May 26 2011, 06:30 PM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ May 26 2011, 01:00 PM)

A normal sized heavy turret is nonsense. The heavy turret is for main guns. The normal weapon mount can't take any weapon larger than an LMG.
While I can't find a rule forbidding it, internal and concealed heavy turrets sound implausible.
The Body Stabilizer is restricted to rating 1 it should be rating 1-3 (Arsenal p. 133).
It would be really cool, if you implemented the possibility to load Mechanical Arms with Cyberlimb Accessories.
Yeah, there are some really silly possibilities for Weapon Mounts. Chances are some of those combinations will never be used. But since there are so many options for the Weapon Mounts, I just wrote a little script that combined all of the options and spit them out to XML rather than entering 'em all by hand. So while it is completely redicumous, they're at least there if someone
really wants one.

I can't reproduce the Body Stabilizer issue. If you add it to a Vehicle, both the Select Vehicle Modification window and the Vehicle tab let you set a Rating of up to 3. The only time the Rating should be stuck is if it comes with the Vehicle itself.
Is there anywhere that says Mechanical Arms can actually be added as Cyberlimber Accessories?
Dakka Dakka
May 26 2011, 06:53 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 26 2011, 08:30 PM)

I can't reproduce the Body Stabilizer issue. If you add it to a Vehicle, both the Select Vehicle Modification window and the Vehicle tab let you set a Rating of up to 3. The only time the Rating should be stuck is if it comes with the Vehicle itself.
When I add it I can change the rating, but once it is on the vehicle I can't change it. Funny thing, if I change the rating to three before adding it, changing still works afterwards.
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 26 2011, 08:30 PM)

Is there anywhere that says Mechanical Arms can actually be added as Cyberlimber Accessories?
Yes, with the GM's permission:
QUOTE ('Arsenal p. 139')
At the gamemaster’s discretion, full arms can be tricked out with accessories just like a full cyberlimb (see pp. 335–337, SR4, and pp. 44–48, Augmentation). The gamemaster has final say over what accessories a mechanical arm can take.
May 26 2011, 06:54 PM
QUOTE (Credstick @ May 26 2011, 01:03 PM)

I do not see just a normal helmet in the armor either. Am I missing it?
This clearly isn't as intuitive as it should have been. I'm going to move Helmet and Shields out into their own Category of Armor instead of being Armor Mods for the next update since that is how the represented in the SR4A book anyways.
May 26 2011, 07:09 PM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ May 26 2011, 01:53 PM)

When I add it I can change the rating, but once it is on the vehicle I can't change it. Funny thing, if I change the rating to three before adding it, changing still works afterwards.
Well that's neat! Looks like setting a Rating for a Vehicle Mod also sets the maximum Rating and affects all Mods, not just the Body Stabilizer. Will be fixed for next update.
May 26 2011, 07:38 PM
Hey there, awesome work as always!
After you enter career mode, a few issues arise;
1. The list for bound spirits no longer populates with a list of spirits from your tradition, it's blank.
2. For mystic adepts, the maximum force of a bound spirit is limited to 2x the points invested in the Magician aspect of Mystic Adept but it should be the TOTAL magic x2 (A 3 magician, 2 adept should be able to summon force 10 spirits overcasting). I believe this error also appears in build mode as well, not just career mode.
3. The printable character sheet does not do damage tracks correctly, looks like it goes off of your base stats instead of augmented stats.
4. You cannot raise skill groups higher than 4, it gives you an error message.
May 26 2011, 08:00 PM
These will be fixed in the next update which should be available this evening.
May 26 2011, 09:35 PM
QUOTE (Akhet @ May 26 2011, 01:38 PM)

