Cast of ShadowsDahlia Bekhit, played by AStarshipforAnts
[ Spoiler ]
Name: Dahlia Bekhit
Alias: -
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Nationality: Egyptian
Lifestyle: Middle ( 1 month paid )
Karma Spent: 0
Physical Description: A woman of Nubian Egyptian and Arabic decent, with dusky skin and jade-green eyes. Average in height and build.
Personality: Dahlia compartmentalizes herself depending on the situation she’s in. The Dahlia seen by Asim is somewhat strict and neurotic, but good-intentioned and genuinely concerned. The Dahlia known to the shadow-world is often described as a high-functioning lunatic.
Body: 2
Agility: 4 ( 7 )
Reaction: 3
Strength: 2
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 5
Logic: 5 ( 7 )
Willpower: 4
Edge: 2
Essence: 3.275
Initiative: 8/1P
College Education
Black Market Pipeline: Wares
SINner ( Standard )
Dependent 10 BP
Big Regret
Day Job ( 2500/20 )
Allergy 5 BP
Active Skills
Heavy Weapons: 2 ( Grenade Launchers +2 )
Pistols: 4 ( Heavy Pistols +2 )
Chemistry: 3
Automotive Mechanic: 1
Aeronautic Mechanic: 1
Demolitions: 4
Dodge: 2
Perception: 4
Blades: 3 ( Knives +2 )
[Group] Biotech: 3
[Group] Electronics: 2
Knowledge Skills
English: N
Latin: 1
Egyptian: 3
Toxins: 4
Street Drugs: 4
Biology: 5
Chemistry: 5
Psychology: 3
Physics: 4
Parazoology: 2
Embroidery: 1
Pathogenic Defense rt. 3
Muscle Toner rt. 3
Attention Coprocessor rt. 3
Encephalon rt. 1
Toxin Extractor rt. 3
Ultrasound Senor
Cerebral Booster rt. 2
Sleep Regulator
Form-fitting body armor full suit [ Mods: Nonconductivity 3, Chemical Protection 5, Concealed Holster ]
Street clothes ( x2 )
Vibro blade knife [ Mods: Personalized Grip ]
Injection dagger x2 [ Mods: Personalized Grip ]
Parashield dart pistol [ Mods: Additional Clip, Personalized Grip, Skinlink, Smartgun System, Ammo Skip System ]
Ares Predator IV [ Mods: Smartgun System, Silencer, Skinlink ]
Capsule rounds ( x60 )
Stick-n-Shock rounds ( x40 )
Hermes Ikon commlink [ OS: Iris Orb 6/3 ]
Programs [ Analyze 2, Browse 2, Command 3, Edit 3, Encrypt 3, Scan 3 ]
Goggles rt. 6 [ Mods: Vision Enhancement 3, Vision Magnification, Smartlink, Flare Compensation ]
Medkit rt. 6
Antidote patch ( x3 )
Stimulant patch rt. 4 ( x3 )
Tranq patch rt. 4 ( x3 )
Trauma patch ( x3 )
Dose, Naga venom ( x3 )
Dose, Narcoject ( x40 )
Dose, KE IV ( x20 )
Dose, Arsenic (x 2)
Gas mask
Gas grenade ( x12 )
Software programming suite rt. 2
Fake SIN rt. 4
Fake license rt. 3 ( x2 )
Kit ( x2 )
Shiawase Kanmushi ( x2 ) [ Encrypt 3 / Firewall 6 ] [ Chameleon Coating, Fuzzy Logic, Autoinjector ]
Doc M (Loyalty 1 Connection 2 Elf Male, 40 years old)
The ‘M’ might be for ‘Malpractice’, or even ‘Murder’. Doc M never actually said, and no one seems willing to ask. Regardless of the name, this street doc occasionally calls in Dahlia for operation assistance, and even seems to have a respectable patient survival rate. He honestly thinks that Dahlia is off her rocker. But, that doesn’t stop him from occasionally selling her drugs and medical supplies that are probably better left out of Dahlia’s hands. He operates out of a private street clinic in a rougher part of town.
“Sage” (Loyalty 3 Connection 1 ??? Male, 22 years old)
Between taking care of her younger brother, pulling a legitimate job, and moonlighting as a criminal, Dahlia doesn’t get a lot of time to herself. Without the time and energy to dedicate to a romantic relationship, Dahlia needed a logical and efficient way to take care of her own…needs. Enter Sage, one of a handful of joytoys that Dahlia occasionally hires, and her clear favorite. Dahlia intrigues Sage, and he’ll gladly sell one of his favorite regulars information, too, if that’s what she’s looking for.
“Bagman” (Loyalty 1 Connection 2 ??? ???, ??? years old)
A shady character who always wears a respirator when speaking to Dahlia. The young woman has never seen Bagman without a full hood, longcoat, and respirator or gasmask, and doesn't know anything about the Tamanous operative. Dahlia met Bagman through Doc M when the woman was charged with getting rid of a few bodies. Sometimes Dahlia needs to make a few bodies of her own disappear, now. And sometimes those bodies have some cyber that could fetch a good price. So Bagman's number is committed to memory.
Belladonna (Loyalty 3 Connection 1 Human Female, 34 years old)
A drug and toxin artist and supplier that has a loyal, regular customer in Dahlia. After a few years of business, both women shared a few drinks and learned a little bit about each other. It isn't quite enough to make them friends, especially since Belladonna seems to have a paranoid streak. But, it was enough for both of them to gain a mutual respect for one another. Although, that doesn't stop Belladonna from occasionally wondering exactly what Dahlia has planned for all of the crazy stuff she buys.
Important NPCs
Asim Bekhit (Human Male, 12 years old, student)
Dahlia’s much younger half-brother, the son of her father and an unknown woman. A lover of videogames, Urban Brawl, and attempting to perform skateboarding tricks. He’s somewhat embarrassed by the fact that his sister seems to be the hugest nerd on the face of the planet and never does anything cool. She doesn’t even work in a big lab—just at the hospital. Deep down, Asim has a gut feeling that there’s something off about his sister. But, he can’t really put words to it. A rather average kid.
Chione Bekhit (Human Female, 48 when deceased)
Dahlia’s mother, a housewife who part-timed cooking in an Egyptian restaurant on occasion.
Haji Bekhit (Human Male, 51 when deceased)
Dahlia and Asim’s father, a scientist.
Important PCs
Seti Banoub
The unfortunate sniper that Dahlia essentially bullied into introducing her to the shadow community. Like Dahlia, Seti is ethnically Egyptian; Seti is a Semitic Egyptian and Dahlia is closer to Nubian Egyptian by blood. Seti came into Dahlia’s life full of bullets, and half-conscious on a stretcher in Doc M’s clinic. Dahlia uses Seti as a connection to the greater shadow community and a role-model for her younger brother. Because Seti has shown him self very convenient in these matters, and puts up with more of Dahlia’s proclivities (mad science), Dahlia would never purposefully kill Seti. Somehow, Dahlia just forgets to tell the sniper this and continues to let Seti fear her. OH WELL.
Dahlia always had a mind like a tool laser: precise, intense, blindingly bright, but just as likely to destroy as to create. Her childhood was rather normal and average, or at least not bizarre enough to cause her parents alarm. With a father working in bioengineering, Dahlia’s leanings towards the sciences were more of a source of pride than worry in the family. And so a few…proclivities were often overlooked. And these were minor things—growing cultures of the flu virus in the refrigerator, Darwinian breeding experiments on local frog populations, etc. As long as Dahlia was brilliant, these things were barely even talked about.
