May 9 2011, 06:51 PM
I just moved to Herndon, VA and was wondering if there was anyone in the general area playing. I used to run a game back in Utah a while ago and am looking for one out here.
May 11 2011, 12:01 AM
I had been hosting a game in College Park, but we stopped because due to half the players forming other commitments, like part time weekend work, etc. One more player would put us back in playing shape, though I know it would be a bit of a drive for you.
Anyhow, my remaining players would like to wrap up Ghost Cartels since we stopped at the story's climax. I can easily hand you an NPC sheet to let you help them wrap it up, then when the run is done we can bring your character in.
I've been using a Facebook group to keep things together (event scheduling, house rules, rule discussions, etc). If you're interested in joining send me a message and I'll link you the group so you can look it over.
May 11 2011, 03:27 PM
Too bad you folks aren't a bit closer, I'd be interested. I'm just north of Baltimore, and sadly, driving over an hour for a game wouldn't work for me.
May 12 2011, 05:33 PM
I am moving down to Fairfax, VA over the next several weeks and would be interested in joining up. College Park? No sweat! I'll be moving in early June (second weekend) and will immediately start game hunting.
May 13 2011, 01:16 AM
I'll send you a link to the group page then.
May 13 2011, 05:04 AM
Hey tagz, thanks for the reply and the link. Looks good. I've been skimming through the link over the past few hours. Again, thanks.
May 13 2011, 10:08 PM
I'm in Rockville/Bethesda and would love to get in a game....unfortunately my time is a bit limited so it depends on when everyone plays and how often....??
May 13 2011, 11:46 PM
Our game tries to met once a week on Saturdays, long sessions. Course, this don't always happen and we're pretty casual. We won't get upset about scheduling stuff unless someone repeatably says they'll be somewhere/sometime and then doesn't show. If you can't be there, just say so, we understand life's busy. If something comes up, call and let people know as soon as you can and not last minute. You know, simple curtsey we'll love ya.
Anyhow, we meet up at Maryland Campus. We have a player who attends there so we won't get kicked out, and the student union building has comfy chairs and tables, a food court, and convenience store - all inside it. Also the public location means we don't have to rely on one or two people to always show up so we have a location to play at.
Aug 3 2011, 11:51 PM
I don't know if everyone here has something going or not, but I've got myself and another player (pretty new to table-top RPGs) who would love to find a weekly/bi-weekly SR4 game to join.
She's in DC, I'm out in Ashburn, so all the locations you guys mention would be good for us.
I've got a (rather large) library of RPG books, and most of the published SR4 material. I've run it a couple times, and played in a pretty steady Missions group (Denver). I'd be up for Missions again, or a home game. Anything, really!
Aug 10 2011, 01:26 AM
Taking a moment to throw my hat into the ring. My wife and I just moved to Fairfax right before Gencon, and the hunt for a place to get my Shadowrun on is in full swing.
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