Nov 16 2010, 06:28 PM
Granddaddy of 'em all (far as I know, anyway). Who plays and whaddya like? I like the Succession Wars, myself: 3025 or thereabouts. I feel like the increased lethality across the board in the Clan Invasion era and beyond actually makes the game less tactical.
Doc Chase
Nov 16 2010, 06:30 PM
Only time I ever played was when the university tech departments started making Battletech 3056 MUD's. Hottest Aero pilot in the zone.
Nov 16 2010, 06:33 PM
I played once upon a time, not anymore. These days, my mech fix is pixilated.
Nov 16 2010, 07:34 PM
I use to play Mechwarrior RPG (3e) and I have Battletech: A Time of War though never got a chance to play it yet. I'm also a big fan of MWDA (no matter what the hardcore CBT fans think of it). I really liked the character creation in MWRPG 3e and BT:aToW is very similar (I would love to see the lifepath modded to SR).
Nov 16 2010, 07:42 PM
QUOTE (Doc Chase @ Nov 16 2010, 01:30 PM)
Only time I ever played was when the university tech departments started making Battletech 3056 MUD's. Hottest Aero pilot in the zone.
Hmmm... I was on the 3056 MUD's back in the 90's, went from the Capellans to the Free Rasalhague Republic. It was great fun, especially the one time my friend and I were in Jenner-F's and we ripped a heavier clan mech apart (it roughly matched our total tonnage) with hit and run tactics using lots of cover.
Nov 16 2010, 08:02 PM
here, me!
also using megamek too, hosting my own servers!
Yah i like 3025 better myself, but i usually play 67, because most people only play there . .
Doc Chase
Nov 16 2010, 08:29 PM
QUOTE (PBTHHHHT @ Nov 16 2010, 08:42 PM)
Hmmm... I was on the 3056 MUD's back in the 90's, went from the Capellans to the Free Rasalhague Republic. It was great fun, especially the one time my friend and I were in Jenner-F's and we ripped a heavier clan mech apart (it roughly matched our total tonnage) with hit and run tactics using lots of cover.
GDL, all the way. I was a fair hand with a TW when I ran with Clan Wolf, though I had the worst luck during my Trials. Every last time either the server would crash or someone would try to pick up on the line before I could down my target. That was the first and last time I ever tried playing a Clanner - GDL was more my style. I'd grab a VTOL and do flybys on Clan mechs when I saw anyone from the IS in the area.
Nov 16 2010, 10:03 PM
I'm currently playing in a bi-weekly campaign with a group of friends. I maintain a blog that chronicles our adventures
HERE!Check it out. It's good fun.
Nov 16 2010, 10:16 PM
Ah, right, i forgot about our face time games . .
Yeah, we're playing a mercenary Unit at expanded company strength.
Doing a campaign of hit and run attacks on a . . i don't know. Cluster?
Maybe Nova Strength Clan Unit. We're this close to becoming an even worse offender on the black thorn meter than the black thorn themselves . .
For every MECH we lose, we claim TWO Clan Omni-Mechs as Salvage basically . .
I think the only remaining Mech of our original force is mine.
100t modified Marauder2. And you know what? It's not even been scratched yet.
Yes, somehow, i am allways the one with the worst to hit number for the enemy.
I have been completely ignored.
3/5/5 Mech, fully Armored at 100t . . this means i can lose enough Armor to build a light Mech out of before getting internal Damage whatsoever . .
2 salvaged Clan ER Large Lasers, 2 IS ER Medium Lasers. One Heavy PPC. All tied into one IS Targeting Computer. Gunnery:3/4:Piloting.
No Ammo. No XL-Reactor. Improved Jumpjets. If i leave out the HPPC i can fire all my lasers without gaining heat.
I can deal good damage across the board (literally, because of 25 hexes of reach with the CERLarge).
And because i keep lucking out with the to hit Numbers, this Monster is being ignored by any and all enemy forces O.o
Doc Chase
Nov 16 2010, 10:27 PM
And you're still 3/4? Good god, were it me your beast would be the first one I target!
Then again, I play power suits more than mechs when I wasn't in a bird.
Nov 16 2010, 10:35 PM
Well, all the clanners are somewhere around 1/2 to 2/3
And most other pilots on MY side are 2/3 also.
And yes, they ALL curse when i am the worst possible target.
