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Full Version: Yakuza 3 review... by Yakuzas
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Interesting read, a reporter who has some friends in the Tokyo underworld. He decides to have a sit down with several yakuzas and get their reviews on the yakuza 3 game. Enjoy!
Neat stuff.
Mr. Mage
Gotta say, that is a pretty interesting idea, having actual Yakuza compare their experiences to a video game depiction...kind of makes me think of all those US military personnell over in Iraq playing modern warfare in their free time! grinbig.gif

Amusing article, thanks for sharing.
what's interesting is the mention of executive yaks vs the street lvl also & what's expected of them in behavior
And if you're interested in the Yakuza I would definitely recommend the interviewer's book Tokyo Vice. Adelstein really breaks down what the Yakuza does for a Western audience who might think of them as "just" another version of the Mafia. It was a really great read.
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