returned to the refrigerator, grabbed the last sandwich and another unopened drink, and moved into his room.
Seti waited until the door was closed. "So, anyway, Dahlia, I like the idea of specially tailored gasses, I think--" Loud music started blaring from Asim's room, some new noise that the kids liked these days. We're going to have to find a new meeting location, or Asim's going to catch wise.
"I think," he said again, speaking over the music, "that if we can give them some flu, or something, that'll knock them out with fever in a couple days, and which they'll pass on easily to each other, that would be best. The rest of us can be on pickup duty."
Sep 16 2010, 01:44 AM
Akecheta and Copperhead
[07:34 AM, January 2nd, 2072; An Unmarked Warehouse; Redmond]
‘Above, one more of these vermin, Shaman. Most of the auras came for me when I ripped the throat out of the first.’ The spirit responded into Copperhead’s mind on astral winds. She held her gun at the ready as she attempted to move stealthily up to where Cutter and the other prisoners were. Akecheta made no such designs for a stealthy entry or retreat, loud and proud is how he fought his battles. That was evident by the way he charged up towards the middle of the warehouse.
Off to the left he could see a series of pipes that likely served water service to the building. An orc, an elf, and two Japanese humans were badly bloodied and chained to the pipes with manacles. Standing opposite of the hostage is a pair of guards in what looks to be Corp security team uniforms. Not the professionals, but the hourly monkeys that end up guarding crap warehouses in the middle of Redmond such as this one.
The Beast's grin grew wider. Copperhead was startled by movement off to her right as she caught sight of another guard jogging towards the prisoners with what looked to be a much heavier weapon than an SMG; though she wasn’t sure what exactly it was.
OOC: Alright. I’m going to give you guys a surprise round since the guards are thoroughly distracted by the spirit and the one guard sent to watch the door is now hamburger. Akecheta has a visual on two guards near the hostages. Copperhead has visual on one guard moving through a row in the crates. So for the sake of efficiency, your next post please give me the following.
1. Your surprise round actions and rolls.
2. An initiative roll.
3. Your actions for the coming round. (Since there won’t be any real adaptation to current circumstances by the enemy.)
Sep 16 2010, 09:56 PM
Akecheta and Copperhead
[07:34 AM, January 2nd, 2072; An Unmarked Warehouse; Redmond]
The pair of trolls were certainly an unusual combination to find breaching a warehouse in the depths of Redmond. The Snake War Spirit that was wreaking havoc from above was reveling in the combat, Copperhead could feel it through her soul. Movement to her right caught her eye as she saw a security team member moving up towards the prisoners.
She braced herself and fired the shotgun. The slug impacted the Corpsec just below the jaw and took half of his face off. The guard hit the ground unconscious and bleeding profusely.
The Beast was focused on the task at hand as he sought to lose himself in bloodlust. The pair of Corpsec guards stood no chance as he unloaded both SMG’s into their backs. Both appeared to still be alive, choking on blood and attempting to crawl away from the Beast. That was all that remained of the troll at the moment, Akecheta slipped away mentally as he rushed past the hostages and ended the two Corpsec guards with a short burst of SMG rounds to the back of each head.
A cry for help caught his attention from above, though there did not appear to be any more gunfire echoing through the warehouse.
Sep 17 2010, 08:49 AM
[07:34 AM, January 2nd, 2072; An Unmarked Warehouse; Redmond]
Copperhead's blood was singing with the spirit's feral joy. Her face twisted into a snarling grin as she directed it to attack the remaining aura above. Then she spotted a movement to her right and saw a security team member moving up towards the prisoners. Her thoughts turned back to Cutter and she raised the gun and held it as he had shown her. As she aimed down the iron sights, she heard the ripple of automatic fire as the Beast opened up with his SMG. She squeezed the trigger and saw the man jerk back, half his face missing.
She moved quickly forward, gun still ready. The guard was gurgling his dying breaths and she stood rooted to the spot, eyes wide with the horror of what she had done as his aura faded and his breath rattled to a halt. She had just killed a man.
Some secrets come with a price, hissed a voice in her head.
Slinging the shotgun over her shoulder, she goes down on one knee next to the guard. She runs her hand over his eyes to close them, carefully avoiding his ruined jaw, then quickly pats him down and picks up the big gun. Only then does she look up again and moves towards where the prisoners should be.
Sep 17 2010, 08:50 PM
[07:35 AM, January 2nd, 2072; An Unmarked Warehouse; Redmond]
Copperhead froze in surprise momentarily from the gory effect the shotgun had on the hapless Corpsec guard. The whisper of Snake and the bloodlust of the warrior-spirit that coursed through the astral to her quickly snapped her out of it. She avoided contact and looking directly at the shotgun wound as she patted down the now dead guard laying before her. A brief burst of cold passed through her, causing her to shiver heavily as it chilled her core.
