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Just noticed on Amazon that Gibson has a new book out. I didn't pick up Spook Country cause I saw mixed reviews. Anyone read this one? Is it good?
Doc Chase
QUOTE (Backgammon @ Aug 21 2010, 05:35 PM) *
Just noticed on Amazon that Gibson has a new book out. I didn't pick up Spook Country cause I saw mixed reviews. Anyone read this one? Is it good?

Pattern Recognition and Spook Country were both good books in and of themselves. It was shadowrunning without the actual cyberpunk technology - I think the mixed reviews came from the difference in Spook from Pattern.

I'll have to go snag it and see what it's about!
I actually really liked both, but I found that I had to "forget" that I was reading Gibson. Actually, I guess I just had to adjust my expectations away from "old Gibson" and let the new be itself. But yeah, I enjoyed them and I'll be picking this one up when I get a chance.

I do recommend, to anyone that hasn't read them, to read these in their published/written order. They aren't specifically sequential, but it helps, IMO.
I can't comment on the new book. My wife picked up Pattern Recognition. I felt like it was Gibson selling his name more than it was an especially good book. I enjoyed it insofar that it taught me about an industry I don't really understand, but it isn't a book I'd care to read a second time, and even just a few months later, I couldn't tell you what it was about.
It has the Gibson feel the same way a bucket of sour milk does. It sticks with you long after you finish it.

Good book, though. Bigend is a truly frightening character.
Doc Chase
I checked the cover when I was at tne B&N looking for Changes and was surprised that Hollis was back. May wait a bit on the book since I have two coming in to 'take care of' before I pick this one up.
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