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for those can make it, please come to RoundCon 2011, held in Columbia SC

18 Feb - 20 Feb 2011

the johnsons aren't talking much, but looks like fixers will have some interesting jobs then
Big Freaky Sean

Mr. Johnson came through earlier today!

CMP 2010-01 Manhunt
Fifteen years ago Seattle was plagued by a number of vicious animal attacks. These attacks seem to be on the rise again but Knight Errant is not taking them seriously, a retired Lone Star cop takes matters into his own hands. Is this just a coincidence or is Seattle about to repeat history.

CMP2010-02 Copycat Killer
The Mayan Cutter and Tempo were two of the causes that the Star lost its Seattle contract. Shortly after Knight Errant took over, the killings stopped. Conspiracy theorists believed the Cutter was a ploy by KE to bring the Star down but now the killings have started again. Is it a copycat or the real deal?

CMP 2010-03 Ashes
Six decades after the Awakening Seattle’s Ork Underground stands at the very threshold of mainstream endorsement. But with Governor Brackhaven’s election, can this safe haven for metahumanity hope to weather the coming political storm.

CMP 2010-04 Humanitarian Aid
Horizon’s community clinic was robbed, days before their scheduled outreach program. When 3,000 people are at risk of dying, even the good guys will call you to go and hurt some bad guys.

CMP 2010-05 Lost Islands Found
When news of ruins appearing on an island comes up, several groups want to have exclusive right. Now you need to remove some of the competition.

CMP 2010-06 Deconstructing Patriots
The New Revolution came a hair’s breadth from success. In the fallout, many of their supporters went to ground. It’s time to bring a few of them into the light.

CMP 2010-07 Congressional Conspiracies
Unification, the one word could destroy the CAS or start another war. With conflicts simmering throughout the world, there can be a profit in war and even more profit in rearmament before hand.

SMH2010 Appetite for Vengeance (Charity Event)
A high-paying run to steal the formula for Wuxing's new miracle food turns ugly when doubled-crosses abound.

Note: One can of food for entry and you can buy back edge with another can. 1 for 1 up to edge pool.
lees then a week
there is a job for runners, for those willing to make the trip
hope to see there
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