2. For mystic adepts, the maximum force of a bound spirit is limited to 2x the points invested in the Magician aspect of Mystic Adept but it should be the TOTAL magic x2 (A 3 magician, 2 adept should be able to summon force 10 spirits overcasting). I believe this error also appears in build mode as well, not just career mode.
By your logic, then the same adept can overcast a Force 10 spell as well.
QUOTE (SR4a, page 195)
For every point of Magic invested in physical abilities, the character gets one Power Point that she can use to purchase adept powers. Every point of Magic invested in mana-based abilities grants the character one point to use with Magic-based skills. For all other purposes, including the determination of the maximum level for adept powers, the character’s full Magic attribute is used. Such a character will not have as many adept powers as most other adepts, nor will they be able to cast spells with the same skill as true magicians. Mystic adepts may use their adept powers normally.
When it comes to the limit of your foci, passing through mana barriers, and as mentioned the maximum level limit of your Adept powers, you use the total Magic attribute. For the power you can put into Spellcasting, Conjuring, Ritual Casting, Banishing, and Binding, you use what has been allocated to Magic-based skills, just as if you were a Magician with the lower Magic attribute.
Now if the above Mystic Adept could truly summon a Force 10 spirit, then it could also overcast spells at Force 10 as well, which then would make it pointless to allocate points to the Magician aspect as the Mystic Adept gets their full Magic for spells. On this track, a Mystic Adept with a Magic of 5 could spend 1 point for Astral Perception, 4 points on powers, still cast magic at full power, and aside from not being able to astrally project (not even a loss worth mentioning to some) is now better than a pure Magician for less points.
May 26 2011, 09:45 PM
I believe SpellBinder is correct. During character creation, Force is limited to the magician's MAG or magician's MAG x 2 during play. This would be the amount of MAG assigned to your Magician aspect, not your total MAG.
May 26 2011, 09:52 PM
As promised, Technomancers get some attention in this update.

Build 96
- added support for <selectparagon /> to Improvement Manager which allows a character to select a Paragon
- Sprite list now populates based on the selected Stream in the same was a Spirits and Magic Traditions (big thanks to ShadowWalker for providing the Streams/Sprites list)
- added support for Paragons (another big thanks to ShadowWalker for providing the list of Paragons)
- added Clean Car Coating to Vehicle Mods which was missing its information in the Spy Games book
- added support for multiple custom data files of the same type (see below)
- Genetic Heritage now shows the Free item for any Genetech selected, not just Trangenics
- Nuyen BP is now correctly populated when loading a character that has spent more than 50 BP on Nuyen
- moved the Advanced Complex Forms from Unwired out of the Autosoft category and into the Advanced category
- corrected the Shield Complex Form to be marked as allowed for Complex Forms
- adding a Weapon Accessory to a Weapon with a name no longer throws an error
- Extended Clip Weapon Mods now affect the Weapon's Ammo Capacity
- corrected an issue that prevented Vehicle Sensors from only being able to add Sensor plugins
- adding missing Sensor Software from Arsenal
- all items in programs.xml can now be taken as Complex Forms
- added Skillsofts, ARE Software, Sensor Software, and Tactical AR Software to Complex Forms
- Complex Forms now save/load source book and page number
- added support for Technomancer Streams
- only worn Armor now counts towards Armor Encumbrance
- maximum Force of a Sprite during character creation is properly set
- loading a character with RES higher than 6 and a Sprite during character creation no longer throws an error
- added Critters from Parazoology
- added a splitter to the Skills tab to allow the Active Skills and Knowledge Skills sections to be resized as needed
- added a splitter to the Common tab to allow the Contacts and Enemies sections to be resized as needed
- changed the colour of the splitter bar on the Karma and Nuyen tab to make it noticeable
- added missing Barrel Extension Weapon Mod to Ares Desert Strike
- Vehicle Weapon Mounts have their context menu restored when loading a saved file
- Weapon Mounts that come as part of a Vehicle now have their context menu attached
- added support for Group Intiation/Network Submersion and Initiation Ordeal/Submersion Tasks to Career Mode to discount the Karma cost of Initiation/Submersion
- added missing Gear from Unwired
- added missing Drones from Unwired
- moved helmets and shields out of Armor Mods and into the Helmets and Shields Armor Category
- fixed an issue that caused the maximum Rating for Vehicle Mods to be set to the Rating that was selected when the Mod was first added
- Condition Monitors on the printout are now correctly calculated based on the total value of the Attributes
- Skill Groups in Career Mode can now be raised above 4 without throwing an error
Support for Multiple Custom Data Files
Rather than making people merge multiple XML documents on their own any time someone makes a change to a custom file, Chummer now supports multiple custom data files for each source. Custom files must start with "custom" and end with "_[filename.xml]". Using books.xml as an example, "custom_books.xml", "custom_Nebular_books.xml", and "custom_ThatGuy_books.xml" are all valid names. The base file (books.xml) is loaded first, then the contents of the other files are merged in one-by-one.
Outstanding Issues
- Unwired Options
- Unwired Optional Rules
- Text-Only Output
Dakka Dakka
May 26 2011, 10:00 PM
OK here's how it goes:
To summon/bind/banish a spirit the Mystic adept rolls Magician's Magic+Summoning
To cast/ritually cast/counterspell a spell he rolls Magician's Magic+Spellcasting/Ritual Spellcasting/Counterspelling.
He gets power Points equal to his Adept Magic.
The maximum Spirit/Spell Force is his Total Magic, the Maximum Level for Adept Powers is his Total Magic.
This is what the quote above says, no matter what the bogus FAQ wants us to do.
May 26 2011, 10:09 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 26 2011, 04:52 PM)

