
I've never actually played Shadowrun on pen and paper, but I do have experience with Rifts, WoD LARP, DnD {2ed, 3ed, and I am running an Essentials game}. I have been playing, off and on though mostly on, for 15 or so years now. I am 30, so I would rather find a group that is more in the 25 and older range. I feel I can bring some fresh ideas to a player group in that I try and find different angles to play a character from, since I have not actually played SR I couldn't give an exact related example. If what I am reading and understanding is correct, characters like an Orc Street Samurai that has a problem with violence and tries to use his words. The biggest draw back to me joining a group is that I have a disability that precludes me from driving and, depending on the night that is played on, may need to be at least picked up and possible brought back home.
