So I went and bought Brütal Legend. The first stage battle felt eerily familiar, but I couldn't quite figure out why until it hit me a couple of days ago: the stage battles are almost exactly like the 2000 PC game Sacrifice. There are some differences in the particulars, but basically Brütal Legend is a spiritual successor to Sacrifice. In both games your character is present on the battlefield (unlike other RTS games), controlled from a third-person over-the-shoulder perspective, and personally engaged in combat with opposing forces. In both games, your character is endowed with a variety of special abilities (spells in Sacrifice, solos in Brütal Legend - Facemelter FTW). I think Brütal Legend is better balanced, though. In Sacrifice, it could be incredibly hard - like Nintendo hard - to make any headway, for a variety of reasons having to do with the core gameplay mechanic. Once you started to lose, the game was basically over; it was just a matter of hanging on by your fingernail for as long as you could, assuming you didn't just chuck it and start over. At least in Brütal Legend comebacks are possible.
Haven't bought Bayonetta yet. Gamestop wanted $35 for a used(!) copy. WTF?