As promised, Technomancers get some attention in this update.

Build 96
- added support for <selectparagon /> to Improvement Manager which allows a character to select a Paragon
- Sprite list now populates based on the selected Stream in the same was a Spirits and Magic Traditions (big thanks to ShadowWalker for providing the Streams/Sprites list)
- added support for Paragons (another big thanks to ShadowWalker for providing the list of Paragons)
- added Clean Car Coating to Vehicle Mods which was missing its information in the Spy Games book
- added support for multiple custom data files of the same type (see below)
- Genetic Heritage now shows the Free item for any Genetech selected, not just Trangenics
- Nuyen BP is now correctly populated when loading a character that has spent more than 50 BP on Nuyen
- moved the Advanced Complex Forms from Unwired out of the Autosoft category and into the Advanced category
- corrected the Shield Complex Form to be marked as allowed for Complex Forms
- adding a Weapon Accessory to a Weapon with a name no longer throws an error
- Extended Clip Weapon Mods now affect the Weapon's Ammo Capacity
- corrected an issue that prevented Vehicle Sensors from only being able to add Sensor plugins
- adding missing Sensor Software from Arsenal
- all items in programs.xml can now be taken as Complex Forms
- added Skillsofts, ARE Software, Sensor Software, and Tactical AR Software to Complex Forms
- Complex Forms now save/load source book and page number
- added support for Technomancer Streams
- only worn Armor now counts towards Armor Encumbrance
- maximum Force of a Sprite during character creation is properly set
- loading a character with RES higher than 6 and a Sprite during character creation no longer throws an error
- added Critters from Parazoology
- added a splitter to the Skills tab to allow the Active Skills and Knowledge Skills sections to be resized as needed
- added a splitter to the Common tab to allow the Contacts and Enemies sections to be resized as needed
- changed the colour of the splitter bar on the Karma and Nuyen tab to make it noticeable
- added missing Barrel Extension Weapon Mod to Ares Desert Strike
- Vehicle Weapon Mounts have their context menu restored when loading a saved file
- Weapon Mounts that come as part of a Vehicle now have their context menu attached
- added support for Group Intiation/Network Submersion and Initiation Ordeal/Submersion Tasks to Career Mode to discount the Karma cost of Initiation/Submersion
- added missing Gear from Unwired
- added missing Drones from Unwired
- moved helmets and shields out of Armor Mods and into the Helmets and Shields Armor Category
- fixed an issue that caused the maximum Rating for Vehicle Mods to be set to the Rating that was selected when the Mod was first added
- Condition Monitors on the printout are now correctly calculated based on the total value of the Attributes
- Skill Groups in Career Mode can now be raised above 4 without throwing an error
Support for Multiple Custom Data Files
Rather than making people merge multiple XML documents on their own any time someone makes a change to a custom file, Chummer now supports multiple custom data files for each source. Custom files must start with "custom" and end with "_[filename.xml]". Using books.xml as an example, "custom_books.xml", "custom_Nebular_books.xml", and "custom_ThatGuy_books.xml" are all valid names. The base file (books.xml) is loaded first, then the contents of the other files are merged in one-by-one.
Outstanding Issues
- Unwired Options
- Unwired Optional Rules
- Text-Only Output
booyah! Downloading and testing now.
May 26 2011, 10:19 PM