Dahlia grew up, speeding through her education and along the way convincing her parents that she should get a sleep regulator once she was accepted into a university. At UC Irvine, Dahlia managed to graduate in three years with degrees in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, with minors in Parazoology and Psychology—courtesy of the fact that the young woman almost never needed to sleep. A half-dozen of Dahlia’s experiments were banned from ever being repeated—including one where she trained a flock of pigeons around campus to turn cannibalistic. Of course, these things were noted on her record. Eventually, the same laboratory that hired Dahlia’s father began courting Dahlia as well—on the strict condition that she undergo a full psychological evaluation.
The evaluation came back—and Dahlia Bekhit was declared, for all intents and purposes, just about as sane as every other mad genius. There was no official diagnosis made, since ‘Mad with Science’ is not a disorder recognized by the DSM. But, comments and notes were made. Brilliance and madness are so often hand-in-hand that the young woman’s oddities seemed almost expected.
At the age of twenty, Dahlia began working in her father’s laboratory—working on several Masters degrees in her off-time. Predictably, tragedy struck. During a routine experiment, a compound that should have been stable went volatile—causing an explosion that spared Dahlia, but took her father’s life. On the same night, Dahlia’s mother was hit by a drunk driver and died before reaching the hospital. Although no evidence ever surfaced to suggest that the lab accident was Dahlia’s fault, and she was never blamed by anyone else, Dahlia held herself completely responsible for the fiasco.
She suffered a complete and utter psychotic break, during which she was fired from her job and put on academic probation until she could prove her own emotional stability. Some weeks later, Dahlia received a call from social services. Her father had left behind a young son fourteen years Dahlia’s junior—who she had never even heard of. The boy’s mother was missing, and no family from her side of the family could be located. Dahlia was his closest family, and the boy would go up for adoption if no one would take him in.
In an overnight 180, Dahlia cleaned herself up, and started making calls. Her father had been acquainted with a few people, more than enough to get Dahlia at least a part-time job. The family house was sold, and Dahlia bought a new apartment. The young woman cleaned herself up and cut her hair. When Dahlia appeared to claim custody of her younger half-brother, the cracks in her psyche weren’t even visible. Dahlia’s brother would have everything he ever needed. He would have no worries.
And so began Dahlia’s spiral into first they greyer areas of work, and later the downright illegal. A part-time job at a local hospital could only pay so many of the bills. Eventually, Dahlia tracked down a local street doc, and began assisting in surgeries on known criminals and mercenaries. And after learning enough about the shadow world to consider it lucrative enough to risk, Dahlia wanted in. The young woman’s in to the shadow community came in the form of another ethnic Egyptian, a sniper by the name of Sethi that Dahlia helped to treat.
Most of Dahlia’s money went into providing Asim with the illusion of a normal life, and augmenting her own body to better suit the rigors of the underworld. With the sleep regulator, Dahlia could work a ‘normal’ shift at a local hospital during the afternoon or evening, get home in time to help her younger brother with homework, tuck him in, and then take a trip into the underworld for another night and morning of biological terrorism and butchery. She’d be home just in time to pack Asim’s lunch for the next day of school.
Silk, played by Aria
[ Spoiler ]
Basic Background:
[ Spoiler ]
Hi, you can call me Silk, although my real name is Suzanna, or Ana for short. My life was great until about eighteen months ago, but I’m getting ahead of myself, so I guess I should start with what I look like?
I’m tall for a human, although not for an orc I suppose. The only signs of any orcish nature however are slightly pointed ears and lower canines that any real orc would be ashamed of (and dense bones which means I’m more robust than I look). Like my Mum I had a late genetic expression and look and feel human (not that orcs aren’t, that isn’t what I mean at all, but it’s a perception thing). I’ve been told that I pass for a fairly pretty human and I’ve put that to use on occasion when looks have been able to swing things my way. I also don’t appear to age in the same way that an orc would so although I’m nearly twenty I haven’t yet seen the unfortunate decline that some orcs go through about now… in fact I’m not sure where the genetic markers fall and I’m certainly not worrying about it given everything else that’s going on in my life.
I’m a third gen runner and have been surrounded by runners from birth. Despite what the trids might have you believe I think that I probably turned out more balanced than most of the other street drek that populate the shadows. When I was born my Dad was a runner, like Granddad, and Mum was working as a surveillance operative for the Feds. I don’t know much of the background of how they met, and it’s too late to ask now, but whilst they loved each other it was a Romeo and Juliet relationship doomed by the divide between the shadows and the light. I’ve still got a holo of my Dad, he was a handsome orc from Europe and now I don’t even know if he’s alive or dead…
Mum became a runner herself after some disagreement with the Bureau that meant she felt she could no longer work for them. She took, or was given, the handle ‘Mother’ although not because she was one, and teamed up with a number of people over the years until she met Bale and started Balefire. For myself, I was helping run overwatch by the time I was twelve and I was trusted to take part in the less dangerous runs when I was fifteen.
We bounced about for the early parts of my life, living out of an RV surrounded by the various technological debris that were Mum’s trade. I think we must have crossed the UCAS at least twice in search of work but we eventually felt the pull of Seattle and came back home… I almost wish we hadn’t now. The fallout of Mum’s involvement with the Feds seemed to have blown over and she reforged her rep here whilst I spent my time tinkering with her toys and learning from the matrix and the various runners that felt the need to teach me something.
My aptitude for tech meant that when the time came Mum insisted that I get a proper education and as I had a SIN it was easy enough to win a place at Seattle U to study electrical engineering. Evo sponsored my course and although there were some reservations about taking a corps money in such a public and open way we figured in the end that it could serve our purposes in a ‘hide in plain sight’ kind of way. I can honestly say that I excelled at my studies, at least the theoretical stuff, and I’m not ashamed to say that I have blatantly used what I’ve been taught to further my skills in the shadows.
…And then it all went bad when things seemed so perfect. I don’t yet know the full story behind what happened, although I’m determined to find out, but someone targeted Balefire for something we had done or for some other reason lost in the shadows…and Mum was killed…I found her in a pool of her own cold blood…I’m sorry, it’s still painful to think about…
…And so here I am. The last eighteen months have been rough and I’ve slowly slipped down the shadow evolutionary ladder and been getting more and more behind on my college work. I need to get back on track, but whenever I think about doing anything about it things seem to get on top of me. Aria has pulled me along and stopped me from sinking too low but I know this is something I now need to deal with myself. The pain is less and it is slowly being replaced with a burning desire to find out exactly what happened and why!
Aria is my sanity, which is ironic as she appears on the matrix as a glowing ten year old girl with a mischievous streak as wide as the Aztechnology pyramid! She doesn’t seem to be in to responsibility but she looks after her friends and I’m very glad to be one of them. She was Balefire’s hacker and only just escaped the destruction that was rained down on us. She has withdrawn herself from the active shadows but keeps her ear to the ground and delights in dredging up obscure information and secrets, as well as occasionally watching my back.
Mr Bishop is a worthy paragon of academia, full of the joys of books (real ones), research and applied hard work. He’s also on occasion a nasty lecherous old man but as his contacts are solid and he’s never actually done anything about it I let it slide. Somehow he knew that I was an active part of the shadows, even though I don’t think it has ever been discussed, and I suppose that has contributed to the respect I have for him. He is a good source of information and on occasion shadow work.
