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Full Version: Shadowrun-ish for pc?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
The big question... I know there's Shadowrun for PC and XBox 360. But besides the name, it ain't Shadowrun.
What's the most "Shadowrun"ish game for pc out there?
Dues Ex comes to mind, the new one looks slick.
Though not very advanced in the graphics department, System Shock and System Shock 2 were pretty good. Not terribly close to Shadowrun. But how many games will you find out there where a man who believes he's a knight of the cross, an ex-spec ops stripper ninja and a ten foot tall monstrous troll with a pungent for stealing organs can work together to steal the pepsi-cola formula?
Syndicate. Old as hell, but otherwise pretty much perfect.
Blood Net.
Omikron: the nomad soul.
Blade Runner pc game.
Deus Ex 1.

P.S: dont forget the old SNES and Sega Genesis Shadowrun rpgs. Both great games, and much better for capturing the SR vibe than the cited above. wink.gif
Doc Chase
With the proper mods, Fallout: New Vegas is making some decent inroads to the cyberware side.
"You sell plants?"

"No, I sell IMPLANTS. I suggest the Intelligence one to start with."
Well, Bonelace is in there.
As is the Cyborg thingie.
And of course, the Implants from the New Vegas Clinic.
As mentioned, Deus Ex (God, there are some AWESOME mods for that now) & Syndicate (If you can find a system that it'll run with)

And grap a SNES emulator and fire up Shadowrun, I spent a few weeks playing and replaying that sucker, trying hard to earn enough cash to be upgrade the warez to be "King of the Pit" - why those mages were in the junkyard, I have no idea....

And what other SR edition allows wired reflexes and 6 magic?

Magic->Cast "Freeze"
(Hint, you'll need to get rid of that incubus in the warehouse first)


And frankly, having an all-sammy team worked out much better than mana-hungry mages. As soon as you froze a target, everyone unloaded into it.
-Stupid troll kept getting shot...
-Stupid Street Doc, "Whoops" my ass.

Gotta load up Deus Ex again, dammit frown.gif

Just so it is abundantly clear:

Deus Ex (first one for sure: implants, multiple possible ways to solve a problem, specialization, point buy, conspiracy)
System Shock 2 (Psi-ops is kinda magic, multiple possible ways to solve a problem, specialization, implants, point buy)
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (point buy system, specialization, magic, and a few different paths, conspiracy)

That's off the top of my head, there are probably a few others.
Alpha Protocol, but that's more solo/spy stuff.
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