When doing Submersion it's not calculating the karma cost correctly.
It's always using 10 +(1x3) instead of 10+(new rankx3).
May 26 2011, 10:38 PM
I don't have a character in career mode, but in creation mode the karma cost on Submersion is calculating correctly for me (13 at 1, 29 at 2, 48 at 3, etc.). Also found I had to recreate a TM in progress, but at least the load error has disappeared (and no longer having to run this as an Administrator).
Regarding the Mystic Adept topic, I was unaware there was a FAQ on this subject (not that I would have even looked at it anyway). I had always taken that the power invested in Magic for a Mystic Adept was like their Magic attribute for spellcasting and such (note that Counterspelling actually doesn't tie into Magic, but Body or Willpower depending on the type of spell being resisted), and what was invested in Adept powers was magic unavailable as it was fueling said Adept powers. To me, a Mystic Adept being able to invest all Magic into Adept powers and still being able to cast a spell with a DP based on their skill alone (assuming no foci are being used) crosses the line into munchkinry. Regardless, in games I run I'm still going to do it this way (Magic invested in Mana based skills limits the force of spells/spirits).
If it becomes too serious an issue for contention, I'd suggest making it a new Option for house rule use. That way we can leave it settled and done and go about our own ways.
May 26 2011, 10:43 PM
Yes, the karma cost problem for submersion is happening in career mode.
I also noticed that the Weapon Mod, Camera Upgrades is not working right. It should be an upgrade to either the GunCam or Smargun System's cam. Right now it's using the weapons mod slots instead of the Camera's slots.
May 26 2011, 11:01 PM
Here is a funny one.
If you take Genetic Heratige
Go to a GeneTech Modification and check the "Free!" Checkbox.
Now change to a Bioware Modification.
The "Free!" checkbox disappears, but it's still checked so when you click OK or Add & More you get that item for free.
Need a custom comlink option so you can build your own from scratch. With being able to select the Response and Signal separately.
SR4A page 222 under Ugrading devices, "Rules for building your own modules or coding your own packages can be found on p. 228."
SR4A page 227 under Using Hardware talks about price, page 228 has the charge for skill rolls.
And for something even more complex, Nexi need to be added.
They can be found in UW on page 196 and 198.
Tools (Kit, Shop, Facility) should require you to select the skill it's for, or let you attach a note for it.
The cost for the Sensor Software (Empathy, Facial Recognition, Gait Analysis, Lie Detection, Noise Analysis, Visual Spotter, Vehicle Identification, Voice Recognition, Weapon Watcher, Wildlife Spotter) is incorrect. It's currently using 100 nuyen per rating. It should be 200 nuyen per rating for ratings 1 to 3 and 500 nuyen for ratings 4 to 6.
May 26 2011, 11:45 PM
Build 97
- Karma cost for Submersion is now based on the current Submersion Rating instead of Initiate Rating
- Karma discount for Submersion is now based on the Submersion cost instead of Initiation cost
- Cyberware/Bioware is no longer believed to be free when the Free checkbox is hidden
- added an option to base a Spirit's maximum Force on the character's total MAG Attribute for Mystic Adepts which is disabled by default
- Camera Upgrade Weapon Mods no longer consume Weapon Mod Slots
- corrected cost of Sensor Software
- Tool Kit/Shop/Facility now prompt for a text value to specify its exact use
May 26 2011, 11:47 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 26 2011, 07:45 PM)

