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Full Version: Question: SR Persistant Worlds or RPG forums?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Community Projects
Hy there,

I'm looking for a Shadowrun persistant world or some other comunity which concentrates on roleplaying in the shadowrun world (or maybe a similar cyberpunk setting). I've no fixed ideas yet. So anything would be helpful (PWs, rpg boards/forum...). I played fantasy rpg online for quiet a time, so I know the basics. It's only hard to find something like Neverwinter Nights online comunities for Shadowrun or SciFi. Many hints pointed to this forum here! wink.gif

actualy, i don't think there is something like that yet. .
haven't heard about anything like it as of yet at least..
closest would probably be something like the official shadowrun missions.
You might want to set them up. There are some MUSHes still out there though. Ask Kagetenshi, he's an old timer, he might know them.
You could try searching for Shadowrun here:
Ok, thanks for your help!

Seems that MUD/MUSH is the only RP option at this time. I found no established persistent world but those two interesting hints on the topic:

Shadowrun Awakened MMO Project

Shadowrunner Nights Project (status unclear)

Edit: Shadowrunner Nights Project Site

Maybe in a few years smile.gif
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