Character Sheet:
[ Spoiler ]
Basics BPs 20
Name: Susanna Waters
Street Handle: Silk
Metatype: Orc
Sex: Female
DOB: 2052
Matrix Icon: Sylph in flowing silks
Attributes BPs 190
Body 4
Agility 5
Reaction 4
Strength 3
Charisma 4
Intuition 5
Logic 4
Willpower 3
Special Attributes BPs 50
Edge 2
Magic/Res 5 (4)
Initiative 9
Essence 5.2
Skills BPs 136
Climbing 1 (+1)
Gymnastics 4 (Tumbling)
Running 1
Computer: 2 (+1)
Data Search: 2
Hardware: 2 (+1) (Maglocks +2)
Software: 2
Pistols 4
Con 1
Etiquette 2
Infiltration 6
Shadowing 2
Dodge 4
Perception 4
Computer Sciences 5
Electronic Engineering 5
Physics 3
Matrix Games 4
Matrix Rumours 3
Seattle Shadows 3
Orzet 2
Cityspeak 2
Qualities BPs 10
Human Looking
Negative Qualities BPs -35
Matrix Addiction – moderate
Day job (uni student)
Enemy 5 BP (Deep Water mercenary outfit)
Records on file (corp sponsor for uni)
Resources 70,000¥ BPs 11
Contacts BPs 15
Mr Bishop - University Librarian / Info Broker 3 / 3
Aria - Hacker 5 / 4
Uncle Canon - 1 / 3
Adept Powers
[ Spoiler ]
Cloak 2
Eidetic Sense Memory
Flexibility 2
Freefall 2
Great Leap 2
Improved Skill 1 – Climbing
Improved Skill 1 – Hardware
Improved Skill 1 – Computer
Memory Displacement
[ Spoiler ]
Orientation System (Alpha)
Math SPU (Alpha, Sequencer 4 built in, some sort of fuse to stop a surge frying her brain)
Image Link
Cyberears 1 (Alpha) + Damper + Increased Sensitivity
Smuggling Compartment (for maglock pass key and some sort of screwdriver…)
[ Spoiler ]
Yamaha Pulsar + internal smartlink + 10 darts
Morrissey Élan + internal smartlink + 15 capsule rounds (DMSO+narcojet)
Full suit form fitting + ruthenium coating + thermal damping 3
Transys Avalon + Iris Orb + Biometric Reader + Hot sim module
FTL Matrixware Net Wizard program suit + Firewall 3 + Decrypt 4 + 2 VR games
Fake SIN 3
1 mnth low lifestyle
Glasses + Flare Compensation + Smartlink + Vision Enhancement 2
Electronics tool kit
Autopicker 6
Maglock Passkey 4
Monofilament Chainsaw
Grapple Gun + stealth rope
2 Nanopaste Disguise small
2 Toyota MK-Centipedes (wireless off, 20m fibre optic spool)
Gridlink modified Honda Spirit 5750 ¥ (assumed half vehicle cost because of age/wear etc)
2 Disposable Commlinks 600 ¥
Area Jammer [R:4] 2000 ¥
2 Armour Vests [6/4] 1200 ¥
2x AZ-150 Stun Batons 1600 ¥
2x Ares Predator IVs 700 ¥
2x Silencers 400 ¥
30x Normal Rounds 60 ¥
Ingram Smartgun 650 ¥
100x Normal Rounds 200 ¥
Sawn-off Defiance T-250 475 ¥
20x Normal Rounds 40 ¥
2x Flashbang Grenades 60 ¥
2x Thermal Smoke Grenades 70 ¥
2x 600 ¥ Certified Credsticks 1200 ¥
Radio Scanner [R:6] 300 ¥
+ Tag Eraser
Respirator [R:4] 400 ¥
Suit Visor 750 ¥
+ Thermographic
+ Flare Compensation
+ Vision Enhance [R:3]
Ear Buds 310 ¥
+ Audio Enhance [R:3]
Gecko Gloves 250 ¥
50x Heavy Pistol Sticknshock Rounds 400 ¥
595¥ remaining
Character Sketch:
Here Seti, played by Suicidal Street Sam
[ Spoiler ]
"Seth" - Nerdy Sniper Looking for Love
Background[ Spoiler ]
Seti "Seth" Banoub is the grandchild of Semetic Egyptian immigrants. Born in early 2043, he's watched some of the most technologically amazing progressions mankind has ever made arrive, without ever taking part. But growing up is hard for a brown-skinned elf kid, and he soon retreated into the comforts of science fiction, comic books, and tabletop wargaming. These escapes led Seti to believe he could accomplish more with his life, and so, upon finding out that his parents couldn't pay for college, Seti was inspired, in 2059, to join a unnamed militia group that purported to "fight back" against the Corps that had so devastated the planet and ground people's lives into a messy paste-like...paste.
The militia taught Seti to shoot, and how to hide, just before they themselves were liquified by parties unknown. While Seti wasn't the only survivor, he was the only one who remained in Seattle. Because some of his skills are hard to come by, he is able to get a job as a security guard for a local hospital. His initial supervisor, a dwarf, was a sullen and unlikable metahuman, and resurged a childhood-taught and racial prejudice.
After his father finally passes away from a viral infection of the heart in 2068, Seti feels free to be himself, and starts visiting nightclubs of all manner, looking for love. It is at one of these nightclubs that he bumps into a besuited man, who seems to know too much about Seti, and who offers him a week's pay to watch some trideo-like action through the scope of a rifle. Who could pass that up?
Several runs later, Seti is caught in some crossfire as the team he is working with is decimated. He staggers towards the hospital where he works, looking for a doctor, but is found by Dahlia Bekhit, instead. The fellow Egyptian patches him up, and yanks him into her life, using him as a role-model for her younger brother, Asim, and as an entrance into the world of shadows.
Since meeting Dahlia, and seeing her at work, Seti has grown increasingly paranoid that someday--without warning--Dahlia will decide to infect him with some strange venom, or something, just to see what happens. He likes Asim, generally, and thinks that Dahlia is pretty, but lives in a near-constant state of terror at what should could--accidentally--do to him.
Basic Info[ Spoiler ]
Name: Seti Banoub
Streetname: Seth
Metatype: Elf
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Nuyen: 635

Lifestyle: Middle
Total Karma: 0
Current Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Essence: 6.00
Attributes[ Spoiler ]
Body: 3
Agility: 6
Reaction: 5 (7)
Strength: 3
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 4
Logic: 4
Willpower: 3
Intiative: 9
Init Passes: 1
Edge: 1
Special Atts: 0
Qualities[ Spoiler ]
Black Market Pipeline - Weapons (10)
Blandness (10)
Lightning Reflexes (15)
Paranoid - Infected by Dahlia (+5)
Day Job (2500

/20hrs) - Hospital Security Guard (+10)
SINner - Standard (+5)
Prejudiced (Specific, Outspoken: Dwarves) (+10)
Active Skills[ Spoiler ]
Pistols: 4
Longarms: 4 ( Sniper Rifles +2 )
Automatics: 4
Stealth Group: 4
Athletics Group: 3
Outdoors Group: 2
Dodge: 2
Perception: 4
Knowledge and Language Skills[ Spoiler ]
Procedure (Security): 3
Design (Firearms): 3
Law: 2
Sniper Perches: 4
Navigation (Hospital Routes): 2
Nightclubs: 2
Gay Nightclubs: 2
Comic Books: 2
Tabletop Wargaming: 1
Scrimshaw: 1
English: N
Egyptian: 1
Arabic: 1
Contacts[ Spoiler ]
Afareen Javaherian - Armorer [L:1 C:2]
An Iranian-American woman on the lowest rung of the family-business ladder, Afareen only escapes constantly disappointing her father because she continuously supplies a few very loyal customers.
"Jeremy" - Club Owner [L:1 C:1]
The owner of a semi-popular nightclub, The Standing Domino, Jeremy puts off decidedly ambiguous vibes. While always willing to compliment a new suit, or flirt playfully, he never seems serious about what he's saying. He and Seti bonded over a slow night at the club, when they found themselves at the same table, drinking champagne until long after the club was supposed to close.