Build 97
- Karma cost for Submersion is now based on the current Submersion Rating instead of Initiate Rating
- Karma discount for Submersion is now based on the Submersion cost instead of Initiation cost
- Cyberware/Bioware is no longer believed to be free when the Free checkbox is hidden
- added an option to base a Spirit's maximum Force on the character's total MAG Attribute for Mystic Adepts which is disabled by default
- Camera Upgrade Weapon Mods no longer consume Weapon Mod Slots
- corrected cost of Sensor Software
That was quick.
When in career mode and I spend karma and go to the Karma/Nuyen tab I get the following error, String was not recognized as a valid Date Time.
If I spend karma a second or third, etc time I get one error message for each item listed in the karma log.
The Accessory, Smart Gun, Internal should have a cost equal to the base cost of the weapon.
The Empathy software got missed on the cost changes.
May 26 2011, 11:49 PM
Figured I didn't want to leave that stuff just hanging 'round. If I get it out of the way, I have more time to play The Witcher 2 and don't have to worry about that stuff being incomplete.
May 26 2011, 11:54 PM
Right quick with the Spirit discussion. Thanks.

Added: Will it be possible to implement another limit to Complex Forms? Tacsoft and Skillsofts are still limited to a rating of 4, while Simrig and Smartlink (and other 'unrated' programs) cannot go above 1.
May 27 2011, 12:14 AM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ May 26 2011, 07:54 PM)

Right quick with the Spirit discussion. Thanks.

Added: Will it be possible to implement another limit to Complex Forms? Tacsoft and Skillsofts are still limited to a rating of 4, while Simrig and Smartlink (and other 'unrated' programs) cannot go above 1.
Activesofts would be 4, knowsofts and linguasofts are 5.
And if you actually try to create a Skillsoft cluster as a complex form... It's freaking complicated.
May 27 2011, 12:22 AM
I'm noticing that Synthacardium bonuses are only appearing for the physical skills that I don't default on. Is that RAW?
May 27 2011, 12:24 AM
Hmm, thought all the fake skill programs were limited in their rating the same way. I stand corrected.
As for Skillsoft clusters, I haven't even been curious to look into those. I'll take your word for it.
May 27 2011, 12:34 AM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ May 26 2011, 08:24 PM)

Hmm, thought all the fake skill programs were limited in their rating the same way. I stand corrected.
As for Skillsoft clusters, I haven't even been curious to look into those. I'll take your word for it.
The skill soft clusters are basically a bunch of skillsofts put together as one program.
The effective rating against your skillwire or biowire is the total of all the ratings minus 2.
As an example: The Whiskey Noir skillsoft cluster has Forensics 4 (Know), Intimidation 3 (Active), Shadowing 2 (Active)
This has a total rating of 9, but has an effective rating on your skillwire or biowire of 7.
Now turning this into a complex form would require you to get 9 successes on your threading, then resist a fading of 9.
If you succeed in getting the successes needed plus are still alive and conscious then all you need to do to make it a permanent complex form is to pay 9 karma. booyah!
Should point out that the cost in karma for Skillsofts is different than other complex forms.
It's not 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.
When you are making a complex form out of a skillsoft you need to have the skillsoft available, and then you thread it as described above.
Both the minimum and maximum rating you can get is the rating of the skillsoft you have on hand.
Once the threading is done you pay karma equal to the rating of the skillsoft plus the rating of any options. You don't pay for a 1, then a 2 etc. Just the final result.
You can find this on page 149 of UW under Emulation.
May 27 2011, 02:35 AM
QUOTE (whatevs @ May 26 2011, 06:22 PM)

