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Full Version: I love this city!
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A couple of days ago, I was walking a dog down through the Distillery District in Toronto, old distilleries turned into touristy stuff, and wandered through the filming of an episode of Warehouse 13. I don't watch that TV series, but apparently there is some time travel involved, and the set was 1800s with horse carriages. The dog had never seen horses before. Interesting interactions.

I stopped to talk to a guy taking a smoke break. I thought he was part of the crew, but it turns out he works for Bedlam Games which has its offices in the Distillery District. It seems they are about to release a Dungeons and Dragons video game. I had places to go, but I wish I had questioned him more. Info on their website looks to be about a year out of date, and makes no mention of that title.

Walk a dog, go back in time, hop back into high-tech play. And I live a fifteen minute walk from the drinking establishment with the largest scotch list in North America.

What a city.
Warehouse 13 is a great show, I high suggest it. There's a few time travel bits, and H.G. Wells showing up in person.

Winnipeg is the same. My own house is over a century old, as was the building that I had my last job in (An old bank that now houses a group of government offices.). There's lots of century+ buildings in the Legislature Area, and the Exchange District (Some of which are still being used for the same purposes today as they were back then.).

Things like these are some of the reasons that "Hollywood" loves to use Canada for film locations. Toronto and Vancouver get the big name stuff, but Winnipeg and Montreal get a fair bit as well.
Wounded Ronin
Well, I've always had fun in Canada.
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