Resources[ Spoiler ]
Yamaha Growler
+Run Flat Tires
Ranger Arms SM-4 [8P, SA, 1RC, 15©]
+Imaging Scope
+Rigid Stock
+3 Mags Regular Ammo (45)
+1 Mag EX-Explosive Ammo (15)
+1 Mag Hollow-Point Ammo (15)
+Body Armor Bag [6/2]
Ceska Black Scorpion [4P, SA/BF, 1RC, 35©]
+Integral Folding Stock
+1 Mag Regular Ammo (35)
Street Clothes [0/0]
Leather Jacket [2/2]
Form-Fitting Body Armor Shirt [3/0]
Chameleon Suit [6/4]
Applies a -4 dice pool modifier to Perception Tests to see the wearer.
Survival Kit
Combat Load Vest
Smart Canteen (1L)
Ration Pouch (3 days)
Barometric Sensor
***B&E Gear***
Autopicker (R3)
Long Haul (10 doses)
Scar, played by Grimm
[ Spoiler ]
Scar - Troll Go-GangerCharacter Background and Description[ Spoiler ]
The mechanical sound of the ratchet echoed in the troll's ears as he tightened down a bolt on the bike. Outside of the garage he could hear the sounds of the desolate slum that he and his associates called home. The Rust Ring, as it was affectionately dubbed; was a section of neighborhood west of I-5 that had all but been forgotten by the normals of the world. The Spikes took the Rust Ring and vacated some nobody gang from the area. Further to the west lay the Tacoma docks and the primary home of the Ragers. The Rust Ring set made no particular claim to the docks nor did they really want it. Making war on their neighbors would suit no one, particularly with the simmering animosity that still stirred between the Spikes and the Ancients. Forays into the local area by Humanis supremecists was often a problem as well. A problem the Spikes, Ragers, and local meta-humans had to counter to preserve their own area.
The troll slid out from under the motorcycle that rested on its respective lift. He set his tool down and fetched a warming can of beer that sat on a workbench. Outside he met the owner of the bike who was sitting at a bench.
“Look man,” the mechanic said, “I can fix your bike for you but the parts are going to run you about a hundred nuyen. I got the parts at the moment but I'll have to replace 'em for the next dipshit that runs his bike for three years on the same fucking lubricant and chews part of her ass off on the interstate.”
The other troll half-grinned at him, “Yeah, sorry about that Scar.”
“Don't fucking apologize to me. Apologize to that poor girl I got up on the rack at the moment.” The mechanic internally checked as an indicator flashed that funds had been received. “Alright man, give me about an hour and I'll have that shit replaced for you. And fucking remember, you can abuse your bitch and brothers but pamper your bike.”
This brought a laugh from the other troll who Scar stared at completely dead-pan. The mechanic simply shook his head and ducked back into the garage.
It wasn't a bad place by any stretch of the imagination. Particularly considering that none of them actually owned any of the property in the Rust Ring. This entire neighborhood was just one large communal squatting area they had claimed as their home territory. Scar had commandeered this garage so he would better be able to service the bikes of his brothers in the Spikes. Most of the tools and equipment were stolen or bought off the black market. Except for a small personal toolkit, the troll owned none of it and all were free to use it. It was one of the few places where items did not often walk away. Not having the right tools for the job for a go-gang was not exactly an option. Scar didn't even bother to lock the place. If someone had the balls to come into the Ring to break into this garage and steal shit; they deserved to have it. Provided they could make it out of the Rust Ring with it.
Scar did not carry himself like a typical ganger. The thirst for violence and excitement was always there, but he did not go out of his way to look for it. He had watched quite a few of his friends die for making such foolish decisions. He was not exactly thrilled to hear about the demise of Lord Torgo in prison. Though he did appreciate the approach of the gang's new leader. Handle problems, make money, bust heads when need be. That's exactly what he wanted to do. Scar could give less of a fuck about the Ancients provided they weren't crossing any lines that were drawn. They had bigger problems.
The troll liked the relative area though. He had already crossed paths with some Ragers when some Humanis shits were trying to start trouble at the Crying Wall. That was also the same night he met his first fixer. Scar had worked for and earned the beginnings of respect of this fixer with the handling of a couple small local jobs. He prefered to bang with the other Spikes and Ragers, but Scar knew a meal-ticket when he saw it. That began his career as a shadowrunner. Now he strives to stay low and unnoticed, as much as a troll can be anyways.
A chain-hoist was spun into position over the bike and used to pick it up from the rack where it rested. Scar slowly lowered it until it's wheels touched pavement and he pushed it out of the chains. The bike roared to life under him as he wheeled it out of the building. The troll collapsed his beer can in his hand and bounced it off one of his customer's horns.
“Hey! Going for a test drive. Don't drink my fucking beer!”
The biker did not pause for an answer he cut the wheel and accelerated down the street. Another turn took him out of the Rust Ring and into that other world. Scar let his mind wander as he blasted down the street. What had brought him here? How did he get to this point in his life? More importantly, did any of it really matter to a troll go-ganger fledgling shadowrunner?
“Not a mother fucking bit of it,” he muttered to himself as he pulled into a hairpin turn, shooting down the road back to his home in the Rust Ring. He lived in the here and now. That was what was important to him.
Basic Info[ Spoiler ]
Name: Scar
Street Name: Scar
Meta Type: Troll
Sex: M
Age: 23
Notes: Low-level member of the Spikes
Nuyen: 30
Lifestyle: Squatter
Total Karma: 0
Current Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Phys. CM: 12
Ment. CM: 9
Essence: 2.3
Qualities[ Spoiler ]
In Progress
Attributes[ Spoiler ]
Body: 9
Agility: 4
Reaction: 5
Strength: 5
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 4
Logic: 4
Willpower: 2
Init. Passes:
Edge: 3
Magic: 0
Skills (Active/Knowledge/Languages)[ Spoiler ]
Active Skills
5 - Automatics (Spec: Ceska Scorpion Pistol)
3 - Unarmed Combat
3 - Perception
3 - Survival (Spec: Urban)
2 - Etiquette (Spec: Street)
2 - Leadership
4 - Automotive Mechanic
5 - Pilot Ground Craft (Spec: Motorcycles)
4 - Seattle Street Gangs
4 - Street Drugs
4 - Urban Brawl Trivia
4 - North American Motorcycles
N - English
4 - Cityspeak
4 - Trog
Contacts[ Spoiler ]
Loyalty 1 / Connection 2
Lounging against the back of a ground van sprawled a rather grubby human. He looked and smelled as though he had not groomed himself in quite some time. The roar of engines drew his attention to a far intersection several blocks down the road. The pack of trolls rolled their Harleys up around the van and stopped. He popped the back gate of the van and opened it exposing the neatly stacked weapon and ammo crates.
"I got your hardware boys. And there is plenty more from where that came from," the human grinned a mouth full of yellow teeth at them. "Just yell at me anytime."
Loyalty 2 / Connection 3
The quiet reverie of the meta's paying homage to the fallen was disrupted by the chants of the marching humans. The Humanis Policlub had organized yet another disruption of the tribute to the fallen in the Night of Rage. It did not take long before the entire area erupted into a full-scale riot. Since the Spikes were in the area and bored anyways, they joined the fray to help the Ragers and other metas.
Scar watched the scene unfold as he grinned and worked his way through the crowd. His fists were starting to throb in that way he loved. A peculiar situation towards the edge of the melee caught his eye though. A dwarf ducking down an alley with a few humans following. The troll worked his way out of the group and ducked down the alley behind them in time to catch them closing on the dwarf. A few solid punches later and Scar was escorting the dwarf out of the other end of the alley. He offered over his contact information and promised to repay the favor. Thus began Scar's working relationship with Brenwald.