The Heavy-Hitters on the other side as well as our squishies.
Because, basically, i demanded a zombie-mech to be tank.
And yet, i am not even the heavy hitter on our side.
I do less tanking but more sniping around O.o
I am, basically, a 100t Scout-Mech. Yes, i'm from the Lyran School of military, why do you ask? ^^
Nov 16 2010, 11:57 PM
Hm. What I seem to recall from my Btech online stuff from back in the 90s, mud? mush? 3rd Crucis Lancers. Tamar March? Leftenant Colonel Char Amuro (yes it was a gundam inspired name). My personal mech was a ...Wardog, I think. Was great though, I had the elite stats pack (worse than clan, but best we non-clanners could get) and had the ability to not only start the simulator, but pick the mechs we could use.
I kinda miss those days. The game never really went anywhere though, hundreds of people logged in, but mostly it was constant simming, no real IC stuff aside from some RP.
Nov 17 2010, 01:22 AM
QUOTE (Voran @ Nov 16 2010, 06:57 PM)
Hm. What I seem to recall from my Btech online stuff from back in the 90s, mud? mush? 3rd Crucis Lancers. Tamar March? Leftenant Colonel Char Amuro (yes it was a gundam inspired name). My personal mech was a ...Wardog, I think. Was great though, I had the elite stats pack (worse than clan, but best we non-clanners could get) and had the ability to not only start the simulator, but pick the mechs we could use.
I kinda miss those days. The game never really went anywhere though, hundreds of people logged in, but mostly it was constant simming, no real IC stuff aside from some RP.
Yeah, it was fun. I'm kinda bummed too about how it never went beyond the simming.
Ah, the memories. More than a few times the lag killed me, but my friend and I were in speedy little mechs or vehicles most of the time. The Savannah Master was a fun one too. I remember trying to use a tank or two before also, such as the Behemoth... it kinda worked, but ugh, tanks were so fragile. I think I'm much more suited to mechs with jumpjets, such as the Griffin and Jenner. My friend and I had a favorite tactic with the Jenner-F, we'd flip the arms and run by the opponent, kicking them and then as we run pass, unload with all four medium lasers often to their rear. With the speed, many times we'd be okay as we'd run off into the forests, etc... Basically before the opponent had a chance to look us up on their contacts list or see us on the tactical map. Fun times.
I wonder if by chance some of us ever sparred against each other on those sims. Heh.
Nov 17 2010, 01:54 AM
Not me.
But you guys are like . . old . . so probably ^^
From time to time, i play some MW4 modded by Mektek.
And i'll give MWLL a go again, when 0.4.0 hits the web.
Nov 18 2010, 06:02 PM
I played BattleTech for a long, long time. (And I'm still looking for a copy of the original House Marik book, dammit.)
But then I read
Mecha a few months ago, and realized it is the game I really
wanted to be playing all that time. Very sad.
Nov 18 2010, 06:33 PM
Strangely enough, i am not a big fan of the wapanese giant stompy robot stuff . .
Macross: Do you remember Love, Voltron and Saber Rider were more up my alley
And still are, come to think of it <.<;,
Nov 18 2010, 10:33 PM
Its a pity there aren't more mecha games. I realize Btech has a game coming out (assuming the lawsuit went away), but still, I miss a decent mecha game.
Nov 18 2010, 10:59 PM
Nov 19 2010, 01:42 AM
I used to play lance-level Battletech games with my high school friends.
I still remember one incident where I'd stupidly landed in full view of several enemy mechs equipped with many LRM banks. They all fired. I think we counted in the number of 150 missiles in flight at once.
Not a single one hit.
I think we ended up concluding that there were so many missiles that some had collided with each other on the way in before they'd gotten to the target, exploded, and set of a chain reaction in all the other missiles resulting in a sphere of fiery death, surrounding a tiny spot in the middle that had no fire where my mech was sitting, the pilot crapping his pants.
Nov 19 2010, 02:29 AM
I did until we moved this summer. I'm not having any luck finding any sort of wargaming less than an hour, hour and a half away from me.
I've got a Company-plus of Mechs all painted up in Kell Hound colors, mostly Inner Sphere designs but with a few Clan Mechs mixed in (so I can play at any time period and varying tech levels). I've never gotten to play with any of 'em!
Nov 19 2010, 09:37 AM
There's allways megamek!
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