Aug 11 2010, 01:44 AM
So, my laptop suddenly decided that it didn't want to make sound any more. So I figured maybe the speakers broke because every once and a while they would go very staticy for a few minutes, but plugging in my desktop speakers didn't yield any sound either, so I figured that the driver got messed up for it, so I went looking for a driver for my Realtek High Definition audio, and all I keep finding are programs that will update my drivers automatically (after I buy them of course). I found one driver, downloaded it, but it didn't seem to be the right one.
Anyone know where to find a proper driver, because literally all I can find are atuo-driver-update things that tell me that my audio driver isn't working (Big surprise) but won't fix it without extracting money from me.
Aug 11 2010, 02:08 AM
No idea. The lap top I use has the same issue actually it either a driver issue or that make of card likes to burn out.
Aug 11 2010, 02:26 AM
Well, the sound was working perfectly, then I restarted my computer and windows did some sort of scan of my harddrive and all the sudden my sound doesn't work.
Aug 11 2010, 03:23 AM
Try doing a driver rollback? Might help you out.
Aug 11 2010, 07:50 AM
Try the homepage of your laptop manufacturer.
Or try
http://www.realtek.com/downloads/downloads...mp;downtypeid=3Or, unless you have a lot of manually configured programs on there, which would be a pain to reinstall, you could use your Recovery Disk (assuming you have one, but most laptops come with their Windows on a Recovery Disk (or Recovery Partition)) and start from scratch.
Aug 11 2010, 01:46 PM
Thanks Thanee, I went to the website and downloaded the driver from them, but it still isn't working. I was looking through my audio stuff and it said something was disconnected, so I'm guessing something managed to come loose somehow, though I'm not entirely sure how considering that when I lost the sound my laptop was sitting perfectly still.
Caine Hazen
Aug 11 2010, 03:32 PM
another "not gaming related" thread
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