I own the DVD of Rage of Honor with Sho Kosugi. Much to my chagrin it's never been on YouTube, but it looks like someone *just* uploaded it. Take a look while it's still there.
The way that Sho Kosugi acts in that film is pretty much how I always imagined physads in SR. Also, seeing as it's an 80s film, the atmosphere is pretty much exactly correct for SR as well.
Sho Kosugi in many ways defined my SR experience because I spent a very long time playing a physad who was pretty much exactly modeled on Sho Kosugi, although he was more of a "Revenge of the Ninja" Sho Kosugi than a "Rage of Honor" Sho Kosugi.
Still, "Rage of Honor" is pretty SR because towards the end it features helicopters with doorgunners and guys with flamethrowers vs. Sho Kosugi, physad ninja.