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Full Version: SRM 03-11 Food Poisoning now available!
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Too Close to Home

People die every day. People without SINs die even more frequently. That’s not news. But when people without SINs are being poisoned, when it looks like they’re being targeted somehow—well, that’s no good. If someone’s going after people without SINs, that means the next target could be one of your contacts, or your fixer, or even you.

That would be incentive enough for most runners to look into this spate of poisoning, but Mr. Johnson’s got some cash to throw around, and maybe some hints of where to start looking. In Food Poisoning, runners have the chance to trace the spate of poisonings to its source, and to uncover the double-crosses and machinations behind all the deaths.

Food Poisoning is the eleventh in the current series of Shadowrun Missions, giving runners a chance to get increasingly tangled in the corporate politics of the Sixth World’s version of New York City.

Food Poisoning is now available for $3.95 from the Battleshop and DriveThruRPG.
I'm especially excited about this adventure. We're getting some fantastic talent involved with Missions, and while we've been pulling them in over the last couple Missions, this is the first one where they've all come together. We have some amazing interior art by AAS and Brent Evans, a great cover by Ian King (It's a shame so much of it's covered by our logo and credits, I'll see if we can get the original art posted at some point). We have a new Cartographer who'll be doing maps for Season 4, Patrick "Squinky" Sullivan. Matt Heerdt did a great job with layout, Mark Edwards has a great adventure... All in all, I'm really jazzed at how this turned out.
Just downloaded - have to agree that the art is fantastic and the maps at the end are tres cool! I especially like the superimposed images over the Google sat view and the troll Nox putting his hand into the "camera."
Bull/Jason et all. Is this mission going to be uploaded to the Demo Team Site?

It's already up there, along with This Old Drone. smile.gif
QUOTE (Eugene @ Oct 30 2010, 09:19 AM) *
Just downloaded - have to agree that the art is fantastic and the maps at the end are tres cool! I especially like the superimposed images over the Google sat view and the troll Nox putting his hand into the "camera."

Yeah, it's a new map style our art director Brent Evans has been playing with. And Squinky handles it wonderfully.

And AAS's art is amazing stuff. I dread the day he hits the point where he's got too much work piled up on his plate and he can't afford to do Missions for the paltry sum our art budget allows us to pay.

Everyone needs to buy more Missions, so that we can start getting a bigger budget. smile.gif One of our goals is to really step up our production values, and I think that shows with 03-11. I'm hoping folks will like what they're seeing and spread the word outside of the little Missions circle, encourage folks to start looking into Missions.

THe previous design teams did a fantastic job with Missions, especially since it was something that evolved out of strictly a fan created and fan run program. Jason, Brent, and I have been really pushing to try and hit some serious polish with the product though, and the last couple Missions we've released is starting to show some of taht effort. I'm hoping that when Season 4 kicks off, we can really blow the socks off people. smile.gif

Will there be a full season download available?

All the episodes for a discounted, I cannot refuse to pay for price?
Odd thing.

There are Affiliation rewards for Spinrad and Shiawase but no affiliation task.
Clearly the task is just "be awesome" for at least two minutes.
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