Ok so I'll start a post for this Convention and work to keep everyone updated
Lots of media guests already confirmed and some gameing is starting to roll in.
This convention has your media guests your comic artists dealers (of course) lots of people show up in costumes it has gameing I guess it's why they call it Megacon it trys really hard to have something for everyone check it out.
I have some photos from last years Megacon up at (WARNING!!!!!! some images in my favs are NOT for the young! you do need to become a member to see them though)
All my work however is SAFE!
I have Blurbs on the first 4 CMP's for 2011 that I should have available to run at Megacon
CMP 2011-01 Moving Day
Extracting one person can be tough. Extracting an entire family? Thats on a whole different level. They say Never deal with a dragon, but maybe they should add Never do a job involving grade schoolers and hormonal teens!
CMP 2011-02 The Prize of Failure
Every Johnson promises an easy job, and this ones no exception. Scare an unwilling scientist into extracting willingly. You dont even have to do the extraction yourself. How hard could this be?
CMP 2011-03 Threads of the Past
A rockslide on Mt. Rainier has uncovered an ancient ship embedded in the rock, and a tunnel leading into previously unknown caverns inside the volcanic mountain. Grab some rope, lanterns, and a 3 meter pole, because youve just been hired to explore this ancient cavern.
CMP 2011-04 Ancient Pawns
The leadership of the elven gang the Ancients is being challenged, and the challenger is looking for a team of runners to act as his proxies on short notice. Up for a night of mayhem and chaos, Ancients style?
Hope to see you there!