The pockets of the guard revealed two things of interest. The first was a physical key that looked like a manacle key, the second was a commlink. The brand-name of Transys was emblazoned on the side but she did not see a model type or number attached to it.
She procured the heavy machinegun the guard was carrying and made her back towards the prisoners. Cutter flashed a weary smile at her though it appeared he was heavily exhausted. It was difficult to tell from the angle, but it seemed as though he might have lost an eye from this particular excursion.
Her slip into the astral would normally have been comforting but being this close to the dark circle brought her nothing but a feeling of misery and dread. It appeared to be almost like a void in the astral, sucking gently at the life aura of the prisoners that were chained above it. She could feel part of herself being drawn toward it on the astral coupled with only a few emotions; sorrow, anger, and misery.
One other point of interest caught her attention. Around the aura of the Beast was a lingering spirit that seemed to stay with him as he moved. The spirit did not appear to be very strong but she could definitely sense its presence.
The Beast was focused on the task at hand, bringing as much pain and hurt as he was able to before the job ended. The grin beneath his helmet still pulled at the corners of his mouth as he strode past the bullet-riddled corpses of the Corpsec guards he had neutralized further into the warehouse. Another shrill cry pierced the air coupled with a gut-wrenching sounds of ripping and bones breaking.
Akecheta spotted a ladder that would grant him easy access to the third floor where the rigger room and catwalks snaked across the upper portions of the warehouse. The climb would leave him heavily exposed from all directions as it was simply open air. He could not see the source of the cry for help from above but he did see a few dangling limbs from the bodies of the Corpsec guards that the spirit had mauled into submission.
Sep 17 2010, 09:19 PM
[January 5th, 2072; Summeroaks Apartments 29C, Renton]
The Doctor added, "And there is any way to obtain the astral signature of the mage, I'd appreciate it. It would provide an additional lead for us. Or if there is a material link on hand, we could try to look for him that way."
Sep 17 2010, 09:32 PM
[07:35 AM, January 2nd, 2072; An Unmarked Warehouse; Redmond]
Pocketing the commlink and key, Copperhead quickly moves over to the prisoners. The feeling of misery from the dark circle chills her to the bone and she releases her perception of the astral. Unsettled, she beseeches Snake to protect her and her kin from dark magics, even as she focuses her own will to defend herself and her friends from magical attacks.
Only then does she step into the circle. She takes a moment to kiss Cutter, even though he is bloodied and beaten. Then she quickly unshackles her boyfriend and the other prisoners, stuffing the manacles into her pockets. She helps Cutter to his feet and, with a broad grin, hands him the big machine gun.
She leads the prisoners out of the dark circle, glad to be away from it's draining aura. As she moves back towards the entrance, she unslings the shotgun again and looks up and around to see if she can catch a glimpse of her spirit or the Beast.
"Sssst, Beast" she hisses. "Where are you, chummer?"
Combat Mage
Sep 17 2010, 10:22 PM
[07:35 AM, January 2nd, 2072; An Unmarked Warehouse; Redmond]
As the rush of combat slowly faded the red veil before his eyes thinned and The Beast could think with a semblance of clarity again. Not that he wanted to. The cry for help still could be heard from above and Akecheta decided to check it out. He didn't really care about whoever was in need of assistence up there, after all his targets seemed to be among the hostages so it couldn't be one of them. But his curiousity was peaked and maybe there were some more guards to kill up on the catwalks.
"Sssst, Beast" the snake lady hissed. "Where are you, chummer?"
He walked over to her and the hostages.
"Right here. I heard someone calling for help up on the catwalks. I'm gonna check it out quickly."
He looked at the two japanese men that Copperhead had freed.
"You two! Get in the van and wait for me! I'll be there in a few minutes and then we'll leave." He paused for a moment. "If you leave without me I will find you and rip your hearts out of your chests." he then added in a neutral tone of voice.
Then he turned around and sprinted towards the ladder. He didn't even think about the danger of his exposed position as he started to climb it. So what if he could die? What was the point of surviving the day if there was no one to come home to anymore?
Sep 17 2010, 11:48 PM
[07:36 AM, January 2nd, 2072; An Unmarked Warehouse; Redmond]
The Snake-shaman stood before the circle, attempting to fight off the chills and discomfort of it. She felt coils wrap around her as though something was wrapping her from the legs up. The head of Snake loomed over her right shoulder, looking down at the spot and then at her.