I'm noticing that Synthacardium bonuses are only appearing for the physical skills that I don't default on. Is that RAW?
As far as I understand, this is correct based on RAW. Defaulting says that the only thing you get is the linked Attribute - 1. At least that's how it reads to me.
QUOTE (SR4A 121)
Defaulting allows a character to still make the test using only the linked attribute in their dice pool, but with a dice pool modifier of –1.
May 27 2011, 02:54 AM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ May 26 2011, 10:00 AM)

While I can't find a rule forbidding it, internal and concealed heavy turrets sound implausible.
There's no rule forbidding it because some people (myself among them) think 8-9 slots is a rather large sum to ration to a single mod.
Besides, a heavy turret is big, and must go on a pretty darn big vehicle (14 BOD). Makes sense to me that you can put it inside (giggity?).
May 27 2011, 03:05 AM
If I was going to build a custom drone or vehicle.
How would I show what sensors it has?
What's the format for it?
i.e. how would I show that it has a camera, mic, range finder etc within the custom_vehicles file?
Oh and how would I put things within the camera and mic? ie accessories for both of those.
How would I decrease the mod slots available?
I just want to have something pre-built and don't want to have to redo it at a later date.
May 27 2011, 03:19 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ May 26 2011, 10:05 PM)

If I was going to build a custom drone or vehicle.
How would I show what sensors it has?
What's the format for it?
i.e. how would I show that it has a camera, mic, range finder etc within the custom_vehicles file?
Oh and how would I put things within the camera and mic? ie accessories for both of those.
How would I decrease the mod slots available?
I just want to have something pre-built and don't want to have to redo it at a later date.
At the moment, the only way to bundle Gear (Sensors, Cameras, etc.) with a Vehicle is to create a PACKS Kit for it since Vehicles don't currently come with Gear in the vehicles.xml file (and there's no logic to handle it). The PACKS Kit understands adding Gear to Vehicles though since it is designed to mash a bunch of stuff together from various sources.
To decrease the number of Slots you would use the addslots tag and give it a negative number, for example:
May 27 2011, 03:39 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 26 2011, 11:19 PM)

At the moment, the only way to bundle Gear (Sensors, Cameras, etc.) with a Vehicle is to create a PACKS Kit for it since Vehicles don't currently come with Gear in the vehicles.xml file (and there's no logic to handle it). The PACKS Kit understands adding Gear to Vehicles though since it is designed to mash a bunch of stuff together from various sources.
To decrease the number of Slots you would use the addslots tag and give it a negative number, for example:
Camera and microphone are missing from the Sensor List for Drones/Vehicles.
After playing around with making a custom file for gear to include them I see why. You would need to change capacity so that I can take up space as well as have space.
So something like <capacity>[1], Rating</capacity> or
unless you have something like this already done, but I don't see anything in the file to indicate that it's there.
May 27 2011, 04:14 AM
In addition to having the camera and microphone standard for vehicle/drone sensors, any chance the tree can be expanded upon to allow those sensors to have their various accessories as well? Would be rather silly if a Doberman drone can have a camera, but can't have low light and thermographic in it as well.
May 27 2011, 04:26 AM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ May 27 2011, 12:14 AM)

