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Full Version: Free to play games (mmos)
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Neosteam - pretty good game, but grindy after awhile even with all the quests

Runes of Magic - Early on seems good, crafting is a bit odd (it's a loss vendoring crafted items) and the item shop imbalances end game from what I understand (but still enjoy it)

Isis Online - beta, never got it to actually work... the loading times were insane enough to make me delete it.

Lord of the Rings - well I had a lifetime membership, still a good game. dated graphics, but fun to play none the less when I let wow or eve expire.

D&D Online - was fun early on, last time I played they had changed it to the point I didn't like the starting area and questing

I've done a few levels on LotRO, seemed reasonably interesting, but haven't gotten far in it.

DDO is personally one of my favorite MMOs (free or not). It is great as far as a game unto itself is concerned, and it follows remarkably close to the actual D&D rules, and the things changed seem like real improvements for an MMO format. I'm on the Khyber shard if anyone wants to look me up.

Champions Online - It isn't F2P yet, but it will be in a few months. The graphics are great, very much feel like you're in a comic book or something, and from what I've read so far about the difference between F2P and pay is fairly minor. You can't mix and match powers, but you still get to pick your powers from your framework's pool, which is honestly all I've done so far.

Maginobi (sp?) was fairly decent when I played it a few years ago. I think it sort of requires you to pay some if you want to get far at all though. Also, if you don't log in for a long time (Half a year, year, long time, but still) they delete all your info, including any kind of game cash you have on that account.
ive played fiesta which at the time was a ragnarok clone. not worth the time

i loved maginobi when it first started but then it started to become to wowlike so i quit.

im very fond of trickster. i still play it from time to time and unlike most mmos out right now very few people are at the max level im thinking fewer than 30 out of the several thousand that are still playing.

its different enough to make me prefer it over other mmos. if you dont mind the happy anime style of it. it is at least worth a try. and if you do start tell me so i can play with you.
The only F2P one I have tried was Anarchy Online, which totally sucked (great game concept-wise, but the controls and graphics were completely unacceptable).

Rappelz, 9 Dragons they are basically the same game. Guildwars fun but kinda limited.
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