‘Do you not know what it is?’ The spirit hissed at her in her mind. Snake turned again to look at the void-spot then back to her. ‘When extraordinary things occur, they can stain the Astral. The pain, the suffering, the misery the meta-humans bring on each other; it all causes ripples that turn into waves. Negative energy beckons to negative energy. So the torturer putting these metas here is normal. It would feed the void, not that it needs sustenance. It was here long before these four were hauled here, and will be here long after. It is a stain.’
She let her perception of the Astral slip away as she moved up to free the prisoners. Cutter weakly returned her kiss and forced himself to his feet. He gladly accepted the HMG and grinned at her.
“Thanks babe, you always know what to get me.” Cutter looked down at the elf that was bounded next to him, still unconscious. The orc kicked the elf‘s legs “WAKE UP MOTHER FUCKER! We‘re getting the hell out of here.”
The elf’s eyes snapped open, “GAH NOT THE CUTTING TOR…” He looked around fearful for a moment but noticed the orc was loose. “Oh we’re out of here? Fuck yes. I can’t feel my fucking left side man.”
“Cry me a Ghost-damn river. If your ass knew how to be quiet we wouldn’t be in this predicament. Thankfully, at least one person I know is competent. Thanks beautiful.” Cutter slipped up next to Copperhead and hugged her with one arm. In the other he used the HMG as a make-shift crutch, probably filling the tip of the barrel with crap.
The two humans looked completely out of place with the metas. Though they appeared to show no fear or great distress other than being extremely injured from whatever interrogation they had suffered. Cutter looked over at Beast as he commented casually about tearing the two’s hearts out if they left him.
He grinned at Copperhead and jerked his thumb at the Beast as he walked away, “I like that guy.” Cutter helped the elf to his feet and the pair of them walked over to the van. They both slid up into the back, he offered a hand out to help one of the Japanese men and Copperhead in (if she so chose). The other man limped to the front of the truck and climbed into the cab.
After instilling fear into the hearts of the two Japanese men, the troll made his way back to the ladder. He was confident there wasn’t anything that was going to ambush him on the lower level but he wasn’t so sure about the third level. That and the sound of the bolts and ladder straining under his weight did not fill him with confidence that he would even make it to the top. Thankfully, the ladder held.
Coming to the top of the catwalk, Akecheta was a bit taken aback at the area ahead of him. He had been witness to plenty of carnage in his day, but most of it was the result of machines or weapons. The Snake warrior-spirit that Copperhead had unleashed on these hapless sons of bitches had gone through them like a blender. One guard was simply missing large chunks of his body. Another looked as though his body from his waist to his neck had been crushed by a giant constrictor. There was the one that had fallen from the catwalk. And the riggers room looked much the same. A corpse sat in a chair in front of a command console, the head only attached by the spinal cord with the rest of the meat missing. Laying in a corner of the room was a badly bleeding Japanese man who was still alive. He has large bites is missing chunks of flesh from his legs and arms.
The security room appears to be equipped well enough to guard the premises but that is about it. There looks to be a rack of a few SMG’s on the wall including some more uniforms and ammunition.
OOC: Long post. Copperhead, the answers to your questions based on your rolls should be addressed by Snake in this post. If they aren’t, nudge me and I’ll fill in whatever blanks should have been filled in. Beyond what you got, you won’t be able to find out exactly what happened without some research/stuff that isn’t just checks while standing here.
Akecheta; going to need a Perception check from you. It’s visual if that matters for any of your cyber-ware or modifiers or anything.
Combat Mage
Sep 18 2010, 11:57 AM
[07:36 AM, January 2nd, 2072; An Unmarked Warehouse; Redmond]
Walking through the ravaged corpses littering the catwalks, even the The Beast couldn't surpress a slight feeling of uneasiness. But it was not nearly strong enough to distract him from the task at hand, which was finding out where the noise came from and then get the hell out of there and collect the payment.
He took quick look into the rigger's room, noticing the bleeding man in the corner. Crap he's japanese! Which means I have to care about him, he's worth 500 Nuyen after all...
Then a thought popped up in his mind that stopped him in his tracks for a second. Wait, didn't Mr. O say that only two guards were captured? There were already two japanese guys downstairs. If it was a mistake and there were three drivers (but why would there be?), why was this guy not with the other hostages? Maybe he's a rat that was working with the guards here... Anyway I better get him to Mr. O, he'll know what's up. If this guy even survives 'till then...
With a sigh the troll went over to the severely injured man and heaved the guy on his shoulder. "Let's go motherfucker! Time to get out of here."
Turning around he made his way towards the ladder, intent on getting back to the van as fast as possible.