In addition to having the camera and microphone standard for vehicle/drone sensors, any chance the tree can be expanded upon to allow those sensors to have their various accessories as well? Would be rather silly if a Doberman drone can have a camera, but can't have low light and thermographic in it as well.
I would suggest putting the drone sensor package of the appropriate size default to each vehicle or drone, along with a camera as standard with what they have in AR on page 105 as the standard package for vehicles.
May 27 2011, 04:52 AM
Found one! The Thunderstruck gauss rifle from Arsenal is actually half-4 AP. I think Glyph was the one that pointed this errata out to me. Maybe you'll find some other helful updates here.
May 27 2011, 05:03 AM
Also, you left eh Aztechnology gauss cannon from AR 123 in the assault cannon section instead of the vehicle weapons section. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
May 27 2011, 05:38 AM
Maybe its time to consider adding vehicles as its own creation like Character and Critters you could have a vehicle creation section and have all the tools to custom build a vehicle from the ground up. Once saved, make it so the character can link to the saved custom vehicle file and pull the cost of the vehicle from the characters money (resources). Also have a separate vehicle character sheet that shows the damage track for the vehicle unless that has been added already and I just haven't seen it. It would be a nice way to build a custom vehicle from scratch or create a standard modification of an existing vehicle for a campaign.
May 27 2011, 05:42 AM
Just had a thought, you could use the following for Capacity: <capacity uses="1" available="Rating"/>
I think that would probably be cleaner.
May 27 2011, 06:02 AM
Adding weapons to weapon mounts (thanks for that btw) doesn't affect nuyen. I just added a sniper rifle to my Steel Lynx's mount for free.
May 27 2011, 06:21 AM
There are two entries for Empathy Software in the gear.xml file. One is in the Vision Enhancements category and the other is in the Sensors category.
I was thinking it was supposed to be some other item but the name got changed, but that does not appear to be the case.
Biomonitor should also be an armour mod.
May 27 2011, 06:21 AM
QUOTE (longbowrocks @ May 27 2011, 12:02 AM)

Adding weapons to weapon mounts (thanks for that btw) doesn't affect nuyen. I just added a sniper rifle to my Steel Lynx's mount for free.

Yup. Did notice that the weapon cost is deducted if the weapon mount is added to a vehicle/drone as a mod (tested on a motorcycle), so that all works properly. Also found that weapon accessories and mods added to a weapon that's mounted on a standard equipment weapon mount (like what the Steel Lynx comes with) are all also free.
Added: Forgot to post the original bug I came across when I came in here. The selected stream for a TM isn't getting saved. The box comes up blank when the character is reloaded. Also, Biofeedback Filter shouldn't be a selectable Complex Form. Biofeedback Filter is an automatic Complex Form from the living persona, fixed at either the Charisma or Resonance attribute (whichever is lower).
May 27 2011, 06:36 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ May 26 2011, 10:21 PM)

There are two entries for Empathy Software in the gear.xml file. One is in the Vision Enhancements category and the other is in the Sensors category.
I was thinking it was supposed to be some other item but the name got changed, but that does not appear to be the case.
It's because it's sensor software, and thus can go on vehicular sensors, but you can also put it in a trideo camera as a vision upgrade.
May 27 2011, 06:56 AM
QUOTE (longbowrocks @ May 27 2011, 02:36 AM)

It's because it's sensor software, and thus can go on vehicular sensors, but you can also put it in a trideo camera as a vision upgrade.
Okay, I never noticed that it was a video mod. I've always had it sitting on my comlink and feeding it a vid feed.
Well the entry for sensors did not get it's cost updated.
Might want to change it so items can be in multiple categories. That way you don't have multiple copies of the same thing.
I've also noticed that spending nuyen also gives the String date/time error.
The Knowledge skills bottom area is not locked to the bottom of the parent window. So when I move the bottom of the parent window the knowledge skill grid doesn't move with it..
This only happens in career mode. The character creation mode works fine.
May 27 2011, 07:00 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ May 26 2011, 10:56 PM)

