Large Mike
Mar 16 2004, 03:27 AM
Now, I'm not sure if I want to run this, or if I want to try and hand this idea off on to someone else, or what, but lightning just struck my brain. (Yes, it hurt.)
I was thinking a magical campaign. Not just that, but a very flavor-heavy magical campaign. The kind where I only take people who can tell me about a rl magical tradition in detail. You know, the kind that can tell me why I keep putting hematite in my pockets or where the term Hermetic came from.
So, someone either ursurp this idea, convince me to do it, or convince me not to do it.
Fresno Bob
Mar 16 2004, 03:30 AM
Don't do it!
Large Mike
Mar 16 2004, 04:40 AM
No, why not?
Fresno Bob
Mar 16 2004, 04:43 AM
I dunno...
Mar 16 2004, 06:28 AM
The only advice I can give to you about such a thing careful. A lot of different "magic" traditions differ even within the way they are practiced, although they fall under the same banner, let alone one completely different tradition from another. Also, some people find the term "magical tradition" somewhat ignorant, or just downright offensive. Hell, I'm a practicing Druid, and I don't really consider my path a "magical tradition" so much as I consider it simply a faith and the way I practice and the way my Order practices differs greatly from the way some other Order's operate. Just be very careful of who you ask and how you ask. I wouldn't see it being a problem if you have a pretty steady group, but if you post something like that at a gamestore looking for a group, you may inadvertently offend someone. Just some friendly advice.
Digital Heroin
Mar 16 2004, 07:13 AM
Does Faith Healing count as a tradition?
Large Mike
Mar 16 2004, 08:32 AM
Techno: I am aware. I purposely baited it to be offensive to those that have sticks too far up inside them. But thanks.
DH: In a slightly abstract way, and for game purposes, yes.
And if anyone actually tells me why I have hemitite in my pockets, you're cut.
Digital Heroin
Mar 16 2004, 09:28 AM
Something about playing a firey faith healing Reverend just makes me grin... now I need to do some research, and cook up a concept, just 'cause...
Mar 16 2004, 06:35 PM
Wheres Gater Shamen when ya need him? And no, not even gonna try. I know jack.
Mar 16 2004, 08:26 PM
QUOTE (Large Mike) |
And if anyone actually tells me why I have hemitite in my pockets, you're cut. |
Cut? I can name a few reasons, plus the reason why I should but can't.
Mar 16 2004, 10:45 PM
Does it have to be a RL magical tradition or does Jedi work?

Hmm. I have a few ideas, I could possibly pull-off a RL shaman of some form. I say 'of some form' because of the decentralised (and often clan/tribe-specific)nature of shamanism.
Trying to scrape-together some common shamanic traits: if you could just make a character capible of Astral Perception/Projection/Quests (Depends how far you want to take the definition of Shamanic Ecstacy), Sorcery (particularily Healing and fire-related), good Nature knowledge skills, and Conjuring (Protecting the tribe from evil spirits, communing with ancestors (ancestor spirits?), employing spirit-helpers). IE: A Full Magician/Shaman is surprisingly well suited.
The bit from Target-Awakened lands where it talks about shamans only becoming full shamans after they have performed initiatory ordeals also links well to shamanism. A common theme is that you aren't actually a shaman and can't travel to the sky or into the earth, read astral quests, until you have completed strenuous physical ordeals, kindof like the asceticism ordeal.
Mar 17 2004, 11:36 PM
Would you except a martial artist. It would be the comparison of a True adept. One that lives the art, Not just to kick-ass, but as a way of life. I study Buddism and the Law of Cause and Effect. Akido is my way of life and Buddism is my religion.
Large Mike
Mar 18 2004, 05:08 AM
HC, I *would* aceept it, but as (assuming they accept me) I'm going into the Army, I won't be starting anything new.
Mar 18 2004, 02:54 PM
ok, thought I'd ask. Good Luck. And enjoy. I know I did when I served in the Marines.
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