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Full Version: Who here plays Warmachine/Hordes
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Since sombody asked about 40K, I was curious as to how many DSer's play warmachine/hordes (and what factions).

I play Cryx.
I did, once upon a time; I played Khador and was branching into either Skorne or the Legion (had picked up the starter boxes and initial extra beasts, hadn't made a decision yet). The combination of financial outlay, miserable tournament rules, and the main person I played non-tournament games with moving away caused me to drift out of the game. Still have everything, though…

Edit: also some of the balance issues, like certain units being extremely valuable if the board was mostly Forest and pretty much worthless if it had very little Forest (Old Witch, I'm looking at you).

I played (and wrote for them) for a while, but -- like a lot of other gaming -- I'm not having much luck here in Texas. I just can't justify a two hour drive to get in a little wargaming, so my interest has waned recently. I know the longer I wait the harder it'll be to get back into it (since I'm getting behind on No Quarter magazine, etc)...but I still love the setting, reading over old books, etc, etc.

I'm primarily a Cygnar fan, but I've got a reasonable Khador collection, and I play Circle over on the Hordes side.
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