Okay, I never noticed that it was a video mod. I've always had it sitting on my comlink and feeding it a vid feed.
Don't worry about it. I figure you can put it anywhere you want as a style choice since the requirements aren't very restrictive.
May 27 2011, 07:07 AM
Sorry to be compounding things, but I just keep coming back here to mention stuff I come across right away.
Found a few issues with Echos. One is that there's no apparent limit on how many can be selected during character creation once the first grade submersion is done (unsure if "Ignore Creation Rules" has anything to do with this). It's an optional rule outlined in Unwired, page 145, where a TM can learn additional echos limited to Resonance + Submersion grade and at 15 karma each. Also found the IPs earned from Overclocking and Advanced Overclocking didn't get deducted when the echos were removed.
And had been thinking some things that might help in expanding Chummer for echos/metamagic and submersion/initiation. In the current area where echos/metamagics are listed, start off with two fixed entries (like how spells for magicians starts out with five), one for counting what's learned with each submersion/initiation, and the other to count and track the additional echos/metamagics learned outside of submersion/initiation. That way they can be counted to keep track of the limit and count karma for them.
For tracking submersion/initiation itself so they could be discounted for meshes/groups and tasks/ordeals, I was thinking something similar to what's set up for skills. Each one gets numbered individually by rank and there's a dropdown each for meshes/groups and tasks/ordeals. That way each individual submersion/initiation can be accounted for on its own for the discounts.
May 27 2011, 07:08 AM
Agents, IC and Pilot programs cannot be Complex Forms. I'm thinking that Autosofts can't be either since they are related to Agents, IC and Pilot programs.
Linguasofts is missing from Skillsofts. Everything else listed looks good.
Adding Complext Forms is not costing Karma in career mode.
May 27 2011, 07:20 AM
Sheesh, made me think of another as well.
Regarding the skillsofts/linguasofts, they should only be available if the TM has the Biowire echo, and their rating limited to the TM's submersion grade (or the program rating, whichever's lower).
Dakka Dakka
May 27 2011, 07:29 AM
As of SR4A the cost for Improved Reflexes is:
I 1.5
II 2.5
III 4.5
May 27 2011, 12:44 PM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ May 27 2011, 12:29 AM)

As of SR4A the cost for Improved Reflexes is:
I 1.5
II 2.5
III 4.5
However, Runner's Toolkit (PDF) has a new table that changed it to 2, 3, 5 for those abilities. Neblar has decided to wait for an official errata to the costs listed in Runner's Toolkit before changing it back. If you want the other cost, you can go over to the "Custom Chummer Data Thread" that I started and grab my Custom_Books.xml and Custom_Powers.xml file that will give you an "Unofficial Errata" book you can turn on and off in the options and then you can chose these powers instead with the costs that are in the SR4A book (UE stands for Unofficial Errata).
UE Improved Reflexes I
UE Improved Reflexes II
UE Improved Reflexes III
May 27 2011, 02:35 PM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ May 26 2011, 11:29 PM)

As of SR4A the cost for Improved Reflexes is:
I 1.5
II 2.5
III 4.5
What improved reflexes are you talking about?
My pre errata copy of SR4A says 4 for level 3 adept improved reflexes.
The online errata document also lists it as 4.
May 27 2011, 02:40 PM
QUOTE (longbowrocks @ May 27 2011, 09:35 AM)

What improved reflexes are you talking about?
My pre errata copy of SR4A says 4 for level 3 adept improved reflexes.
The online errata document also lists it as 4.
The Runner's Toolkit Compiled Tables booklet lists the costs as 2, 3, and 5 which puts them on par with the Essence cost of their equivalent of Wired Reflexes.
HOWEVER...Adepts rejoice! I just got clarification from Jason Hardy (the Shadowrun product line developer): the ones listed in SR4A are correct and the Runner's Toolkit values are indeed a misprint. I will be correcting this this weekend and putting the costs back to their correct value.
May 27 2011, 02:41 PM
QUOTE (longbowrocks @ May 27 2011, 10:35 AM)

What improved reflexes are you talking about?
My pre errata copy of SR4A says 4 for level 3 adept improved reflexes.
The online errata document also lists it as 4.
The copy of SR4A that I have has them listed as:
I 1.5
II 2.5
III 4.5
Edit: I take it back, my copy of SR4A has 4 for level 3, not 4.5 level 1 and 2 are correct for my copy.
Where is the errata for SR4A?
May 27 2011, 02:50 PM
May 27 2011, 02:50 PM
I haten't checked my phsical copy yet, but Rating 3 is listed as 4 in the PDF (but the PDF also lists a flechette weapon as AP +2 instead of AP +5).
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