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Full Version: Name that game!
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Sometime in the mid to late 1990s, I think, there was an RTS that centered on humanoid robots with interchangeable parts. You could design your own, robots could get bits blasted off of them in combat, and even pick up bits that had been blasted off of themselves or other robots and stick them back on. I cannot, for the very life of me, think of the name of this game. Somebody, anybody, throw me a frickin' bone here!
That could be Metal Fatigue, at least it has pretty much all features you said that game had.
Yeah, Metal Fatigue is the closest I can think of, though it came out in 2000.
QUOTE (Mooncrow @ Aug 27 2010, 08:20 AM) *
Yeah, Metal Fatigue is the closest I can think of, though it came out in 2000.

2000 is pretty much late 1990:s when you think back nowdays wink.gif
Metal Fatigue it is! Thanks, gents.
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