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I remember playing this game a very long time ago, probably mid- or late-1990's. I recently watched The Road Warrior for the first time - brilliant film, and it got me to remembering this gem of a game.

Of course, it's long out of print. There's some .pdf's available for sale, but that doesn't seem like it's what I want to buy to get into a miniatures game. There are some older things on eBay and the like, but I figured I should probably do some homework before I start spending money.

And so I come here. Has anyone here ever played? If so, what should I buy?
Never played it, but i found something interesting related to it. Interestingly enough, there is a 4 issue comic out there based on the game:

the issues even contained car wars stats for some of the major vehicles in the comic.
I only know the card game... *swerve*

I've played the card game, actually, and it's rubbish. Maybe it's because I was expecting something different, but it's just not very fun.

That comic is interesting, thanks.
QUOTE (kjones @ Oct 2 2010, 03:47 AM) *
I remember playing this game a very long time ago, probably mid- or late-1990's. I recently watched The Road Warrior for the first time - brilliant film, and it got me to remembering this gem of a game.

Of course, it's long out of print. There's some .pdf's available for sale, but that doesn't seem like it's what I want to buy to get into a miniatures game. There are some older things on eBay and the like, but I figured I should probably do some homework before I start spending money.

And so I come here. Has anyone here ever played? If so, what should I buy?

Didn't Games Workshop do this or something real close to it. I recall and anecdote about an in costume go-kart race they had to celebrate the launch and the outlandish/intimidating outfits/props got the police involved due to reports of terrorists or such. This was IIRC 1980s

Battlecars/Dark Future is what I'm thinking of not the seam game but very much the same type. 83 and 88 respectively.
I seem to recall playing a game where I was fighting other people in cars, I believe my car was a Ferrari (like Magnum's) with a rear mounted flame thrower. I'm not sure if that was Car Wars specifically or just a homebrew based off it.
QUOTE (Dumori @ Oct 2 2010, 10:41 PM) *
Didn't Games Workshop do this or something real close to it. I recall and anecdote about an in costume go-kart race they had to celebrate the launch and the outlandish/intimidating outfits/props got the police involved due to reports of terrorists or such. This was IIRC 1980s

Battlecars/Dark Future is what I'm thinking of not the seam game but very much the same type. 83 and 88 respectively.

Aye Dark Future there was some novels to, it wasn't a bad game, pity GW binned it to only do Warhammer.
QUOTE (SecGuard @ Oct 4 2010, 10:18 PM) *
Aye Dark Future there was some novels to, it wasn't a bad game, pity GW binned it to only do Warhammer.

Aye not even a "specialist" game now.
Steve Jackson Games was the publisher of Car Wars. I would be suprised if you could not find copies of all the OOP stuff, heck it might even still be in print. I think SJG is still publishing.

the SJG webstite has a list of in print and OOP items.

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