The chunky salsa rules make the game far too deadly. Most combat is done in rooms/hallways under 15m across (that's a 45 by 45 foot room, or about twice the size of a middle-high income home's living room).
Most grenades in ShadowRun will completely fill this space and reflect part of the distance back.
(God forbid an NPC tosses a grenade at the PCs standing in a 3m wide hallway!)
Of course....a simple frag grenade (not intended for breaching) will chew through 20cm of SOLID BRICK by RAW if the grenade rolls into a corner (that's before any chunky salsa effect even occurs).
Most grenades in ShadowRun will completely fill this space and reflect part of the distance back.
(God forbid an NPC tosses a grenade at the PCs standing in a 3m wide hallway!)
Of course....a simple frag grenade (not intended for breaching) will chew through 20cm of SOLID BRICK by RAW if the grenade rolls into a corner (that's before any chunky salsa effect even occurs).
Well fortunately, at least there's the possibiltiy that the walls will be relatively flimsy and 'give' preventing the blast from cascading. But yes, BAB (Blast Against Barriers) is very lethal. As a GM I tend to ignore it when it's not dramatically appropriate.