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So I just want to brag... LOL. Not really, more like share.

I got my 20th ann. ed. Signed by Larry Elmore, Jeff Laubenstein(who drew a troll in it), Steve Prescott(drew a street sam) and Klaus Scherwinski.

It was awesome talking to them about the early concepts for shadowrun, and then to Klaus (the new talent) about shadow run and how much a fan he is of the setting.

Anyone else have any goodies from the con?
I picked up the spells and chrome paperback and a copy of 6WA. Didn't get anything signed as I was usually pretty locked up running or trying to play.
I also got a copy of 6WA. It seemed to sell pretty well, though I'm not an employee so I have no numbers on it. Also a red-letter Shadowrun go with my blue-letter shirt, S-K shirt, and two Catalyst shirts. They were out of XL Ares shirts when I finally had time to shop, so later for that...

I picked up a few (but only a few) other things this year. A couple of vinyl maps and the 4-for-3 offer for Trail of Cthulhu. I saw a few other things I'd like to have, but I didn't want to carry it all home and I wanted to support the FLGS.

My only purchase on the first day was for my girlfriend: her first set of dice.
QUOTE (Fringe @ Aug 12 2010, 04:57 PM) *
My only purchase on the first day was for my girlfriend: her first set of dice.

Always a good investment.
Doc Chase
That's been going around. nyahnyah.gif Picked up a set of dice for my g/f as well, with the 20th Anneversary Edition of the corebook and a grey felt top hat.
I know it is late but I will throw in.

I picked up Sixth World Almanac, and in my opinion it is worth it for the full map of the Sixth World alone. I have Devoured that book. I managed to score a first print copy of Street magic for 5 bucks (would have gotten a copy of the current Ed. but Catalyst did not have any.) And for Battletech I picked up the pre-release 3085 set of Mechs.

But my real pride of my Shadowrun collection, is that my team won the Shadowrun tournament, and the prize was a burnt finish Bokken with the Shadowrun symbol burnt into it, it will be part of my Street Samurai Costume I am assembling for next year.

Awesome, Congrats Saint! smile.gif I'm very, very jealous of those swords.
Just so you know Bull, I am the one who talked with you a decent amount on the last day, with the Mohawk, who played Macabre on the winning team.

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