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Full Version: I experience Creepwood Run
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Wounded Ronin
So, I was able to attend some local simunitions training for civilians, which is a very rare and special thing. I shoot competitively, but I was able to experience some Creepwoodrun during an active shooter scenario. Below is an exerpt of a write-up I did for myself.

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Well, I have gone to the mountain, and I have seen Creepwoodrun.

My critique of Creepwoodrun is that if the player characters are the "bad guys" and they're the ones executing the raid or attack or whatever, if anyone is going to be Creepwoodrunning like I was, it's going to be the guys who are getting hit, and not the player characters. If anything the player characters will bust in with guns drawn, a plan, good firing grips, and they're going to be more accurate, pulled together, and situationally aware than the people who they're rolling, i.e. corporate security or whomever. If you actually wanted to go and implement Creepwoodrun in, say, SR3, you could simply rewrite/enhance the surprise rules to assign Perception and TN penalties for people who are considered to be surprised or off-balanced. Figure out a way to implement, in terms of the rules, how a security guard who is in the middle of pouring himself a cup of coffee when the windows blow in can't just roll init, use a free action to drop the coffee pot, and then be blasting away with his carbine without penalties.

Phoenix Command did something a little like this where it would cost you actions, basically, to turn and face a particular direction, or to assume a proper firing stance. The gunfights tended to play out like extremely slow and mathematical sessions of Rainbow Six 3 for PC. But to my knowledge they didn't specifically have rules for being off balance in the way I was in the sims scenario.

My other thought is that LARPing with airsoft would be terrific. I don't LARP, and I honestly wouldn't, because I'd feel kind of silly doing so in the context of "high fantasy". But I think I'd have a lot of fun doing some kind of modern-setting airsoft or paintball LARP.
The big problem with Creepwoodrun is that it was that the first response was from someone noting that their non-combat-oriented hacker did act in an other-than-cool professional way when the shooting started. Then, the second response pointed out that the Shadowrun already has specific rules addressing all of his points.

This didn't matter to the original poster, who was more concerned with being a "role-play, not roll-play" snob, making unfounded assumptions about everyone else's playstyle in the process. The thread was still worth it for Critias' post, which pwned him (and spawned the term "Creepwoodrun").
But I think I'd have a lot of fun doing some kind of modern-setting airsoft or paintball LARP

Tell that to the local authorities O.o
QUOTE (Glyph @ Jan 18 2011, 02:27 PM) *
This didn't matter to the original poster, who was more concerned with being a "role-play, not roll-play" snob, making unfounded assumptions about everyone else's playstyle in the process. The thread was still worth it for Critias' post, which pwned him (and spawned the term "Creepwoodrun").

Rereading the thread made me realised I miss FrostyNSO.
Doc Chase
The secret to CreepwoodRun, as with Shadowrun, is to have a proper plan, then? nyahnyah.gif

It really does seem like if you've got surprise on your side, people turn into a dumb and panicky flock.
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