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Full Version: Season 4 [Seattle] First Mission Out
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
I swear I remember a post that said the first new mission would be free, as it was in New York. Am I not remembering this correctly?

UPDATE: The FAQ had said it was free, but on Facebook, the official explanation is
Yeah, that's the cost. It's the side effect of amping up the amount of original art in Missions line.
will the New York missions go to being free now that Seattle has started ?
I need to update the FAQ. It was originally supposed to be free, but with the amount of extra effort and artwork and such we've been pumping into Missions, the Powers that Be decided against that. Sorry about the confusion.
Wraith: As far as I know, no. They're still quality adventures, and a good deal at $4 each, so I can't imagine that the higher ups would change the pricing on them.
How about a bundle deal then Bull? (Asked ya before but didn't get an answer)
QUOTE (GrimWulf @ Jan 18 2011, 05:04 PM) *
How about a bundle deal then Bull? (Asked ya before but didn't get an answer)

I would love to do something like this, and I've suggested it to the Powers that Be. It's up to them to decide if we do anything like that though.

There's a couple other ideas I have as well, like collecting an entire season into a print version, that I've tossed at them. And the BT side was doing something interesting at the cons this past year... Selling a collection of PDF only products on a USB drive. Again, something I'd love to see done, since taht makes it easy for folks who check out Missions at a con to pick them up.

As always, it's a matter of convincing the higher ups that it's worth doing.

Coming over from another thread:

What issues? I'm interested in anything we can tweak to make the product better.

There ya go. All are relatively minor, compared to other recent releases. Some are nitpicks. Put them in anyway.

[ Spoiler ]

Apart from that, I fully support the bundle deal plea. Because $4 for a bunch of dated missions really adds up.
Gota new thread for ya, Hermit. smile.gif
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