What issues? I'm interested in anything we can tweak to make the product better.
There ya go. All are relatively minor, compared to other recent releases. Some are nitpicks. Put them in anyway.
It loads insanely slow in my firefox addon and when opening it in acrobat 10 too. I am unsure if that's because of DriveThru's servers or a problem on my side or with the PDF. When marking the text (it's a habit of mine when reading text on screens) on page 1, lines 3 and 7 from below are unmarkable (trying to copy them gets me this:
I started making calls. Line up a meet with some folks, get them on a search and retrieval
these days. I gave him some parameters and set him to doing a data search, see if we could
pinpoint who Fiona was meeting and where. Give the kids somewhere to start.
I got up and got dressed. I smiled as I pulled out an old t-shirt I’d
Underworld 93! Mecurial!” the shirt
read. It was going to be a long day.
With the lines actually missing. Now, since a major up of PDFs is their quotability (in PbP or other online games, for instance, that saves you endless work since you can just copy and if necessary slightly edit the
tell it to them straights), this is a bit of a bummer.
The link on page 2 of the preview goes to a dated FAQ site, with the character creation even more out of date, but that's slated to be fixed, I read.
Canon nitpick:
QUOTE ("p4")
Draco Foundation: Founded after former president Dunklezahn’s death, the Draco
Foundation has been searching out any number of strange things for research. Rumor has it
that even 15 years after his death, Dunklezahn is still guiding them from beyond the grave. No
one knows their true motives, but they will do whatever they can to get their hands on these
strange artifacts and discover what they can do.
Canon nitpick/issue: Isn't that the Dunkelzahn Institute of Magical Research, a separate entity? Also, didn't Dunkie's notes and secret orders stop in 2070 or something?
QUOTE ("p4")
During the course of a scenario, the PCs will be presented with options
to choose sides between several Factions in the adventure.
Shouldn't that be noncapitalised?
QUOTE ("p4")
For NPCs who do not have a statted com-
Wonky word-split, unsure if that is legal in English. I'm unsure on current punctuation trends though, non-native and all.
QUOTE ("p4")
Finally, certain modules will request that you use the web
reporting form available at shadowrun4.com/missions
What form? Again, updates and things are in the works, but wanted to mention it.
P5: Draco Foudnation vs. DIMR again, a couple times.
QUOTE ("P6")
Jetblack, Shield
Wall, CrimeTime, DarkVine, Blitzkrieg, the Psychedelic Phlegmm.
1) Isn't JetBlack dead?

2) Didn't CrimeTime die in System failure?
QUOTE ("p7")
An ARO in front of the building explains the crowd.
Either my English is insufficient, or something's missing here. Explains
what, or to whom?
Oh, general impressions: Nicely playing on nostalgia or oldtimers like me, kickass art, and heh, so your titular character is the fixer? Anyway, reads well, not all of the above is an honest to god mistake. Editing seems to have happened. You gotta be grateful for the small things, too. Still pissed about the non-free adventure, but that'S not your call to make.
Apart from that, I fully support the bundle deal plea. Because $4 for a bunch of dated missions really adds up.