Resources and Equipment[ Spoiler ]
*Harley Scorpion
*Ceska Black Scorpion (x3)
**Scorpion 1 is in a mount near the work area in the shop in the Rust Ring.
**Scorpion 2 is in Scar's chopper's saddlebag.
**Scorpion 3 is kept in a holster on the small of Scar's back.
*Ingram Smartgun X (x2)
**Ingrams are kept wrapped up in the Lined Coat and stashed in a compartment in the floor of the Rust Ring garage. Scar keeps a bunch of debris on the cover.
*AK-97 Carbine (x1)
**AK-97 is stashed in a hole in the wall of the garage.
Equipment (Total):
*Armor Vest
*Armor Jacket (x2)
**Jacket 1 has the sleeves torn off, is brown and has the symbol of the Spikes on the back.
**Jacket 2 is plain in appearance, worn when Scar does not want to call attention to himself.
*Lined Coat
**Plain in appearance.
*Automotive Toolkit (Personal)
*Automotive Toolkit (Shop - Rust Ring location)
*Fake SIN (Rating: 4) (x2)
Cyberware[ Spoiler ]
*Wired Reflexes 2
**Novatech Airware (Res 3/ Sig 3)
**Novatech Navi Firewall (Fire 3/ Sys 4)
*Cybernetic Eye Replacement Type 3 (Capacity: 12/12)
**Image Link/Recorder
**Vision Enhancement Type 2
**Vision Magnification
**Thermographic Vision
**Low-Light Vision
**Flare Compensation
Copperhead, played by Notsoevildm
[ Spoiler ]
Profile (40 BP)Name: Charlotte 'Charlie' Manson
Alias: Copperhead
Metatype: Troll
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Nationality: UCAS
Lifestyle: Low
Karma Spent: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Attributes (150 BP + 65 BP magic + 10 BP edge)Body: 6
Agility: 3
Reaction: 3
Strength: 5
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 3
Logic: 3
Willpower: 5
Edge: 2
Magic: 3
Essence: 3.20
Initiative: 6
Initiative Passes: 1
Phys. CM: 11
Ment. CM: 11
Qualities (-10 BP)Magician
Distinctive style: scaled cyberarms and torso
Moderate Allergy: Sunlight
Geas: Gesture
Mentor spirit: Snake: +2 detection, +2 binding, -1 combat
Thermographic vision [troll]
Dermal armor [troll]
Active Skills (106 BP)Summoning: 3
Binding: 1
Banishing: 1
Spellcasting: 3 (Detection+2)
Ritual Spellcasting: 1
Counterspelling: 3
Perception: 1
Assensing: 2
First Aid: 1
Infiltration: 2
Dodge: 2
Etiquette: 1 (Street+2)
Longarms: 1 (Shotgun+2)
Unarmed Cbt: 2 (Cyber Implant+2)
Clubs: (Staff+2)
Knowledge Skills (0 BP)Corporate: Ares Macrotechnology: 2
Procedure: Corporate: 2
Criminal: Seattle Gangs: 3
Astral Research: 2
Design: Spell: 2
Magic Theory: 2
Magic Knowledge: 3
Language: English: N
Spells (18 BP)Detection: Combat Sense: [F/2]+2, Active, Psychic, Limited
Detection: Detect Enemies: [F/2]+1, Active, Limited
Health: Heal: DmgDV-2
Health: Increase Reflexes: [F/2]+2, Limited
Illusion: Physical Mask: [F/2]+1, Realistic, Multi
Combat: Death Touch: [F/2]-2, Direct
Stun Bolt
Resources and Gear (15 BP + 1 BP focus)2 obvious full cyberarms: casemod [scales], Body 6, Agility 3, Strength 5, Armor 2, retractable razors [4P]
Dermal armor [R:2] : +2/+2 armor
Pair of Shock Gloves
Defiant T-250 shotgun [7P, -1AP, SA, 5(m)]
+Accessories: Shockpad, External Smartlink
+Bul: 30 Regular Rounds
+Bul: 30 Gel Rounds
Telescoping staff [5P]
Lined coat, sleeveless [6/4]
Cyberpirate tube top [1/0]
Cyberpirate hotpants [1/0]
Meta Link [Response 1, Signal 2]
+Vector Xim OS [Firewall 1, System 1]
Contact lenses [R:3]
+Flare Compensation
+Image link
Troll sized shades (R3) with smartlink, image link and visual enhancements (R3)
Earbuds (R1) with audio enhancements (R3)
Medkit (R6)
Sustaining focus: detection [F:1]
Health spell fetish
Detection spell fetish
10 plastic restraints
Survival kit
Fake SIN [R:4]
Contacts (5 BP)Cutter, Ork street samurai [C:1/L:2]
Cutter came up through the ranks of the Redmond go-gangs, making a name for himself as a close combat specialist . He is one of the few who made the successful transition from ganger to runner, although he still has some contacts in the Crimson Crush. He literally ran into Copperhead when a run on her corp went bad. She helped him escape and he let her come along when she asked. He helped her get set up and the two became lovers.
Lenny, human rat shaman/talismonger [C:1/L:1]
Lenny is a disgusting little runt of a human. But he knows his magic and has a knack for finding the right magical gear just when you need it. Lenny helped Copperhead learn about magic, for a price of course.
Physical Description[ Spoiler ]
Copperhead is neither as tall or as broad as most trolls. Apart from the pair of horns curving back from either side of her head, she looks more like a tall ork. Her long copper hair is usually tied back in a pony tail or single braid. Her eyes are actually blue but are hidden behind emerald green, snake-eye contacts. However, her most obvious feature is the pair of scaled cyberarms. The scales run from dark brown to ivory where they meet her pale skin, what little of it can still be seen under the similarly scaled dermal armor that covers her torso and legs and runs up her neck. She proudly displays her cyberware with a sultry swagger that can be a bit disconcerting. Even when standing still, she sways as if to invisible music.
Background[ Spoiler ]
Charlotte was born to Human parents who worked for Ares Macrotechnology. She took her looks from her father, his pale complexion, blue eyes and red hair. Her father called her his little princess and would sometimes take her along on with him when visiting suppliers. On one such visit to a local laboratory, she was caught in an explosion that killed her father and badly burned her arms and torso. Rather than save her arms, Ares took the opportunity to fit her with a pair cyberarms and test out some new dermal plating technology. Her mother, already shocked at the death of her husband was horrified at what the corp had done to her daughter.
While Charlie grew to accept her new arms, her mother only became more and more repulsed. Guilt-wracked and broken-hearted, her mother attempted suicide, but Charlie found her in a bath of her own blood. Her magic surged and she healed her mother’s slashed wrists. However, the magic surge was also enough to trigger her recessive troll genes and she changed. While her mother survived, she was going to need a lot of psychiatric treatment. So, Charlie was placed into care until she was 16 then assigned to a menial cleaning job.
Stuck in a job she hated and surrounded by corp drones who thought she was a freak, she was literally swept off her feet one night by Cutter. The ork street sam was in the middle of a run and trying to evade a security team. Intrigued by who he was and what he was doing, she helped him escape, fleeing with him to a new life in the shadows.
