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Full Version: Initiatory Groups and SUbmergence Guilds in Season 4
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Redacted due to reconsideration. smile.gif

QUOTE (Bull @ Nov 12 2010, 03:58 AM) *
Groups (and Guilds) are supposed to be a big deal. And in a home game, they can be. They're not supposed to just be something you do to get cheaper initiations.

What do you mean with "they're not supposed to just be something you do to get cheaper initiations"? grinbig.gif
On a relatively related topic. Do you guys plan on dropping a list of official contacts that will show up through the missions?
I mean, when I started playing the Denver missions, I started with a russian arms dealer as contact, with LOY2/CON3, but later on, I would only use Lady Jade, because while they had the same connections, there was a moment where I got her with Loyalty 4. And since most of the missions will revolve around the same people, contacts made by players won't see so much game as the ones of the Missions.
Yeah, some of that stuff is taking a bit longer than planned though.

ANd, I need to update this too... We've since flip flopped on the idea, and decided it's simpler to just let you guys create the groups if you want to. There's still the 5 karma cost, which means that it takes a couple initiations before you start getting an actual discount.

If you have a group before your first initiation, it will be only by the third initiation that you will start "getting" the karma invested back.
Yeah, pretty much my point. I've had a fair bit of discussion about this with some folks behind the scenes, which is why we've flipped a couple times. And one reason the final FAQ wasn't out a month ago. THere's a handful of points I'm still batting around.

Bull, now, back to my first question, about contacts, do you guys plan on doing something like it?
Yes. As soon as I get the time to finish writing the contacts up. smile.gif

QUOTE (Bull @ Nov 27 2010, 07:18 PM) *
Yes. As soon as I get the time to finish writing the contacts up. smile.gif


Sweet, thanks!
QUOTE (Bull @ Nov 27 2010, 06:18 PM) *
Yes. As soon as I get the time to finish writing the contacts up. smile.gif


Thanks for all your hard work.
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