So, my partner and I were at GenCon, and brought our 160+ career karma to play some TR6 games. I'll review the actual mods later when I can read them, but here's our "GenCon Experience" side of things.
1. CMP 2010-07 "Congressional Conspiracies", we sat down at the table with only 3 other players who were all fresh out of the box, and the players themselves were new. I suggested going TR4, but someone (I'll not say who) decided to push for TR6... which we got. We got knocked unconscious, stripped, and told to leave town and not come back. I say we got out butt kicked, but there is some argument as to some of the things that happened: mainly, there was a grey/confusing area of magic that we (and several other GM's) thought worked one way, but this one (and he may be right) believes another. That ciritical mistake got us F10 stunballed.
I will say that I'd reverse time, b/c I believe strongly at this karma level the character is smarter than the player. Two mages with 160 karma would not misunderstand this power at this level. However, it's one adventure and a learning experience-- and we made 2 other critical errors. We had fun regardless, and it was nice to be reminded we could finally fail at a mission. We got 2 karma for role playing.
2.SRM03-10 "Spin Control", another young table, but this time I was heeded and we played at TR5. This time we had some experienced players, and our new hacker was awesome due to his player's expeirence. We breezed through this ... but got 3 karma (notice this is only one more than failing and stripped naked). We got one for beating the mod, one for one objective, and only one for role playing. Our GM wanted us to "vote" for someone that was an outstanding role player (for bonus karma). We all voted for everyone at the table, and thus got one. I believe this style of "bonus" went out in the 90's, and this was a big black eye on the whole event.
I can deal with missing 2 karma at this point, but I personally feel insulted. I even said out loud, "this is the least amount of karma I've ever gotten in a SRM mod", but the GM didn't take the hint. I'll actively avoid this GM in the future, and get up from his table if he's running my event. Also, if you are running a rough draft/unfinished mod for SRM, don't talk about how bad the mod is to the players. They paid to have fun, not to hear about your problems.
3. CMP 2010-04 Humanitarian Aid, to make up for the last mod, Ray was the best SRM GM I've had since SRM00 days. We sat down with the same hacker, and a full table and went TR6-- we beat it, but barely. While I believe reading the mod will prove it to be cheesy (my suspicions), we had a lot of fun. If it wasn't for my buddy's uber mage, we would have been toast. The adept and I (mystic adept) felt pretty neutered.