Ink, played by J. Packer
[ Spoiler ]
Name: William McClintock
Alias: Ink, Billy
Metatype: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Nationality: UCAS
Lifestyle: Squatter
Nuyen: 140
Karma: 0/0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 1
Public Awareness: 0
Attributes (200 BP + 65 Magic +0 Edge)
[ Spoiler ]
Body: 4
Agility: 4
Reaction: 4
Strength: 4
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 3
Logic: 3
Willpower: 3
Edge: 2
Magic: 6
Essence: 6.00
Initiative: 7 (6)
Initiative Passes: 1 (3)
Phys. CM: 10
Ment. CM: 10
Qualities (-20 BP)
[ Spoiler ]
SINner (Criminal)
Astral Beacon
Sensitive System
Day Job 1
Active Skills (130 BP)
[ Spoiler ]
Longarms (Shotguns) 4
Clubs (Batons) 1
Dodge 3
Climbing 1
Infiltration 2
Perception 2
Con 3
Etiquette (Street Gang) 2
Intimidation 3
Negotiation 2
Spellcasting 2
Counterspelling 1
Banishing 2
Summoning 1
Binding 1
Assensing 1
Knowledge Skills (0 BP)
[ Spoiler ]
English N
Spanish 1
Seattle Street Gangs 5
Hideouts 5
Seattle Nightclubs 3
Tattoo Artists 4
Spells (12 BP)
[ Spoiler ]
Resources and Gear (1 BP)
[ Spoiler ]
Extendable Baton
Defiance T-250 Shotgun
+ 50 rounds regular ammo
Lined Coat
Commlink: Sony Emperor
+ OS: Redcap Nix
Fake SIN (R:2)
1 month Squat lifestyle
Contacts (12 BP)
[ Spoiler ]
Dr. Tobias Katz (L:3/C:3)
Dr. Katz is a Ph.D in sorcery, and spotted Ink working as a valet at the Lodestone nightclub. He essentially demanded that Ink, who he insists on referring to as William, come and study under him. He is sure that William will be a powerful mage eventually, if he can ever get himself under control and learn to pay attention and study.
Jimmy Soo (L:3/C:3)
Jimmy was a gang member with Ink, and got off the streets right before the job that put Ink in prison for two and a half years. He still looks at Ink like a little brother, however, and got him a job at the Lodestone, where Jimmy is a manager. It's only a few hours, on weekends, parking cars, but it'll give Ink the chance to get out of the squat, if he can keep his nose clean.
Physical Description
[ Spoiler ]
The origin of Ink's nick is obvious: he is covered with tattoos. Both arms, his back and chest, and even some on his legs. He stands about 5'10, an a solid 180 pounds of muscle. He wears his hair short - a style he picked up in prison - and artificially white-blonde. Day to day, his clothes aren't expensive, just average jeans and a t-shirt with a short sleeved button-up thrown on if he's trying to fancy up some. In emergencies, he'll throw on the leather duster with the armored plating sewn inside, and pack his shotgun for added emphasis. On duty at his day job, working as a valet at Lodestone, he wears the assigned jacket, which hides most of his ink.
On the astral, he stands out - his glow brighter than it has any business being. When he's gathering mana for any purpose, he shines so bright that it's hard to look at him.
On his own, or out with his ganger buddies - he's no longer active in the gang, but it's a lifetime membership - he's very much a street kid, affecting toughness, using crude language and poor grammar. When he's with Dr. Katz, he acts like the upright citizen his mother taught him to be when he was growing up back in Boston. Until he gets frustrated, at which point the gang kid comes back through, loud and clear.
[ Spoiler ]
At sixteen, Billy McClintock ran away from home. He hopped in a car with some friends and they traveled across the country from the Boston suburbs to Seattle, sure that they would make their fortunes there. Billy quickly hooked up with a local street gang, and found himself becoming involved in small time crime - dealing drugs, hustling pool, small-scale protection rackets, the occasional B&E - until he was busted and sent away for seven to ten for armed robbery and aggravated assault. A model prisoner, her managed to get himself out on parole in just thirty months.
His pal Jimmy Soo, from the gang days, got him his part time job, and is like a guardian angel for Billy. He tries to keep Billy on the straight and narrow, and to serve as an example of what you can do on the legal side if you put your mind to it. While he was parking cars one night, an eccentric guy approached him and demanded to know what he was doing parking cars for a living. He insisted that Billy visit him the next day, and as it turned out, the guy knew what he was about. He assensed Billy's latent magical power - a deep reserve that had never been tapped - and began teaching him how to harness that power for himself, teaching a few basic spells, and the elementary basics of first banishing, then briefly summoning and binding spirits.
Billy - he still thinks of himself as Ink - has a hard choice to make. Jimmy wants him to go totally straight. Doc Katz wants him to focus on his learning, maybe even try for a scholarship to MIT&T. His momma just wants him to come home to Boston. And Ink? He's not exactly sure what he'll do.
Madraga, Played by bmcoomes
[ Spoiler ]
Ariel Juagahan "Mandirigma Makata or Makata"
Former FBI ERT now a Docwagon HTRT Officer (Street Sam type)
Quote: "Lead with speed, devour with power."
[ Spoiler ]
Orc, Male, Age-20, 6'6", 320lbs.
[ Spoiler ]
Body 5/6 + 2 for dmg, Agility 5/8, Reaction 5/8, Strength 5/8, Charisma 2, Intuition 5, Logic 3, Willpower 3
Edge 3, Essence 2.031, Initiative 10/13, Initiative Passes 1/3.
Condition Monitor: Physical - 11 Stun - 10
Karma: 0, Street Credit: 0, Notoriety: 0.
[ Spoiler ]
Active Skills:
Athletics (group) 2/5, Automatics 4, Blades 3, Dodge 3, Infiltration 3, Etiquette 1, Perception 4, Pistols 3, Throwing Weapons 2, Unarmed Combat 3.
Knowledge Skills:
Small Unit Tactics 2, ERT SOP's 2, Urban Combat Tactics 2, Security Procedures 2, Physics 1, UCAS Federal Agencies 1, UCAS Law 2, Regional (Seattle) 1, Tactical Theory 2, Philosophy 1, Poetry 1.
English Native, Tagalog 2, Or'zet 2, Japanese 1, Aztlaner Spanish 2.
[ Spoiler ]
Positive Qualities:
Restricted Gear, Biocompatability (Cyberware)
Negative Qualities:
SINer (standard), Records on File (FBI), Thrill Seeker, Prejudiced (Japanese, Biased), Dependent (easy)[Joanna Harnasch, Fiancee].
[ Spoiler ]
Lone Star SWAT 2 [Cybereye 4 (Flare Comp, Image Link, Low-light, Protective Covers, Smartlink, Thermo, Vision Enhancement 3, Vision Magnification), Cyberears 4 (Audio Enhancer 3, Balance Augmentor, Damper, Increased Sensitivity, Select Sound Filiter 5, Sound Link, Spatial Recongnizer), Datajack, Bone Lacing: Aluminum, Wired Reflexes 2]
Synthacardium 3, Muscle Augmentation 2, Muscle Toner 2, Suprathyroid.
[ Spoiler ]
Informant: Megan Connor (Loyalty 2/Connection 2),
Freedom Fighter (PI-Batac): Jesus Haro (Loyalty 2/Connection 2),
Former ERT Team Leader: John McCabe (loyalty 2/Connection 2),
Lameco Grandmaster: Edgar Sulite IV (Loyalty 2/Connection 2)
[ Spoiler ]
Savalette Guardian [5P, SA/BF*, -1AP, -1 RECOIL, 12C AMMO] w/ adv safety system, Personalized Grip
Tactical Thigh Holster (quickdraw holster), 4 spare clips
HK-227X [5P, SA/BF/FA, 0AP, -5 RECOIL, 28C AMMO] w/ adv safety system, gas-vent3, Personalized Grip
Tactical Sling, 8 spare clips
Cougar Fine Blade longblade [6P, -1AP, 0 REACH] Personalized Grip
Monofilament Sword [7P, -1AP, 1 REACH] Personalized Grip
Unarmed Combat [6P, 0AP, 0 REACH]
12/10 total
Docwagon Full Body Armor (10/8): Chemical Proctection, Fire Resistant 4, Biomonitor
Docwagon Full Body Armor Helmet (2/2): Chemical Proctection, Fire Resistant 4
[ Spoiler ]
[ Spoiler ]
Commlink: Novatech Airware w/ Iris Orb [R3, S3, F3, S3]
W/ Customized Interface, Optimization (Analyze), skinlink, subvocal mic.
