To the OP; We need more details, and you need to answer some questions. You'll need them for roleplaying anyway. Such as:
- What is the ratio of Feral-to-Non? (numbers in general would be helpful, too)
- How were they treated under gang control, especially the Sane? (Ferals trained to attack any non-Ghoul entering their enclosure, Non hate/fear all metahumans, etc)
- How long have they been free, and what have they been doing in that time? (kidnapping people off the streets, moving out of the squalor/crimescene of gang headquarters, lying low, keeping Ferals under control, building/traping headquarters)
- How many knew of the Ghouls involvement with the gang, and to what degree? (kept ghouls in cage, worked with them, 'bad things' happened to those who crossed them)
- How and why are the runners alerted to this new issue (Ghouls systematicly kidnapping people, a few escaped Ferals go on a murder spiral, people hear of locals working peacfully with a Den)
- Who are the leaders? (number, attitudes, agendas, factions, dissidents, intelligence)
- What did the Sane do before they were Ghoul'd/stolen by gang (tactics/sewers/electrical knowledge for traps/security, held a job as a hacker/mage/etc and can still work in most places with some care)
Then we can suggest things in more detail.
QUOTE (The Dragon Girl @ Aug 20 2010, 01:15 AM)

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Ghouls-as-people is one of my favorite things to play with, honestly. (If that weren't incredibly obvious from the story writing). They -aren't pretty, they have a high chance of going insane- not just from the infection, but from the after effects and the way they've changed, theres no real way to make them less dangerous- and they're still people trapped in all that. Is it doing them a favor to let them live? Would it be kinder to put a bullet in them? Fun stuff to explore, especially if you really can get that moment of empathy.
This is true. However, it's hard to get right,
and it's rarely found. Unless the PC's have had a fair bit of contact with Ghouls (relatively peaceful, sane Ghouls at that) all they'll have to go on is public awareness/opinion. The players are the same - there are only two sets of stats in the rulebooks: one for enemies, mainly ferals and one for a contact...who's a cold-blooded organ-trader.
Even in-character, the most accepting (non-infection-able) character has to be basically racist, unless they're stupid. Not because s/he doesn't like Ghouls, but because discrimination is: "(unfair) treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice". And how are/where minorities treated? Not standing near them, as if they might smell (they probably do), avoiding all touch with them/their things/things they've touched (hello, most infectious disease ever?), treating/acting as if they're all mindless, soulless animals/dangerous criminals (again, true), etc.
The basic fact is that 8o% of Ghouls are vaguely-humanoid monstrous predators who can rip Spirits apart with their bare hands, while the remainder are brain-damaged, over-steroid'd people with violent urges and the need to feast on metahumans to live, suffering under multiple neurosi and in terrible conditions. Add to that the fact that only those in the shadows would know them as anything other than criminals, organleggers and terrorists, and most people have excellant cause for concern.
Hell, now I want to open a thread on reasons for ghoul prejudice, and watch the inferno.
QUOTE (Simon Kerimov @ Aug 20 2010, 01:41 PM)

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I think they would use blood to mark their territories. It's astrally visible until it dries, and it builds up a background count to keep ghoul hunters from being able to whip out all their magics. A canny ghoul hunter would be able to infer something from a patch of drying blood scribed into a "We Don't Want Any" sign.
Uhm... Not sure of the rules, but I thought it was only when there's some seriously fucked-up shit going down that Background Count rocks up to stare and go "Woah man, what's your issue? Hey everybody, take a look at this!" like some kind of nosy pedestrian broadcasting a crashscene to youtube.
So if they've built up a background count through that marking, then it'd be from something like repeatedly eating people alive - and if they're the type to do that, then I'd gun them all down with a smile, null sheen.
QUOTE (Mayhem_2006 @ Aug 20 2010, 05:06 PM)

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That said - I don't know if a biomonitor or any implants moniter the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream, but concievably they could be made to do so - which would at least give you some warning in low oxygen areas.
I'd say people tend to notice that they're running shorter on breath than they should be - take some kind of Perception test, modified by what level of exertion they are at. Hell, add your Athletics dice or allow it to be swapped for Perception - you know that oblivious slab of Goblin muscle, who spends all his time eating, whoring and fighting? Well, he'd know he doesn't usually have this much difficulty catching his breath when doing X.
Make it a very hard test, with bonus' the longer they stay in the area/more they need the oxygen.
That said, Biomonitors should notice it IMO, although from memory their effect is vague. Does it pick up poisons in the blood, etc? A lot of these problmes would be lessened or ignored through use of gear most runners should have. Gas-mask w/ built-in Respirator, Skinlinked Sensor Tag w/ Biomonitor (hey, it's a type of sensor - or should be), etc.
Might be, someone should start a thread about that...