Programs: Analyze-3, Browse-3, Purge-3.
Mapsoft (Seattle) R6
Virtual Person: PG Edgar G. Sulite, PG Jose Cabellero, PG Jesus Abella, PG Antonio Illustrisimo, PG Leo Gaje.
Gas Mask, Survival Kit, Combat Load Vest, Smart Pack, Gecko Tape Gloves, Climbing Gear, Flashlight-infrared, Plasteel Restraints.
[ Spoiler ]
Lameco Eskrima Group Training Compound
Comforts-3, Entertainment-2, Necessities-3, Neighborhood-2, Security-4.
Free Access, Rad Pad, Security Conscious, Well Made, Workplace, Green Plan, Crash Pad, No Privacy 2, Living by Committee.
4400/month with One months paid.
[ Spoiler ]
Short Version:
[ Spoiler ]
Ariel Juagahan born on October 9th, 2052 in the Philippine city of Batac to Baccay Juagahan andd Paulinea Ayala. Ariel grew up in a loving and secure home. Paulinea Juagahan was a tribal shaman of the people of Batac. Baccay Juagahan was a tribal warrior and leader of the city defense force which in fact was part of the resistance later to be the freedom force. One of the first memories of the world around Ariel was the new of UCAS President Dunkelzahn’s assassination. This was profound because for the first time he saw that a metahuman could become come anything they chose to be. Then Halley's Comet sticks out from the flooding of the Typhoons that hit the city. He remembers soon after he could see Halley's Comet in the night sky. The Following year was the start of real history for Ariel. It was the start of the open revolution of his fellow people to lift the oppression of the Japanese Empire. Now with the Philippines free and allied with the UCAS again his family moved to Seattle in July of 2063. Having been schooled in Baccay city which is a major education center he finished his schooling in Seattle. After finishing school Ariel set his sights on the UCAS FBI's ERT program. His interest in this line of work was sparked after seeing one of the ERT team operate during one of the many incidences in Seattle. He finely reached his goal at the age of 18 he was accepted into the ERT program after the academy he was assigned back to the Seattle branch. Were he spent the next two years excelling in his career. Then the unthinkable happened he crossed the line a relationship had formed with a fellow officer on his team and it started to affect his ability. The brass caught on and forced Ariel to break off the relationship or resign. With the feeling he had for Joanna Harnasch he resigned. Ariel got wind that Docwagon was launching a new High Risk Enforcement Department in Seattle he put in his Application, Letter of Intent, and a letter of Reference (From his former Team Leader John McCabe).
Long Version:
[ Spoiler ]
Ariel Juagahan born on October 9th, 2052 in the Philippine city of Batac to Baccay Juagahan and Paulinea Ayala. Ariel grew up in a loving and fairly secure home. Paulinea Juagahan was a tribal shaman of the people of Batac. Baccay Juagahan was a tribal warrior and leader of the city defense force which in fact was part of the resistance later to be the freedom force. At age five Ariel remembers the assassination of the UCAS President Dunkelzahn. This had a profound impact of Ariel it's were he realized he could truly become anything his heart desired. He grew up under the oppression of his people by the Japanese Empire; He did luck out in away because he grew up in a fairly remote and non-strategically significant location which meant that he never part of the brutality Yomi Island was infamous for. Because of which he was able to go to Mariano Marcos State University for his education. He also remembers the Typhoons from Halley's Comet in August of 2061 he did his best the help his community fight the flooding and mud slides. Then the next month you could see Halley's Comet in the night sky that has always left an awe inspiring impression on him. The mark of Halley's Comet has many profound meanings to the Filipino people because it marks the change in tides were the Filipino people made large strides to regain there freedom. Batac city took it freedom and kept is rapidly with it remote location and shield of Mount Burnay the Japanese Empire could on invade from limited routes. With the Philippines free and allied with UCAS once again his family moved to Seattle for new opportunities on July of 2063 he was only eleven. Almost as soon as they got settled in and Crash 2.0 happened luckily they were not yet wired like most people. It turned out that they were the lynch pin of there community survival during this time for there knowledge on how to survive and thrive in those conditions. Soon the Seattle metroplex was back to normal and Ariel was enrolled to attend University of Washington with a philosophy major. One afternoon class was interrupted by some emergency on campus. This was the first he saw the FBI's ERT team in action against a criminal team it was a thing of excitement and exhilaration for Ariel to witness. The next day Ariel planned out his path to become an agent. He completed collage and applied to become a Special Agent and server as an ERT Operator. After the long ordeals to become an Operator he finally was accepted at the age of 18. Which was rare unto it self he did his best to live up to the great gift that was bestowed on him. He served two years with the ERT teams in Seattle on one of the teams he meet Joanna Harnasch they hit it off right away. There was just something that clicked; the only thing was it was against policy to two team members to be involved. They were unable to keep it secret for long, and Ariel or Joanna had to resign being the man that he was Ariel resigned. But luck would have it his Team Leader John McCabe heard wind that DocWagon was starting up a new HTRT department here in Seattle. Ariel put his application, letter of intent, and a letter of reference from John to Docwagon and after his acceptance to the department He purposed to Joanna and she accepted now the real adventure begins.
20 Questions:
[ Spoiler ]
1] We are shaped by our heritage. Facial features, skin tone, height, build, metatype, even aptitudes are influenced by the genes passed from parent to child. Attitude, too, is taught by parents, informed by their own lives and their cultural heritage. Where does your character come from, what is her lineage, who were her parents, and what did she inherit from them?
Filipino features, Mocha Skin tone, 6’6” 320lbs (1.92 meters 145.14 kg), Orc, Black Hair, Green eyes, No aptitudes to note, and he was Born October 9th, 2052 in the city of Batac which is at the foot of Mount Burnay. Attitude: Growing up during the second oppression of the Japanese Empire and the fight for a free Philippine Archipelago. As such Ariel has come to be prejudiced towards all things Japanese. He is serious, no-frills, straight shooter with death being so close each day there is not reason to hold back and beat around the bush. Truly live life and not a lie.
2] Parents can be proud of their children or regret ever bringing them into the world. Some are loving, and some are indifferent. All of them are only metahuman and have their own opinions of their children. Assuming they could speak, what would each of your character’s parents say about her?
Father: Baccay Juagahan - He is proud of his son knowing he is following a warriors path in life, plus been part of the FBI and now Docwagon. Seeing him do something productive and meaningful in the world around him has left Baccay knowing he has done right raising his son with the values he has held most dear.
Mother: Paulinea Juagahan (maiden name: Ayala) - She is also proud of her son, he a little to cyber’d for her taste but that is his choice. Knowing that he is doing his best to make a difference in the world around him aspires to the highest level of values in her heart.
3] Many people remember certain historical events for the rest of their lives. For those alive in the first decade of the 21st century, it could be the assassination of John F. Kennedy, or the Tiananmen Square protests, or the fall of the Berlin Wall, or the attacks of 11 September 2001. People remember where they were, and what they were doing when they first heard of these events. Shadowrun history has significant events as well, such as the assassination of President Dunkelzahn, the Crash 2.0, and the emergence of technomancers and artificial intelligences. Pick a few events from recent Shadowrun history and ask where the character was at the time, what does he remember about the event, and what was he doing at the time?
(5) August 2057: Dunkelzahn President and Assassination
(9) August 2061: Typhoons
(9) September 2061: Halley’s Comet
(10) February 2062: Open revolution against occupying Japanese forces
(11) July 2063: Move to Seattle
(12) Fall 2064: Crash 2.0
(17) 2069: Tsunamis from the Earthquakes in California (Family)
(18)2070: Election of Blackhaven
See Background Write-ups. (Age)Date: Event
4] Very few people choose to become shadowrunners. More likely, they are thrown into the life by a chaotic and uncaring world. Even if she made a conscious decision to enter the shadows, her decision is influenced by the world around her. How did your character get into shadowrunning, and why did she take that path?
Background for FBI and move to Docwagon (scandal with another officer “affair”)
NA, He is in the application process for Docwagons new development of “Code Black” team.
5] People have control over their own living arrangements. From the child young enough to use crayons and tape all the way up to the elderly shut-in who plasters her walls with family photos and cat pictures, everyone makes their living spaces more personally pleasing. What is your character’s living space like, and what has he added or changed to make it his own?
The Training Compound: At the Lameco training compound he keeps a room, It’s a little on the small size but homey. He keeps photos of his parents and a small book collection; there is one photo of his FBI team, and a few photos of Joanna that he treasures.
Docwagon Barracks: Having not settled in yet his area is very sterile at the moment.
6] Everyone has beliefs, and many have beliefs strong enough to be convictions. Some are religious, some are political, some are social, and some are just about why people are here. What does your character believe in, what are her convictions (if any), and why does she hold them?
Stilling working on this
7] Everyone has aspects of their personality that grate on someone. Even the best of friends annoy one another from time to time. The flaws in a person's character are as important as the qualities. What do you dislike most about your character’s personality?
Being a Thrill Seeker and Prejudiced against Japanese.
8] The Sixth World is considered by many to be spinning out of control. If anyone could exert control over it, it would be the "Big Ten" triple-A megacorps. These transnationals exert a lot of influence on everyday life in the 2070s. Which of the Big Ten does your character hold in the highest (or least low) regard, which does he like the least, and why?
The Highest Regarded Corporation: Seader-Krupp - From his influence of the great dragon Dunkelzahn with another great dragon running a triple-A corp is the next best thing to presidency.
The Lowest Regarded Corporation: Aztechnology - Could there really be a worst monster running it busy across the world today? From the oppression of there own people to blood magic.
9] People make acquaintances and friends; we're hardwired for it. Humans are social animals. This is especially true in the shadows, where often it is not the power you have, but the power you can borrow, and not who you, are but who you know. There’s a story behind each and every one of these relationships. What is the story with your character and her contacts?
Former ERT Team Leader: John McCabe - Ariel worked with John when he was with the FBI. There working relationship was a good one. They still keep in touch now building a friendship. John and Ariel have been through some hairy shit and have lost good friends this tends to build bonds that last forever.
Lameco Grandmaster: Edgar J. Sulite - Ariel was introduced to PG Edgar through his father a known eskrimador to train with PG Edgar. They hit it off and have along friendship going Ariel even teaches at the yearly training camp in the Philippines.
Lameco Eskrima International (Seattle Branch) - With being a noted instructor under PG he has been a founding member of the local group for the Seattle Sprawl.
Urban Anthropologist: Blair Sandburg - Ariel and Blair go back to collage days they hit it off in there Philosophy class. They still maintain there casual friendship and there talks of philosophy.
Freedom fighter (Philippines): Jesus Abella - An old family friend who stills ‘works’ the Islands and a Merc with morals as he puts it. Ariel and Jesus tend to us each other for information they both know that there on the other side of the law now but from the old days there bond is thicker then the law.
Informant: Megan Connor - Megan had been a professional contact for information on the underbelly of Seattle. If there something going on she can get her hands on it.
10] It's Sunday morning, and your character has no commitments until tomorrow afternoon. What does she do for the day?
He would be ether at the training compound giving classes, or he would be at Joanna's place spending time with his fiancé. Most likely it would be a combination of the two with Joanna getting the lion’s share of his time.
11] Your character has a specific skill set, a list of Active and Knowledge skills that define what she knows and her areas of expertise. How did she come to learn those skills, and how did she develop them to those levels?
He learned a based skills set from his father in the Filipino Combative Arts. He expanded on this from the FBI’s ERT academy. He learned his other skills from living life and interacting with the people around him. He has always been into reading on Philosophy and Poetry.
12] Everyone has their limits. People can be dark, but most people’s instinct is to draw the line at certain actions and thoughts, and they keep to their own moral convictions. Is there a moral limit that your character enforces on the jobs she takes, and in what shadow work would she refuse to engage?
He is the typical protector, he is not apposed to killing but it must he for justice and necessary. He tries to live a moral life to be best he can.
13] If you have an Awakened or technomancer character, consider your character's tradition and streams. Even within the major established magical traditions and the recently emerged technomantic streams, there is room for personalization. Ask yourself what drew her to that particular paradigm, how does it effect the way she views the world and her magic, how does it translate into choice of mentor spirit or paragon, and how does it affect the appearance of the spirits or sprites you conjure or compile?
14] While acceptance and bias vary from place to place, augmentations— be they bio-, cyber-, gene-, or nanoware are increasingly common and available in the Sixth World. However, personal technological enhancement is rarely cheap, and many implants that runners possess are restricted. How did your character come to have the enhancements she has, how were they paid for, and what motivated the choices she made (if she did make the choices)?
Once on the FBI ERT he was loaded out with the Cyber Suit [Datajack, Bone Lacing (Aluminum), Wired Reflexes II, Cybereyes R3, Cyberears R3], and the typical add-ons, Muscle Augmentation R2, Muscle Toner R2, and Synthacardium R3. He then got a letter of purchase for his Suprathyroid Gland while with the team too.
15] Life as a shadowrunner is by definition outside the bounds of "normal" life. Shadowrunners do not truly fit into the lives of ordinary people, whether they live in slums or mansions. What does your character think of ordinary life, mainstream culture, and those who abide by it?
He envies them known that they can live there life without knowing anything of the nightmare that lurks in the Shadows.
16] Everyone has nightmares. Sometimes, we forget the dream completely on waking. Sometimes, the nightmare haunts us or even recurs. If your character had a lingering nightmare or a deep-rooted fear, what would it be, and why does he find it so terrifying?
Like most protectors his nightmare is the inability to protector those in need.
17] People tend to attach sentimental value to items in their possession or people they are close to. They make an effort to keep these close by and safe. What is your character's "sacred object" or "close one," and how did they come to be so important to him?
Joanna Harnasch is very much attached to she has be come his "sacred object" which makes his mother happy now she might lay off him for grandchildren. They both worked on the ERT team and have seen action together that was the foundation that started there interlude. They hit it off and clicked ever sense they been one and the same.
18] One of metahumanity's greatest assets is its ability to look toward the future and imagine a better life. Even small children have dreams about what they want to be when they grow up. What did your character want to become when he was a child, and what are his goals now?
He's always wanted to be a “protector” now he is living that dream. Now he look forward to the journey of a relationship with someone very special to him.
19] A person’s appearance can say volumes about him. From fashion sense, to the colors he prefers, to the way he walks and speaks. Sometimes, his personality determines his appearance, and, sometimes, the appearance he chooses to present the world effects his personality. What does your character look like, and what inspired his choices?
When wearing causal clothing would be professional action type clothing (like today's 5.11 brand). He favors greens. His profession and preferred recreation (Eskrima) inspires him in this fashion sense.
20] Everyone has a name, but a runner’s street name is a representation of his connection to the shadows. Sometimes runners choose their own moniker, but more often it is given to them as a nickname or earned through some (mis)adventure. How did your character come to be known by his street name?
Mandirigma Makata or Makata which is Tagalog for Warrior Poet or Poet. With all the philosophy and poetry he reads and talks about the name stuck to him from his former ERT team, he just changed it to Tagalog.
[ Spoiler ]
Build Points Breakdown: Stats: 200, Race: 20, Edge: 20, Active Skills: 124, Know/Lang: 0 (48/48), Positive Qualities: 15, Negative Qualities: -35, Resources: 40, Contacts: 16 = 400